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Order of the Silver Jedi

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Matsu's to do list

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Alright with most things looking like we will continue and the polls for major faction owner closing with Gir Quee Gir Quee . I do want to hit the ground running and that means catching up on a lot of things that have been happening. So a small thing of what I want to try and do.

1. Catch up on where story wise you are at... Fir told me some things but if there is other stuff happening please inform me.
2. Meet and talk with members. I want to include your personal stories, what is your character doing now, what would you like them to do? Those who are here are part of the family.
3. IC meetings. Matsu likes to know who she is with so those who are here she would want to meet IC wise... understand their perspective.
4. Plots. There are some ideas and I talked with the creative team and it is still refining but Matsu returnign tot he silver jedi is up as a thread.
5. Intrigue. I know one or two who like political rp and intrigue so going to try and worrk in several plots but I like input and feedback. So I want to know where you guys want to go or what you want to do.
6. Repost: To better keep information up to date, I will be reposting the pinned topics.
7. New things: Gir gave some ideas for a new project in sect and temple robes that could be done and this is something that could be fun.

Use this thread to answer any and all questions or pm me here or DM me on discord. IF I am at work then I will respond to you when I get home.
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Be careful what you wish for.
  1. Sort of just got back myself, but I think we are still on the "Shadow War"
  2. You already know pretty much everything about the big guy... lol though I could tell you about my fleet officer or Omega Squad if you want?
  3. Cool, sounds like a plan
  4. More novella writing! :D
  5. Would actually like to get Caltin involved in this, he is about as political as a box of rocks and about as diplomatic as well (NO "DUMB AS..." JOKES!!! I'M LOOKING AT YOU Aayla Shan Aayla Shan ! ;)) It will be good for him.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
I updated the list of things to do and am still open to feedback on some ideas and plans. Since I have the next couple days off will be able to deep dive and get some things up and ready.

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