Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The galaxy is a large abyss of souls, each soul with ambitions, hopes, dreams, and fears. As you inspect each one you find that each soul has a reason to live, some are for reasons of sentiment, vengeance, or for another; however, others live to live, they have no hopeful purpose that keeps them alive they survive to survive.

Ismael finds himself in a bar, he ordered a drink yet he has no intention of drinking, he wished to find some comfort in the noise of the people, he sighed as he began to contemplate why he even decided to leave his home planet. He had a life there, he knew what was there for him: Stability, familiarity, and hope of a calm future. Yet he chose to leave, he chose a life of travel, danger, and strangeness. He isn't cut out to be a bounty hunter, he can't see himself being as insidious as the Sith or as righteously driven as the Jedi, he doesn't see himself to be of any good at anything other than doing the very little he knows to do.

Ismael's eyes focuses on his drink as it reflects an image of himself, his body slumps a little as he rests back and takes in the surroundings again. He doesn't even remember what planet he's on, his travels takes him to new systems, and after a long enough time he begins to forget where he's been or where he wants to go. His eyes move from left to right taking in the room and seeing if he can find...anything. Anything that can solve his troubled times, once his scan is done he focuses on his glass once more hoping he could find an answer in the intoxicating liquid.
A bar, how quaint. Mason shook his head as he stepped into the seedy place. It didn't matter how nice the bar looked, every bar had secrets and dirty dealings. Of course that's not why Mason was there, he was simply wandering and he felt drawn to the place. With each step, his brown Jedi robes fluttered gently. The teen's lightsaber sat snuggly on his belt as he made his way towards the bar.

As he reached the counter he sat at one of the stools. Pulling off his hood as the bartender made his way to him. Mason smiled and the bartender grunted. "A water please." Mason said with a small wave of his hand. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed an older male staring into his drink. Mason closed his eyes and took a breath. He sensed uncertainty... anxiousness perhaps. Mason knew that feeling all too well. He kept quiet as the bartender brought Mason's water. The teen mumbled a quick 'thank you' before returning to watch [member="Ismael Skhaos"] out of the corner of his eye.
Bar's, cantinas, watering holes, the names went on, personally Crimson could not understand why their were so many names referring to the same place, was it a customs thing, language, she didn't know. Despite this one thing was always true, it was a place to unwind, pick up contract, secrets and many other thing, though this visit was just a stop, non stop traveling tended to do that. entering the bar her mercenary imaged looked fairly in place among the bar, even if it was a better looking then most.

It seemed though that other did not blend in as well, even if her knowledge of the Jedi was somewhat skewed, the man in robes seemed to be one, which was even more strange, did Jedi usually spend times in bar, or was he on an assignment. For the time being hiding her force signature to avoid contact and a possible fight seemed like the best idea. Walking over to the bar another caught her eye, they seemed figerty unsure of themselves and.. force sensitive? or not, it was hard to tell sometimes, perhaps it could make for an interesting conversation later.

Sitting at the bar on the other side of [member="Ismael Skhaos"] she too ordered a drink, nothing too strong as to not dull the scenes, it looked as though the Jedi had spotted the man in question as well, 'this should be interesting'.

Darth Ronan

"If ever a face meant death, if looks could kill,
A certain sith roamed the street's dragging his boot's across the durasteel floor of this planet, Ronan looked around drearily at the LED Cantina sign, Ronan slowly lumbered over to the door of the Cantina, The door opened automatically, As soon as Ronan walked in you could feel the dark power radiating off of him, It was almost abnormal on how much Force power Ronan had, Ronan felt the Light side inside the bar, He sighed not wanting to deal with it.

Ronan slowly sat next to [member="Mason"] he knew he was a Jedi, Ronan chuckled at the thought, A powerful sith like him sitting next to a pesky Jedi, Ronan had to restrain him self so much to not bring out his Saber and cut this Jedi to smithereens, "I'll have some Tihaar." A cold voice that belonged to Ronan said. Soon the Bartender had gotten him his Tihaar, The Sith slowly drank at his Tihaar looking at the counter keeping his head down.

Ronan didn't want to have to kill anyone tonight, If he did he'd kill everyone in this damn bar.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"][member="Mason"] [member="Ismael Skhaos"]
Ismael sat looking almost only at his drink slowly winding his finger around lip of the glass trying to not pay attention to presences come and go. Each with a more defined presence, some are faint while others are more dominantly radiant. His 'sixth sense' goes into over drive as he feels someone's eyes lock on to him then someone decides to sit next to him, just for a seat or for a chat, who knows? Yet Ismael feels strange as time passes.

