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Approved Species Jen'koshû Species (Lit. "Shadow Born")

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  • Intent: To create a Sithspawn Wraith representing Darth Caedes' expertise in Sith Sorcery.​
  • Image Credit: MidJourney | Photoshop: Me!​
  • Color Code: c33443
  • Canon: N/A​
  • Permissions: N/A​
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  • Name: Jen'koshû | "Hadzuska koshûjontû" (Sith language)
Jen (Lit. translated— Shadow)
Koshû (Lit. translated— Born) (Abbreviation of "Hadzuska koshûjontû")

"Shadow Born" or "Sith Shades" or "Dread Knights/Lords"​
  • Designation: Sentient; with some lesser, Semi-Sentient variants, intelligent & cunning albeit singleminded.​
  • Origins: Korriban's dark side Force Nexus of the Sith King.​
  • Average Lifespan: Immortal (8000 years, average).​
  • Estimated Population: Planetary.
  • Description: The Jen'koshû are ancient and formidable undead wraith-like beings, known as Dread Knights or Dread Lords, created by the dark sorcery of Darth Caedes. These beings are the manifestations of ancient Sith Lords, appearing as tall, roughly masculine figures clad in black armor and long black cloaks. Their identical features and builds give them an imposing presence, enhanced by the sinister darkness shrouded under their deep hoods. Jen'koshû exhibit incorporeal properties and can move between or vanish into shadows. Their blood is acidic, and their hard, sharp fingernails can rend wood, bone, and flesh effortlessly. Their physical strength greatly surpasses that of the average human adult, allowing them to lift incredible weights with ease.​
  • Breathes: All; << Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV >>
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.94 Meters, avg.​
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A​
  • Skin color: Wraith-like incorporeal shadow; inky, murky darkness.​
  • Hair color: N/A​
  • Distinctions: Undead conjured through Sith sorcery.​
  • Races: N/A; almost no distinction between Jen'koshû.​
Force Sensitivity:All.
  • Force Sense: Jen'koshû possess a formidable ability to sense the use of the Force within a vast radius, allowing them to detect potential threats and identify Force-sensitive individuals from afar, among other uses.​
  • Fear Induction: Drawing upon the dark side of the Force, Jen'koshû can project waves of fear into the hearts of their enemies, weakening their resolve and causing chaos on the battlefield with illusions.​
  • Shadow Mastery: They harness the Force to manipulate shadows, effortlessly slipping in and out of darkness, making them adept assassins and granting them enhanced battlefield control.​
  • Ancient Sith Powers: Jen'koshû retain fragments of the skills and knowledge of the Sith Lords from which they originated. Some can conjure flame or lightning, while others possess skills in telekinesis, illusion, and deception.​
  • Tsaiwinokka Link: By establishing a potent Force link with large numbers of Jen'ari zombies, the Jen'koshû can exert greater control over their undead minions, directing them with precision and coordinating devastating attacks. However, killing a Jen'koshû linked to Jen'ari will instantly kill all connected zombies; even while the Jen'koshû remains lethal in its death throes, until touched by moonlight.​
  • Undead Resilience: The Jen'koshû's undead constitution makes them incredibly difficult to kill. Normal wounds, such as lightsaber strikes or blaster bolts to the heart, may only temporarily slow them down.​
  • Physical Dominance: Possessing incredible speed and strength, Jen'koshû are formidable adversaries in close combat, capable of overpowering most foes in acts of athleticism, acrobatics, and/or grace.​
  • Intimidating Presence: Their mere presence commands fear, unnerving enemies and demoralizing opposition forces on the battlefield. Most civilians are paralyzed by the gaze of a Jen'koshû, unable to scream or think in the throes of their terror.​
  • Tactical Mastery: Jen'koshû are strategic thinkers and capable battlefield commanders, allowing them to devise intricate battle plans and lead their undead armies with great efficiency.​
  • Decapitation Vulnerability: The most reliable way to kill a Jen'koshû is to remove its head completely. Unarmored in all ways save for grace and minor incorporeality, like the Jen'ari hordes they lead (albeit for thaumaturgically distinct reasons), the Dread Knights perish with the removal of their head. As an important distinction however, whilst the Jen'ari zombies suffer 'second death' with the destruction of their physical brain, the Jen'koshû are rather-more unmade in the ceremony of beheading through physical combat, as necessitated by sorcerous utterings during their birthing spell's invocation.​
  • Limited Sword Lifespan: Their black-bladed swords are not as sturdy as fully fledged Sith Swords and require regular replacement after extended use. Whilst the swords themselves are durable, risen and enchanted by Sith Magic, they have each of them only a limited capacity to take life. For this reason, Jen'koshû prefer to lead from behind whilst their hordes devour potential opponents and threats. By necessity, prolonged battlefronts rarely see the Jen'koshû near enough to draw their blades.​
  • Moonlight's Influence: Even after suffering a fatal blow, a Jen'koshû's headless body remains dangerous until touched by moonlight, at which point it finally perishes. Until then, the body thrashes and fights on with a frantic, berserk, and feral zealotry. As the Jen'koshû were risen beneath Korriban's seventh moon, Chwûqmidwanottoi in the Sith tongue, so too are they vulnerable beneath the touch of a moon's glow.​
  • Force Nullification: As beings created through means of Sith sorcery, the Jen'koshû are diminished in areas of Force Nullification and highly susceptible to damage when in such areas. Additionally, they suffer a greatly diminished connection to their natural Force powers when in Force-void environments. ​
  • Diet: N/A​
  • Communication: Jen'koshû read, write, understand, and speak those languages known in life. Often this includes Galactic Basic, Sith, as well as other Outer Rim trade languages.​
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard.​
  • Religion/Beliefs: Jen'koshû, undead wraiths conjured from the spiritual remains of ancient Sith, serve their creator, Darth Caedes, above all else, hailing him as their "Father," and furthermore as the reclaimer of Korriban. Possessing the memories and emotions of ancient Sith (c. 7000 BBY), these wraiths still owe their allegiance to the Sith King, as determined by the Sith'ari. Some Jen'koshû yet possess enough functional memories from life to engage in limited societal and cultural constructs, largely reminiscent of their ancient Imperial Culture beneath the reign of Sith King Dathka Graush.​
  • General behavior: Jen'koshû are cunning and cruel, tyrannical leaders within Korriban's undead hordes. When not actively engaged with warfare, the Jen'koshû shepherd Caedes' Jen'ari Hordes, conducting hunts, raids, and forging the Sith Swords of Thalassar. Otherwise, they merely hide away in places of darkness, slipping into shadows and waiting as unseen guardians to Korriban's Sith Temples and ancient Crypts.​

