Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Rebel Rhythms


@ Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

Braze and Makko, moving closer to the location where the strange had been spotted, felt the strange effects intensifying. The air seemed to thicken with an otherworldly energy, making each step feel heavier, more significant.

Braze's mind was a whirlwind of questions. Who was this being? What did their presence signify? In a moment of curiosity mixed with recklessness, he reached out with the Force, attempting to perceive the creature's path. The sensation was overwhelming, like staring into a blinding light after being in darkness. Dazed, he instinctively reached out, grasping Makko's arm for stability.

As they neared the spot where the Celestella had been seen, a glimpse of the creature was caught. Perched across a wide gap on the other side of the alley, sitting atop a duracrete wall, the Celestella's presence was mesmerizing. Its form seemed to shimmer and shift, as if made of stardust and moonlight. The being's gaze was fixed intently on Makko and Braze, its eyes reflecting an ancient, knowing wisdom.

Suddenly, the Celestella stood, and its wings unfurled majestically. The wings were like a canvas of the night sky, dotted with twinkling stars and nebulae, a breathtaking spectacle that seemed to bridge the gap between the physical world and the cosmos. The creature's visage was hazy, as if it existed simultaneously in multiple realms, its form never entirely in focus.

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"You're alright kid," Makko said to Braze when his arm was grasped.

He wasn't certain that they were, but it felt like the right thing to say.

As the being spread its wings, Makko felt instinctively protective and took a step ahead of Braze. He leaned away from it, eyes widening.

Just holding his thoughts together was an exercise. In a way it made it easier not to turn and run from the majestic sight.

"What the feth are you?" Makko hissed under his breath.

The Celestella, perched gracefully atop the duracrete wall, observed Makko and Braze with a steady gaze. Its wings, shimmering like the night sky, fluttered slightly as it tilted its head, considering the question posed by Makko. Its presence alone seemed to warp the very fabric of reality around it.

In response to Makko's hissed question, the Celestella's voice resonated in the air, a melodic sound that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. "I am a watcher of worlds, a guardian of the veil between realities; I am Celestella, a guardian of cosmic balance," it spoke, its voice carrying a hint of amusement and curiosity. "Your presence here, touched by the Great Wheel, intrigues me."

The Celestella's gaze shifted between Makko and Braze, its interest apparent. "You wield a power ancient and deep, yet you stand on the threshold of understanding its true nature. I sense your struggles, your questions, and your potential. I have watched many, but few possess your unique attunement," the Cellestella continued, its gaze shifting between Makko and Braze. "You carry within you the potential for great change. But the path of the Cosmic Balance is complex, filled with shadows and light."

It moved with a grace that defied the laws of physics, its form blurring at the edges as if it was not entirely bound to the physical realm. "Do not fear me, for I am not your enemy. Rather, I am a seeker of knowledge, much like yourselves. The cosmic connection flows through you in unique ways, and it is this connection that has drawn me to you."

The Celestella's presence was overwhelming, yet there was a gentleness in its approach, a recognition of the fragile nature of the minds it was addressing. "What do you seek, children of the Great Force? What answers do you yearn for in the depths of your souls?"

Braze shook his head and rubbed at his eyes. " What did he say?" He asked Makko.

Makko narrowed his eyes. His head hurt. It was like having a wire at each temple, stretching the voltage across his brain.

" What did he say?"

"He didn't speak to you?" Makko asked. "He said...he said a fuckin' lot."

In a daze and - if he was honest with himself - a slight panic Makko was reverting to old patterns of speech and crude language.

If Braze wasn't aware of the being, he would have gone and checked into a hospital. Not because he feared a mental breakdown, but in case someone had spiked his drink.

His implants were capable of some self regulation. He had them scan his blood for foreign substances whilst he tried to form an answer whilst thinking through a thick treacle.

"Well, mostly I was just after a dance..." Makko muttered under his breath. If the celestella was impatient with him, it did not show in any way Makko could read.

He looked at Braze and then back at the mystical being. It was remarkably easy for the question to form in the end.

"Why me?"

Everyone else at the order seemed special in some way. Why did some abandoned street kid end up with the ability to attune to the Force.

If Braze was following he would have learned far too much about Makko in those two words. How he could be how own self-doubting worst enemy.

Braze gazed at the Celestella, his youthful eyes wide with awe. He turned to Makko, his voice carrying a blend of teenage earnestness and resolve. "I heard him," Braze said with a hint of plucky attitude. "But it's confusing and weird..."

The Celestella, acknowledging Braze's youthful perspective, nodded gently. Its voice, both ancient and comforting, filled the space around them.

"Young ones, the universe speaks in ways that are not always straightforward, especially to those who are just beginning to listen," the Celestella spoke. "You, are starting a journey that goes beyond mere strength. It's about understanding life itself, in all its complexity. This journey you're on, it's about figuring things out bit by bit. It's about seeing the bigger picture, how light and dark play together. It's your adventure, a path that's tied to everything in the universe."

As its wings gracefully retracted, the Celestella looked at them with a lingering gaze.. "Go forward with courage. Your questions, your curiosity, they're what will lead you through. Remember, you're a part of something huge, something amazing. You matter, a lot."

As Braze and Makko stood before the Celestella, the majestic creature paused, its eyes seeming to peer into a realm beyond their understanding. In a voice that resonated with the wisdom of ages, the Celestella spoke in a cryptic, rhyming verse, its words directed at Makko:

"In shadows deep, where secrets keep,
A path awaits, where fate entwines.
Young seeker bold, with heart of gold,
Your destiny in stars aligns.

Through trials faced, and darkness chased,
A light within shall guide your way.
In echoes old, the truth unfolds,
As night gives rise to breaking day."

With these strange words hanging in the air, the Celestella unfurled its magnificent wings once more. The wings caught the light, shimmering with a spectrum of colors that seemed to dance and play around them.

Then, with a powerful beat of its wings, the Celestella lifted into the air. It soared upwards, ascending into the sky, its form gradually becoming a part of the diamond-strewn sky above. As it flew away, its presence left a lingering sense of wonder and a hint of destiny yet to be unraveled. Their senses slowly came back to them and Braze Frowned looking to Makko.. " What the hell did any of that mean?"
"What the hell did any of that mean?"

Makko was still reeling from what had just happened. He stayed quiet for a few seconds, looking at the space that the angelic being had occupied.

He felt the Force move around them. It was like water rushing into fill the space that something vast had occupied.

"I don't know," Makko admitted. "Maybe we're not supposed to."

He took a moment, finally feeling the best of the music again. He was still in an industrial styled dance club. The slight stale smell of sweat and spilled drinks. An entirely normal world around him.

"Do you think it was trying to tell us something specific? 'In shadows deep' and all that? Or just like...a pep talk from a..."

Braze shook his head, a gesture of confusion and uncertainty, as he rubbed at his eyes. "I'm not sure what to make of it. Maybe it was trying to warn us or communicate something important. But I just can't decipher its cryptic, riddle-like language," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration.

"It was kind of creepy, though,"
Braze continued, reflecting on the encounter. "It seemed like it said it was watching us or something along those lines." His tone conveyed a sense of unease, the idea of being observed by an unknown entity unsettling to him.

Braze paused for a moment, considering the implications of their experience. "Do you think this is something we should share with others, or is it better to keep quiet about it?" he asked, seeking guidance.


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