Ismael feels a chill run down his spine as an overwhelming presence enters the bar, he tries to stay calm, not worrying of his circumstances but of the situation. He builds a story of he comes from an outer system and is travelling as a vacation for a while, he wants to take in the galaxy before settling down. Ismael sighs as he begins to stretch, he keeps a calm composure and a still mind hoping that this situation doesn't escalate from a casual drink to a brawl.

[member=Kurenai Yumi] [member=Mason] [member=Ronan Xilo]
Mason reached for his water and sipped it before placing it back on the bar. He sighed, being in bars like this was always so boring. The bubblegum chewing boy would have preferred to be at a nightclub or some rich dude's party, but Mason had been told to avoid that lifestyle for the time being. He chuckled softly, a bar wasn't much better.

Off the other side of [member="Ismael Skhaos"], another person sat, to Mason this person seemed out of place. Then again he was just as out of place if not more. Mason let out a small sigh now he had to keep his eye on two people.

He picked up his glass of water and as soon as he did he felt a dark presences enter the bar. A presence that was strong...heavy. He froze as each step of the man seemed to echo in the young teen's head.

The man did the exact thing Mason was hoping he wouldn't do, and that was sitting down next to him. The man ordered a drink and that was about it. Mason was clearly nervous, he internally beat himself up for not staying with his master and insisting they split up.

He glanced back to the other two for a second. Before bringing his gaze back to [member="Ronan Xilo"]. Mason brought down the glass, completely forgetting to drink it.

Who the hell did this guy thing he was...
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Darth Ronan

"If ever a face meant death, if looks could kill,
The Sith's face tightened to a smile something that wasn't seen in a millennium, He continued to drink at his Tihaar, the achohol glazed the back of his throat as he took a drink of it, It was warm and refreshing, a break from killing Jedi.

Ronan looked at [member="Mason"] seeing his discomfort made the Sith delightful, Ronan drank at the rest of his Tihaar, This time while this was happening, Ronan decided to go into the Young Jedi's mind, Using his Dark side power, He summoned enough force power to try to go around inside the Jedi's head.

The Jedi could either do two thing's, Put up Mental barrier's in his brain, but Ronan's mental attack's were too powerful for such a Young Jedi, Or, The Jedi could attack him head on making Ronan stop going around in the Sith's mind or doing his such Mental Attacks.

Ronan saw the boy looking at him, "Do you have something to say, Jedi Scum?" Ronan said his hilt already in his hand as he was sending powerful Mental Attack's to the Young Jedi.

[member="Ismael Skhaos"][member="Kurenai Yumi"]
While sipping the drink a piousness presence entered the bar, something dark and full of anger, hate. Kurenai did need to turn around to identify that the new person entering the bar was a Sith, the number of patrons who seemed out of place was growing, a Jedi and a Sith. This got more weird when the sat next to said Jedi, were they looking for a fight, or just enjoyed intimidating the young Padawan, though both explorer looking man, [member="Ismael Skhaos"] and the Jedi [member="Mason"] seemed to remain calm.

Perhaps the Sith was not in the mood for killing today, not that cannot be the reason, Sith always want to kill, its their nature to do so, this was promptly enforced when the sith muttered a sinister message "Do you have something to say, Jedi Scum?". Those few words solidify her views on Sith, even at a bar, a place to unwind and relax Sith could do nothing but kill. should she intervene let things play out or see what this Jedi Padawan was capable of, just because the Sith was strong did not mean he was all powerful, everyone had a weakness.
A sense of uneasiness washed over Mason. He watched closely as the darksider drank his alcohol. He reached for his glass again, the whole time keeping his eyes on [member="Ronan Xilo"] the whole time.

Mason sipped at his water yet again. Suddenly he felt a darkness enter his mind, clouded, he sat there for a minute, silent. He then shook his head and kept his eyes locked on the Sith. He reached out to the force hoping to clear his mind by putting up barriers, that was when the Sith finally spoke.

His words shook Mason, but he remained calm, yet a hint of fear lingered. The man's hand rested on the hilt of his lightsaber. Mason broke his gaze and looked to his water. "I-I do not wish to fight today." He mumbled. Yet his focus was more mentally then on his conversation.

