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Public Lunar Ascent | Fondor Business Gala


Roble Manufacturing Headquarters | Oridin District
Executive Ballroom

The Fondor Business Gala stood on one of the highest floors of the massive skyscraper. As the largest corporate presence on the ecumenopolis, the administrative campus of Roble Manufacturing was reasonably large to accommodate the megacorporation's needs, as well as oversight of three subsidiaries that were large in their own rights. And in the Executive Ballroom, one could see nearly all of it. Fondor was not necessarily a pretty planet; its culture of industry, efficiency and excellency left little room in the way for elegance and decor. But as the sun began to set over the shipyards and tall durasteel buildings, the myriad of reflected colors created almost a beauty in the fading twilight.

As the day waned, the party had just begun. While Fondor did not have the trappings of wealth, Alban Roble certainly made sure to display them, for wealth attracts the wealthy. And at a gala meant to attract the wealthiest the galaxy had to offer -- wealthy people who could become Roble Manufacturing shareholders, investors, or business partners -- it was good to display one's success. Music wafted through the three-story gala as patrons consumed the finest delicacies and rarest vintages. There was gambling, gentleman's games only with ridiculously high sums, but for most of these ultra-wealthy it was no more than pocket change.

A night for splendor. A night for opulence. A night for business.

This is a chill social thread to meet fellow Shareholders, discuss the ups and downs of the market, and totally not farm Credits.

'If there aren't enough to go around, buy more. It's a simple enough task-heck, I'd even trust a droid to get that right'

Hester waved her hand in as dismissive a fashion as she could muster, sending the sheepish staff member off towards the kitchen to renegotiate the amount of shrimp being served to her.

She turned back towards the table, an enormous length of glorious etched steel with markings and patterns decorating the edges, the ornate legs swirling like waves into the ground. Roble had certainly spared no expense on ploughing the depths of his business contacts and encouraging them to invest.

Hester had done so quite readily, parting with hard earned cash in an attempt to solidify the already warm relationship she enjoyed with the notorious business Tsar. She hoped her own business machinations would find some fruition on the Fondorian surface.

Her own ascension to the relatively minor position of Chief on the planet of Hamra meant she could now control the vast swathes of materials that were mined daily from the desert oasis. With ship building being something Roble excelled in, she hoped to sway his cause to her own.

All for the love of credits.

Alban Roble Alban Roble



Tag: Hester Shedo Hester Shedo

The turnout was better than Alban had expected.

Of course, most of them were noteworthy only because of the amount of credits sitting in their banks. Other than their exorbitant wealth, Alban couldn't care less about them. But there were a few exciting surprises here and there. And the former Viceroy of Scarif and new Governor of a Mandalorian-held world? Even holodramas couldn't write a more thrilling tale.

"Hester Shedo," Alban smiled as he greeted the tall, red-haired politician. "I know we aren't the Core, but when you're coming from the Outer Rim I suppose you take what you can get," he said with a chuckle as he studied the woman's face. He had recalled seeing her once or twice on the Holos back in the Confederacy, and he'd somewhat loosely tracked developments in the Outer Rim with the Mandalorian Enclave, a prudent move seeing as Roble Manufacturing was a large supplier of war material for the Mandalorians.

But what he was more interested in, was Hester's credits, or rather her companies. A lot of them had been invested in Roble Manufacturing's stock on the exchange, and gains had never been higher. A little savvy talk and he might be able to make those prices climb a bit higher.



TAG: Alban Roble Alban Roble
"Alban Roble. You have enjoyed the flow of credits from my pocket for a little while now. I'm hoping they will be spent sparingly. I'd quite like them back one day."

She smiled, her hand holding her glass with a gentile grip that coquettishly said 'flirt with me, please'. She looked the business magnate up and down and sighed a little, dramatically smirking with her host.

"A finer evening I've not hand since...well...since forever! I see you have taken to dealing with the Mandalorians? They are quite the formidable little Empire. I have found myself yet again in the seat of governance and intend to to great things out in the Wild Space. Though..."

She leaned forward, inviting him into her confidence.

"...I will be taking my planet back."

She, of course, meant Scarif, her home world and former seat of first foray into international politics.

"Now, how will you make me more money, Mr Roble?"



Alban Roble Alban Roble Hester Shedo Hester Shedo

"Please tell me," interjected a cool, amused voice, "that your first thought upon seeing the Hester Shado in that dress wasn't 'oh well, you take what you can get.'"

The Twi'lek who'd spoken sidled up with a tiny plate of hors d'oeuvres. A comparably tiny silver fork speared a Tarascasian microsausage.

"Diamant of Eshan." Hester got a look of unhurried appreciation. "Good evening, Madame Shedo, Mister Roble."

A basic search would reveal that she was a highly placed aide in the royal court of Eshan.
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