Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Silver Spoons


Disney's Princess
Sorry. Strange thing to hear from a guy she'd only just met. Wonder what he was sorry about.

She turned and raised an eyebrow. Swirling her glass tonic, Sam made no effort to reply. Clearly she wanted to hear more before speaking.

[member="Antares Windu"]
"I only spoke in jest, I didn't mean to offend you." He continued when he noticed that she didn't plan on replying to him until he was done. "I had thought I was being...Amusing." He frowned. "Obviously I wasn't."

It was odd apologizing to someone.

"I had only wanted you to like me."

He felt like a schoolboy.

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
Fascinating. His honesty took her by surprise. Though, she didn't show it.

"Fair enough. Forgiven and forgotten."

She shook her head and leaned her back against the counter. This wasn't how she liked to blow off steam. But it was certainly something. Her eyes drifted through the crowd and she suddenly remembered that she was hungry.

[member="Antares Windu"]
"Are you hungry?' He asked with a tilt to his head and he wondered if her answer was going to be a no. He wasn't really hungry himself, but he might as well ask her first.

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
She turned around and pushed her appetizer aside.

"Maybe. Hard to think of anything to eat though."

Sam looked over the items behind the bar. Wondering if she needed a stiffer drink. It was funny really. Antares was still here. Anybody else would have taken the opportunity to cut loose and leave. Take the evening back into their own hands and make something of it. But there he was. Asking her if she was hungry.

Heh. Yep. Men couldn't take a hint. It was cute, sorta. Like rubbing alcohol on a wound was cute. It was good for ya. Sure. But it stung enough to made you wonder why you were doing it.

"So what do you do for fun Mr. Windu? How does a Form II practitioner let off the weekend steam, hm?"

[member="Antares Windu"]
"I watch holo-films. All sorts." He said with a shrug. Some of them were funny, some of them were action-oriented.

Sometimes both.

It was good to laugh sometimes he guessed, he didn't have to be uptight all day right?

"Are there any holo-films that interest you?"
[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
She nodded thoughtfully,

"Used to be. Haven't seen a flick in months. Never seem to have the time anymore."

Sam pursed her lips and shrugged. Movies seemed so passive. It had been forever since she'd done anything like just sit down and relax. Maybe a vacation was in order. That sounded really great right about now. Oh yeah. A beach somewhere under a white sun. Perfection.

She smiled and turned towards the restaurant.

"I'm getting hammered just sitting her drinking. Want to get something to eat? I'm gonna grab a booth."

[member="Antares Windu"]
Antares started to wonder why he was there, he had a few doubts about Sam Jhovna actually 'enjoying' his company, but he would stay if he could.

He wasn't going to be driven away.

"Let's." He said in reply and he made his attempts at guiding her along to a booth.

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
Sam took a seat and grabbed a menu. The place was buzzing and she could barely see the vid monitors through the waitresses. There was a game on the screen but she couldn't make it out. Sighing, she grabbed a menu and began to shuffle through the pages.

"Oh man. It's a new menu already. When Amber and I came last week, it was totally different. Must have fired the chef or something."

She browsed for a moment but couldn't make up her mind. As she was reading a waitress came by to get their drink order,

"...Oh no. I'm fine. I'll just take a water. One drink is enough for now."

Sam motioned for Windu to order. She was still looking.

[member="Antares Windu"]
"Could be a bit of variety, maybe." He suggested to her first statement. He didn't really know, she was probably right though. Poor chef.

"Ramorean capanata." He said when he looked through the menu. It looked interesting, something he had never heard of.

It showed that he never heard of it when he tried to pronounce it. Kind of embarassing, he bet he looked the fool in front of Sam.

"And a water." He added.

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
Sam took another moment before ordering a raspberry walnut salad and a bowl of kona soup. Though she doubted she'd eat it all.

"Sounds adventurous? What you ordered, I mean. I'll bet you're a sushi fan too eh?"

