Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Not so terrible...

Megoth Shul - Icarus Twilight
Healthy - Metal Staff - "Underwear"Training Room - Sparring/Conversing with Finnea

She would dodge Finnea's last attack, ducking the quick reaction and responding with a quick and deliberate elbow directly to her chin. At this point, with both of them having been going at it for well over an hour, the blow would've likely fell Finnea. Though Crysis wasn't here to savage the other or beat her down. Only to fulfill her end of the bargain she had struck with the girl. After the strike, she would take a few steps back, heaving a few breaths. Though, leaning forward immediately, and offering Finnea a hand to help her back to her feet.

"I just told you, don't watch the weapon, watch the opponent. You're gonna' get killed..."

Crysis would say this regardless of whether or not Finnea had taken the hand. Their previous spar had definitely left a lot of their personal spat on the ground, and somehow both of the girls had moved past it. Ultimately, the beginning of something powerful, and beautiful was beginning to flourish, though neither of them were fully aware of it yet. Here, Crysis and Finnea had some time fully to themselves to discuss things that weren't necessarily focused on the Dominion of Shadows. To learn more about each other, and to perhaps grow that relationship beyond blind hate and rage.

Perhaps more so Crysis than Finnea.

Though, Crysis still had a knot on her forehead from where Finnea had hit her with an admittedly accurate blow, catching her completely off guard. The difference so far as far as Crysis could tell was Finnea wasn't a true fighter. She gave up too easy when she was more than she thought she was. Well... If she kept sparring Crysis, she would get out of those habits quick, or receive scars... Something Crysis at this point could honestly say was purely out of concern. She didn't want this girl to be hurt, even though she didn't know her as well as she wanted too.

"If I come in like this"

She recreated the movement she had just done a moment ago with her own metal staff, then surprisingly gently moved forward to move Finnea's arm to recreate what she had done.

"Don't respond to me, you strike here, here, or here..."

Crysis offered, pointing at her own face, chest, and lower abdomen. Crysis looked at her own body as she gestured, but then looked up at Finnea with curiosity, and perhaps a slight bit of annoyance. Finnea was... She was a good fighter. Better than Crysis felt the girl knew. She was simply too defensive, thinking she couldn't hurt her opponent. When in reality Finnea was strong in her own right.

Crysis still wouldn't tell her that, but she knew it now. Finnea wasn't some helpless kitten. Well, she was, only... Mentally, She had immense potential. And yet, Crysis felt as though Finnea thought too much. Worried about what would come instead of imposing her will on the other. A grin crossed her features, though Crysis would look away to hide it.

"Let's take a break... We should drink some water"

Crysis said, turning away from Finnea and walking towards the benches in the training room in Mergoth Shul, on Icarus. Crysis simply discarded the staff from her hand, moving to sit in her training shorts, and shirt. Most reliably akin to a sports bra, and tight shorts. Most of her relatively scarred body on display in their private sparring session. Crysis sat on one bench, with enough space for two, while another bench was there (also with enough space for too) leaning down and using the ladle that stuck out of the large water pot on the ground to pour herself a cup of water and drinking it quickly. A good amount of water streaked down her face, and onto her form, though she didn't seem bothered.

For now, she relatively ignored Finnea, breathing hard still and looking onwards into an odd corner of the room. She had no reason to really... Engage Finnea, other that fulfilling her word. She honestly didn't feel like her and the girl had much in common. Though, a few words could change everything. Even the mood between two people.


Finnea Virlee Finnea Virlee

The togrutas elbow hit her chin and Finnea lost her balance and she fell to the ground where she stayed down, feeling the pain from the blow and heaving slow but heavily for her breath. The hour had gone fast and slow at the same time and she felt exhausted. Her own strikes were no longer carried any strength nor was she fast with any of her strikes. Opening her odd coloured eyes, Finnea saw Crysis reaching an hand out for her an for a moment she hesitated. She had not forgotten how she had previously tried to cause serious harm to her out there in the water, how she constantly managed to push her buttons. But this private sparr, her end of a bargain, had felt...different. And Finnea took the offer of help and got back up on her feet, listening and watching intently as Crysis explained to her what to look for and what actions to take.