He felt as if he was surrounded by darkness, it frightened him, yet the man's smug smile irritated the boy.

He glanced down to his own Sabre before meeting the man's eyes again.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
[member="Ismael Skhaos"]

Darth Ronan

"If ever a face meant death, if looks could kill,
Ronan continued to drink at his Tihaar awaiting a answer from the boy, he chuckled at the thought.

The sith felt himself being pushed out, He chuckled once more, this Padawan was trained atleast, he'd give him that.

"I-I do not wish to fight today" Mumbled the Jedi Padawan, Ronan agreed, "I do not wish to fight either, Today we will drink and wash our care's away, but tomorrow we will be the same enemies, Push aside our differences today Jedi, Let us just have a normal night." Ronan said.

It was true, Ronan hated Jedi with a passion but he didn't believe in ruthless killing, It was pathetic just to kill.."I will not think of you as a enemy or to fight you tonight, We will act as if we are normal people towards each other but tommorow will not be the same." Ronan said patting the Jedi on the back.

Ronan cursed himself in his mind, His old self was chiming in on the conversation, Ronan just decided to let the words sit.

@Mason@Kurenai Yumi[member="Ismael Skhaos"]
Things had taken an unexpected turn, it seemed as those neither the Sith or Jedi wanted to draw blood, it was understandable for the Jedi, young, inexperienced compared to her and the Sith, as well as outmatched. The dark robed man on the other hand his response was unsuspected, some one with such an amount of hate and darkness actually being reasonable? She had to investigate this more, and what good way to get a Sith to notice you is let them scene you.

With not immediate danger from either of them she lowered the mental barriers hiding her force alignment and letting it flow out altering everyone to its presence. Though it was not anywhere near as dark as the Sith the presence was still very noticeable . Picking up a drink in hand Kurenai stood up from the bar and walked around behind [member="Mason"] and [member="Ronan Xilo"], sitting next to the Sith keeping an eye on the two at all times. "Tell me what reason does a Sith have for coming here, and why are you being soooo, passive".

It was a blunt as can be question, she was never one for proper conversation, such customs like tact eluded her.

[member="Ismael Skhaos"]
Ismael feels his blood run cold as he hears a man speak to a Jedi, with his ill intent towards him told Ismael that the other man was a Sith. Ismael prepared to rush away as he expected a fight to ensue, yet the situation resolved itself in moments. Ismael looked up and towards them in surprise as he hears of a Jedi and a Sith are mutually agreeing on not fighting, but even looking towards other as normal people, even if it's for a time.

Ismael starred towards [member=Mason] and [member=Ronan Xilo] with surprise of what just happened. He became absolutely speechless, but was surprised even more as the woman who was beside him began to have a more prominent presence. Ismael doesn't understand what's happening right now but he can be hopeful of him not seeing a bloody night.

[member=Kurenai Yumi]
His concentration was still on the darkness that clouded his mind. Mason's eyes were closed as the Sith spoke. Saying that they'd be normal people tonight, that tomorrow they'd be enemies again. Mason respected that. When he felt the Sith touch him he went tense. Opening his eyes again he'd see a woman approach them.

Only then did Mason notice her force presence. It was dark, but not as overwhelming as the Sith. Didn't mean she was weaker though.

Hearing her blunt question, Mason groaned,

"For what reason does a Jedi have to be here?" Mason asked. "Does it matter..." The Jedi simply said. His eyes were fixed on his water.

He glanced back to [member="Ronan Xilo"]. "At any rate Sith...I'd also like to know...why the passiveness?" Mason asked as he ran his index finger around the rim of the glass.

He looked off to [member="Ismael Skhaos"] as he made his way closer to the group. Giving a nod to him.

Darth Ronan

"If ever a face meant death, if looks could kill,
Ronan felt the tension from the young Jedi, He chuckled at it slowly drinking at his Tihaar.

"Because, We may be enemies, But We should respect eachother to have a drink with one another, I may be Sith, but I am honorable and I do not kill for no reason unlike my colleagues.." Ronan said.

"Tell me what reason does a Sith have for coming here, and why are you being soooo, passive".

"Back in the Old Republic, Us Sith were not just killing machine's we use to get along with the Jedi, We would put our history back behind us and have a few drink's. It's as simple as that." Ronan said sipping at his now Empy Cup.

"Like I said, You're only getting tonight, Enjoy it while you can Young Jedi, Like I said I do not wish for a fight." Ronan said.