She smirked. Sam was secretly a sushi fan too. Though she had never had anything with icefish before.

[member="Antares Windu"]
He listened to what she ordered and he gave the briefest smile to the waiter before looking back to Sam Jhovna. "I've never had sushi. Nor have I ever heard of what I ordered." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Adventurous indeed." He repeated with a confirming tone.

"Do you enjoy sushi?"

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
She nodded,

"Heck yeah. If it wasn't so expensive I'd order three rolls for dinner every night. Especially the spicy ones. Mm. Now that is some good stuff, let me tell you. If I wasn't on a diet I'd eat the fried ones too. Better then tempura, I'd say."

Sam leaned back in her seat and stretched out her arms to relax. She kinda wondered what had happened with her friend earlier today. It was strange she never showed before Sam could leave. Maybe she should call or text her just to check.

[member="Antares Windu"]
"I bet they are." He said with a smile on his face. It amused him at how excited she seemed just from talking about sushi.

Well, she must have really liked sushi. Who was he to judge?

"You had come here with your friend Amber, last week right? Who were you going with tonight, and what happened to her?" He asked while they waited for their food. He didn't want to be treading on anyone's feet here, especially if it wasn't his business...But he was curious.

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
"Oh. I hadn't planned on meeting anyone here tonight. Sometimes I just like to drop by and grab a drink at the bar. Dance with a few hotties and maybe take somebody home for the evening. If it doesn't work out, then I know a yoga studio nearby that does night classes. Helps with the stress and does wonders for the soul."

She smiled and slapped her thighs underneath the table. Flexibility was a gift from the yoga gods. She wore the Lulu like a fine Lemon salsa. If you know what I mean...

"Terra borrowed a book from me two days ago and hasn't returned it yet. Truth is, I haven't heard from her since then either. I just hope she didn't up and run on back to Ryloth without telling me. That book was paperback and cost me a few hundred credits. Darn thing practically predated the Plague. I sure hope she gets back to me soon."

[member="Antares Windu"]
"Like..." He was about to mention that zeltron from earlier, but he decided to say nothing. It was probably better that way, he didn't want to get her mad again. "Yeah." He just finished in a way that showed it was quite obvious that it'd be better ot not continue.

Antares wondered if it was characteristic of women to speak about their friends as if everyone knew who it was, or if it was just easier to speak about that person as if people did know them so they wouldn't have to explain who they were.

"I'm sure she'll get it back to you within no time." He said with a bright smile. "What was the name of the book that Terra...Borrowed from you?"

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
Sam waved away the thought,

"It was called Doors to Infinity. It was a family book so I have no idea what it is about. It's just expensive. That's all."

Jedi didn't care much about money what with all the Senate grants and private donations. The Jedi Service Corps did their job well too and brought in a tidy sum of profits each year. But Sam still kept her families wealth close to her in the case of an emergency. Carn said that Jedi members had to surrender all their wealth upon joining. He didn't say anything about surrendering it all to secret bank accounts in the name of your sister. Hehe. Silly Grandmaster.

"Seriously. That book could pay for a whole summer's worth of taxi rides. Or at least a good concert ticket."

[member="Antares Windu"]
"Okay." He wasn't going to get into the business of asking her why she would loan a family book to a friend and then let her run off with it.


He would never understand.

"A lot of people could use that." He said with a shrug of his shoulders as he glanced around with a quick glance around the place.

"What is your favourite style...Of dance?"

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
She blinked,

"My what? Favorite style of dance. I don't know. The fun kind mostly?"

Sam shrugged but really did take another moment to think about it. Hmm. Tango maybe?

"...Yeah. Whatever is good with me. It's not like I'm pro or something. Depends on who I'm with really."

She nodded. There were a ton of memories to sort through. It was a tough question.

[member="Antares Windu"]
At least she hadn't gotten mad. Mentally, he shrugged in relief.

"I see." He said slowly. "So if there was a slow song you would dance to it? Or even a fast one?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

[member="Sam Jhovna"]

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