"Oh... yes.. I see." Finnea nodded after the brief demonstration to her last move and Finnea tried mimicing some of the moves, just her way of remembering this for another time. "A break sounds good." she mumbled and let out a breath of relief as she followed her over to the large pot of water and waited her turn to get some for herself before finally deciding to settle down beside her at the bench, leaning her head back as she inhaled deeply. She could feel every spot Crysis had hit her over the last hour, mostly her left cheek and left rib. She just knew she would feel incredibly sore for the next few days..

Silence dominated the room as Finnea turned her attention over to the other girl, studying her closely now that she could. A fighter, in more than just one way. The scars she could see on her body now that she wasn't wearing her usual attire revealed the hardships she must have gone through and although she had been cruel about the missing lekku, Finnea was aware that the reason it was gone most likely was an awful story. She sighed and sipped her water while finding a way to ignore her own pride for a moment and say something.

"I am glad that you decided to sparr with me, even if it's" she watched Crysis as she spoke. "It actually means a lot to me that you did."

Megoth Shul - Icarus Twilight
Healthy - Metal Staff - "Underwear"Training Room - Conversing with Finnea

How odd it was that the thoughts people kept away from others, were often the ones that would bring them closer together. Crysis had no real reason to hate Finnea, other than not wanting to yield to anyone other than her Master, or Finnea's ironically. There was aggression between the pair because apparently both were stubborn enough to let the fire rage. Yet Crysis felt somewhat similar now, in the relative silence of the room. They were just two girls trying to impress their betters after all.

Crysis wiped her mouth again, water still trailing down her battle and training scarred form. Her breathing still a little piqued, but normalizing. She had made a point to not look over at Finnea when she sat, but literally felt the girl's head spin to watch her... Ignoring that as well. A dark part of Crysis wondering if she was getting information for later jokes causing her to sort of hug at herself to hide most of her scarring, leaning forward to further hide any other part of her body that could have been used as ridicule later.

Though what Crysis couldn't sense, or predict was what Finnea said next.

"I am glad that you decided to sparr with me, even if it's"

Her face scrunched up lightly, as if she was upset to have heard it, and even neglected to look at Finnea initially. Eyes scanning right, in the opposite direction of the other, the yellow taint of the Dark Side having left her iris, returning to their normal iridescent hues. Why was she even talking to her right now Crysis wondered...

"It actually means a lot to me that you did."

She finally turned then, suspiciously staring at Finnea for a while. Without saying it, Crysis was clearly not sure if this was indeed the other being kind to her, or just trying to lower her defenses. Though, it had done the odd thing of lowering Crysis' defense to the point that her arms had left from curled around her form, moving to rest her palms on the bench and bring herself back upright.

"I always keep my word... Kathal says people can only be accountable as far as they keep their word. I told you I'd train with you if you... You know. Let me guess, you thought I was a liar too?"

She scoffed a bit, but shook her head.

"Anyway, you're not bad. And you're not weak, you're just a whimp. You flinch too much when you think you're going to get hit..."

Crysis said this with zero tact, being honest, but breaking it in an oh so Crysis way. She was particularly abrasive, although Finnea knew that part already.

"I'll spar with you until you pass your tests, that much I can promise you..."

She said, folding her arms again and now looking straight, and away from Finnea.

"How about every two days, we spar? It should give you enough time to get your bruising under control... Well, both of us. You got my ribs pretty good, I've just been ignoring it."

Crysis said, hardly realizing she was giving Finnea compliments... Must've been snowing on Korriban again.


Finnea Virlee Finnea Virlee

Slowly nodding, the engineer did agree with her in that people can only be accountable as far as they keep their word. It was followed by a shrug. "I mean, it's not like you ever gave me the chance to get to know you for anything but your combat skills, hard exterior and vicious approaches, Crysis. It is very, very hard to read a book that is slammed shut and out of reach." she got up on her feet too after Crysis did just in case. "But it is not like I gave you the chance to know me for anything but my remarks that has been anything but nice." she looked to the pot of water for a moment, letting her words linger.

