Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kwilaan Zaro


Age33 GSY
SpeciesHuman (Naboo)
Height1.70 Meters
Weight68 kg
Force SensitiveYes
VoiceChiwetel Ejiofor






Having once been a padawan, this priest has been taught the Jedi Arts. While perhaps not as skilled as a full-fledged Jedi Knight, his control of the Force puts him ahead of the ordinary man.

Scholar: Kwilaan has always been an avid consumer of knowledge. As a member of the Brotherhood of Cognizance, he takes great interest in studying art, philosophy, etc. One could even call him an expert in these fields.


Pacifistic: Kwilaan is what some would call a "conditional pacifist." He abhors violence and war, but is not opposed to using it in specific situations, such as defending himself or others from an immediate threat. Yet, he will never intentionally kill or severely injure someone, and will only use techniques to disarm or knockout an assailant. Adversaries can use this against him, as they could take advantage of his unwillingness to kill....even if that someone might deserving by other's eyes.

Philosophical Difference: After abandoning the Jedi Order, Kwilaan has some philosophical issues with Jedi. So much so that he may be uncomfortable talking around known Jedi. In addition, his neliefs blend thr Force with the Naboo pantheon, which may brand him a heretic to the perspective of more conservative Jedi.

Kwilaan Zaro was born on Onoam, a moon celebrated for its tranquil grassy plains and vital mining operations. His father, a diligent miner, and his mother, a supportive homemaker, raised him amidst the rugged yet serene landscapes of Onoam. Named after the famed explorer Kwilaan, the legacy of exploration and adventure was embedded in his name. Moreover, being a descendant of Shasa Zaro, the renowned Resistsnce pilot, Kwilaan grew up with stories of courage, creativity, and a deep-seated respect for his Naboo heritage, fostering a sense of pride and duty within him.

From an early age, Kwilaan exhibited remarkable signs of Force sensitivity. This was dramatically revealed when, as a young boy, he retrieved a toy through telekinesis during an otherwise ordinary playtime. Recognizing his potential, his parents entrusted him to the New Jedi Order, hoping he would master his abilities and uphold their family’s honor. As a Padawan, Kwilaan immersed himself in rigorous training, honing his skills and learning the Jedi Code. However, as he matured into his early twenties, he began to question the Order’s involvement in galactic conflicts, finding a paradox in their quest for peace through participation in wars.

This internal conflict led Kwilaan to a profound decision: he left the Jedi Order and returned to Naboo, seeking a path that aligned more closely with his ideals. Upon his return, he found solace and purpose in the Brotherhood of Cognizance, a monastic order dedicated to the study and worship of art and the ancient Naboo pantheon. Here, Kwilaan embraced a life of contemplation and service, rising to the role of abbott and becoming a key representative of the Brotherhood in local affairs.
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[color=#DAA520]”All mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than we would like. It's the only way we grow.”[/color]

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