[member="Mason"] [member="Ismael Skhaos"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"]
This Sith was wise, it seemed like they were not tied down by the views of other Sith and what the certain faction trained them to be, perhaps this man was a wanderer of sorts, some one who followed their teaching but was not crazy on domination and absolute power? For the time being that did not matter, but the idea of a galactic traveling Sith gave her a slight idea, "You seem to strike me as the traveling type, and although this may be a long shot, have you by any chance encountered a young woman, black hair and suit, a purple light saber staff or blue saber and has a scar on their left eye, as well as being a grey force user?

The question was a bit vague but with the time apart those were the only definite detail she could give, one could easily lie about their name profession and other parts about themselves, certain aspect were hard to change. Even if the man had not encountered the person in question getting conformation would still help in the search.

/ [member="Ronan Xilo"] / [member="Mason"] / [member="Ismael Skhaos"] /

Darth Ronan

"If ever a face meant death, if looks could kill,
Ronan chuckled at what she said, "You seem to strike me as the traveling type, and although this may be a long shot, have you by any chance encountered a young woman, black hair and suit, a purple light saber staff or blue saber and has a scar on their left eye, as well as being a grey force user? Ronan heard from her, "Matter of fact, I am currently teaching her..Why is that?" Ronan said facing the lady, "I am going to teach her about the Dark side, I am not turning her to the Sith side, But I intend to pass my knowledge down, It is useful to pass down, Seeing as I am a Ancestor to Darth Maglus." Ronan said

Ronan chuckled at the thought, He was sitting next to A Jedi, Whom he hated but grew to restrain himself, He had to, IT was..Honorable as a Sith.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"][member="Mason"]
While waiting for an answer she decided to take another sip of her drink but was very unprepared for the answer. "Matter of fact, I am currently teaching her..Why is that?" Ronan said facing the lady, "I am going to teach her about the Dark side, I am not turning her to the Sith side, But I intend to pass my knowledge down, It is useful to pass down, Seeing as I am a Ancestor to Darth Maglus."

She looked at the Sith with a slightly shocked expression, only a few months into the search and she had already possibly found one of them. "What did she tell you her name was, and, WERE, IS, SHE. Though this might have seemed like good fortune their was always a down side, a catch to everything, if the Sith didn't reveal the information wanted, crimson may have to give away her identity.

/ [member="Ronan Xilo"] / [member="Mason"] / [member="Ismael Skhaos"] /
Ismael began to calm from his surprise as they began to talk, he didn't know much of what was happening, he just left an ear open to listen to the conversation. He did become alarmed when [member=Kurenai Yumi] raised her voice. He begins to worry of what will happen next.

He has a slight bit of anxiety grow within him as he wonders of what is the teachings of the dark side. His stare shifts from the whole group and focuses on [member=Ronan Xilo] as he begins to wonder what is the Sith now or was it just him. Are they as insidious as the stories say, or are they all judged by the misdeeds of a few bad eggs. Ismael couldn't know of anything in this from the little knowledge he has gathered from things here and there. Yet what he knows has been flipped as he sees that not all Sith are bloodthirsty monsters, they can be civil too.


Darth Ronan

"If ever a face meant death, if looks could kill,
What did she tell you her name was, and, WERE, IS, SHE. Ronan looked at her, He didn't want to tell her, She was most likely back at the training temple, HE slowly sighed, continuing to glare at her.

​"I have no obligation to tell you..Even if I did want to tell you, I wouldn't, I don't reveal the places of my Students." Ronan said looking at her, Was she itching for a fight, If So, Ronan was ready, His reflex's were fast enough, "I will not tell you.." Ronan said looking at her.

[member="Ismael Skhaos"] [member="Kurenai Yumi"] [member="Mason"]
Mason turned away from the two Darksiders conversation about some person. He turned to the man who's been silent the whole time. Clearing his throat he'd run a hand through his hair. "Quite an oddity isn't it?" The young Jedi said with a small grin. To think people with very different ideals actually putting aside their differences. Even if it was for just a night.

The Jedi put his arms onto the bar's counter and focused his attention on [member="Ismael Skhaos"]. "You seem to be rather quiet, I'd suspect anyone else to have an opinion or at least be a bit nervous of the current situation. After all dogs and cats rarely get along." The Jedi said with a smirk

He pushed his water cup forward and turned his full attention to the man.

[member="Ronan Xilo"]
@ Kurenai Yumi

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