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Approved Location Roy's Hideout

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Don Cagliostro


  • Structure Name: Roy's Workshop
  • Classification: Personal Workshop/Storage
  • Location: Golbah City
  • Affiliation: Roy
  • Accessibility: It's not difficult to get to, it's just pretty out of the way. Like you'd need to take some back roads to get to the establishment. Helping since it's not something that's open to the public.
  • Description: Roy's workshop from a glance kinda just looks like a large garage of some kind with a place for him to park his ship. With several industrial storage like rooms with a added workshop and office.
Dock - A dock outside big enough to keep one light freighter and starfigher sized ship
Storage Rooms - There about three separate storage rooms that make up the majority of the property.
Workshop - This is where Roy is able to take his skills in mechanics both minor and more advanced projection can be conducted here.
Office - Here's where Roy manages and can take a more administrative role over the property.

There's no real security, the most there is are locks for doors and Security Cameras, and a cam droid.

Situated in an out of the way part of town in the Sprawl of Golbah City, Roy's workshop is little more then a small base of operations for his personal missions. Often Acting as little more then a place for him the store all the surplus weapons he acquires from being a gunrunner. More often then not he can completely fill the storage rooms with various blasters from all over the galaxy. Under his command Roy has employed almost a handful of beings to help him out in his workshop. Including but are not limited to, a single Geonosian worker, a loadlifter droid, cam droid for additional security, and a single Gonk droid.

Originally the establishment was constructed from a small time swoop bike racer that needed a place to store all of their vehicles. Until it was bought by Roy and turned it from a place for vehicles and instead a place to store all his illicit arms. The main reason Roy choose a place out in the capital of the confederacy instead of somewhere more close to home with his clan was because he wants to keep his clan dis-involved with his vigilante activities. Wanting to keep them out of harms way.
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