An eyebrow lifted when Crysis gave what sounded like an compliment? Raising her head, she studied the togruta girl and gave it a nod as to say she was listening to her and she could surely agree that she was a whimp. She absolutely hated close combat. It was a very good think that Crysis had taken it upon herself to teach her so that she'd be able to pass her tests.

As the togruta continued to speak, Finnea looked over her arms and legs that was indeed covered in bruises. She looked like some sort of dotted animal! "Every two days sounds good to me." she smiled weakly to herself at the mention of how she had got Crysis's ribs pretty good. That was at least some progress, right?

Hiding her smile, she looked over to Crysis once more. "Good, hope you'll feel that for as long as I'll feel the twist you have my arm."

Megoth Shul - Icarus Twilight
Healthy - Metal Staff - "Underwear"Training Room - Conversing with Finnea

Slowly nodding, the engineer did agree with her in that people can only be accountable as far as they keep their word. It was followed by a shrug. "I mean, it's not like you ever gave me the chance to get to know you for anything but your combat skills, hard exterior and vicious approaches, Crysis. It is very, very hard to read a book that is slammed shut and out of reach." she got up on her feet too after Crysis did just in case. "But it is not like I gave you the chance to know me for anything but my remarks that has been anything but nice." she looked to the pot of water for a moment, letting her words linger.

Joke was on her for trying to suggest Crysis read anything, but that was a joke for another time. She was still sitting relatively silent as Finnea spoke her peace though. Crysis was already getting mad at hearing Finnea speak but would notice she was fair in her wording towards the end. She didn't only see what Crysis had done wrong, but her own shortcomings. The iridescent hues of Crysis would softly gaze over at the other, folding her arms in curiosity. She surprised her over and over again.

"Good, hope you'll feel that for as long as I'll feel the twist you have my arm."

"Oh please, I barely touched you... Can't have The Seer dragging me out of bed at the crack of dawn again..."

Crysis said to the other, yawning a bit and moving to stand. Speaking of it, she hadn't gone to sleep yet. Hopefully Kathal would allow her to sleep in, and while their chat was admittedly enlightening, Crysis liked her sleep. She wanted to put some more work in with her alchemy, and it wasn't something you did tired; that was if you didn't want to make the kinds of mistakes that cost lives.

"I'm gonna go, just... Eh"

She would move to the other side of the room, getting her clothes together, and sliding on a vambrace before sending Finnea her contact information.

"Now you can contact me other than seeing me in the halls, don't be such a stranger; you're not so terrible, Finnea Virlee..."

Crysis offered, though would shoot a quick peace sign at the other before turning on heel and (unless stopped) heading for the showers. She was spent...

"Barely touched me? That's the understatement of the year if you ask my arm, or my back for that matter." it was said with a slight amusement instead of pure venom. She knew what she got herself into on her way over. Pffth. She knew the second the Togrutan girl offered her the lessons. Finnea raised an eyebrow at her for mentioning getting dragged out of bed at an ungodly hour. If she remembered that correctly, they were two that got dragged out of bed early only to have a fight in ice cold water and only one of them walked home on her own accord that day. But Finnea didn't bring that up. She just shrugged.

"Oh... Yeah, sure."

Finnea nodded again, well aware that the other was probably tired. She could use some rest herself. Her sore body begged for some hot steam perhaps and then straight to bed. 'Not be such a stranger' almost made the engineer cough up a laughter but instead she just slowly shook her head. "No, we're not strangers any more, but I doubt I'll come around bugging you too much." Finnea wasn't quite ready to go back to her room just yet, she had decided to stay back and practice some of the moved by herself now that she had the room to herself for a little while.

"Good night Crysis, and ... thank you, again." with a hand to her chest and a slight nod, the showed sincere gratefulness for the lesson that hadn't left her inches from the medical bay.

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