Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To create new magic banner and flag to the Ashlan Crusade.
  • Image Source: For Honour | Knight 1 | Knight 2 | Picture modifications, Headers, divider: me
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Each banner and flag is individually made, carved and embroidered, as are the runes.
  • Due to the nature of the runes, they can only be activated by a Force User, which can greatly reduce the number of users, especially in a combat situation. This is because a short concentration is needed and the Force must be flowed into the rune to activate it (a process of about three to five seconds); Force Binding and Force Push are exceptions to this, as they have immediate effect. For all others, the effect lasts for about ten minutes.
  • Each flag and banner contains a rune, which comes from the following abilities. NB: Each flag and rune has only one ability, so make a note of what it is in the equipment list in advance.
    • Force Light: The area around the blade begins to glow in Force Light, with minimal concentration, all of which is just tiny light that works in close proximity, it can cover a circle / sphere with a radius of up to fifty, seventy five metres. The farther the light is from the centre, the weaker it is, so it may not even hurt the Darkside Force users at the edge of range.
    • Protection Bubble: The rune is able to create a defensive field around the banner or flag and its immediate surroundings, with which it can defend against physical and Force attacks. It is especially good against weaker and medium-sized attacks, it can withstand some or a few of these stronger ones before the shield crashes.
    • Force Barrier: This is a larger area of defence, able to create a defence field around the object or in a larger area, with which it can defend against physical and Force attacks. Similar to the previous ones, but it can withstand a lot of small and medium attacks, three or four of the more powerful ones. And the shield cannot be moved, it remains where it was created.
    • Battle Meditation: The effects of Force ability are the same as in the traditional case, it also acts at a distance of about fifty to seventy-five metres, increase the morale, stamina, and overall battle prowess of an individual's allies while in the same time it is able to reducing the opposition's combat-effectiveness by decreased their will to fight.
    • Revitalize: This ability is able to revitalise those who are tired, exhausted, wounded or unconscious. The range here is also fifty to seventy-five metres.
    • Force Harmony: The effects are the same as normal, protecting others from the Dark Side effect and attack by embracing them with Light Side; or being able to separate - for a short time - and try to cleanse the Dark Side Force users from Dark Side. NB: For PCs / NPCs this requires the consent of the user.
    • Force Bliding: One of the instant abilities. A moment Force channelling is enough, a strong light emanates from the banner or flag, which can blind anyone who is nearby and watching them. Of course, against opponents in helmets is probably ineffective, but against other attackers, like a defensive trick is not bad.
    • Force Push: The other instant ability. A moment Force channelling is enough here too, it has a usual telekinetic effect, to do this the user has to hit the flagpole or banner-pole to the ground, to concentrate on this effect, in this case a strong Force Push effect created can push those are in nearby (around in a circle / sphere with a radius of about ten metres). The effect is naturally weakened out of the centre, i.e. the farther the effect is from the centre, the weaker it is.
  • In this case, the runes are symbols of the Ashlan Crusade, but it is likely that each Knightly Order will use its own symbol on flags and banners. It already depends entirely on the individual or the Knightly order. The effects remain the same.

  • Force Alchemy: During the making, the members of the Valkyrja and Children of Ashla alchemised the wood and the fabric with Force, thanks to which the flags and banners became even more resistant.
  • Sacred Help: Each banner and flag have a special runes, thanks to which it is empowered with Force ability, which can be activated with Force, after which these abilities have larger area of effect, which helps the fighting crusaders.
  • Knightly: In appearance and workmanship, they fit perfectly into a knight or crusader. And it fits in perfectly with the perception that Ashlan Crusade represents. They are the crusaders of the Galaxy and Ashla herself.
  • Various: There are a little over half a dozen different varieties out of these, so everyone can choose the one that best suits them.

  • For One Use: Each banner and flag can only be used once and is then drained. If someone is able to use and create the Valkyrja runes, they can put another rune on it so it can be used later, but it will take a long time. So in battle, in a combat situation, they can only be used once, after which another rune needs to be placed on them.
  • Flag or Banner: These are just simple objects, though the flags and flagpoles are also imbued with alchemy, but that doesn't give them any inviolability. The wood can be broken, the fabric can be torn, ignited, it can be destroyed in countless ways. They will not be able to defend themselves. In the event of injury or the like, the effect of the runes ceases.
  • Force Alchemy: Due to Force Alchemy every banner and flag can always be felt in the Force (light alignment) unless they hide them.
  • Force Nullification: In a place where there is no Force, the flags/banners lose all of their advantages, no ability can be used. In a place where the Force is weaker, the benefits are also weaker than in the original state.

Another gift from Netherworld to members of Ashlan Crusade. A famous Crusade fighting darkness needs the right flags and banners. Ashlan Crusade used things like that anyway, but they used to only serve aesthetic purposes in the military. The Valkyrja and the Children of Ashla thought the habit could be much more than that. That’s why they came up with the idea for the Sacred Standards of Ashla.

Each flag and banner were made entirely by hand, by craftsmen, woodcarvers and weavers of the two species, and by the best sorcerers and alchemists. They worked with the best raw materials and made the most beautiful patterns and flags possible. Everything has become the best in terms of aesthetics of the Ashlan Crusade. When the various banners and flags were completed, the symbols were placed on the finished objects; and the symbols are the different Force abilities.

Each of the runes contains one Force ability, so each banner / flag only contains one ability at a time. After use, the runes are depleted and need to be refilled or replaced again. However, you will also need to be proficient in alchemy and sorcery to do this, so a Valkyrja or a Children of Ashla member will probably be able to do this. However, the duration of the standards is not a moment, so it can be very useful on the battlefield during battles, especially against the Bogan.

All standards are individually alchemised, making them more durable, but with no extra features. In an area where there is no Force, standards cannot be used, but this is always the case for "magic items".

Overall, the Ashlan Crusade has been given an accessory in the fight against Bogan that fits them perfectly and reflects Ashla’s light, will and judgement over Bogan and his followers.

Not least, the banners and flags are also available to individual buyers through the HPI Consortium's marketplace.

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