The Jen'koshû were created by Darth Caedes, a Sith Lord and sorcerer who reclaimed Korriban from the Ashlan Jedi crusaders. He invoked the magic of Dathka Graush, Sith King from the past, to raise the ancient undead army of Graush's old Empire, which he named Jen'ari. After studying in the Halls of Shadow and delving into the deepest nexus of Korriban, Darth Caedes developed his own version of the Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut spell, adding his vast knowledge and capabilities to the sorcery. This resulted in the creation of the Jen'koshû, who represent his unique interpretation of Dathka's original sorcery, further enhancing the Sith King's arcane legacy.

With their imposing appearance, formidable combat skills, and mastery of the dark side of the Force, the Jen'koshû stand as the dreaded commanders of Darth Caedes' undead army. Their relentless pursuit of power and conquest echoes the dark ambitions of their Sith Lord creator, making them a force to be reckoned with in the ongoing struggle for dominance in the galaxy. The Jen'koshû's reign of terror and destruction now spans across the vast territories of Korriban, forever seeking to expand their dark dominion and bring chaos to the galaxy.​
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This is solid! It just needs a weakness about it's abilities in the Force as per the rule below:

  • Completely Force-sensitive species may not start off with fully developed Force Powers. That is a matter of the individual, not the race. They are born force sensitive, but that is a potential, rather than an absolute. All Force-sensitive species may have passive abilities that do not require training (improved reflexes, low grade pre-cog, etc), but are prohibited from having active abilities (force lightning, telekinesis, etc). Exceptions are made for artificially engineered species (Sithspawn, etc), if they have been tailored for specific abilities. Racial abilities that are not affiliated with the Force (Ex. Zeltron Empathy/Pheromones) are exempted from this. These species should include appropriate weaknesses, such as difficulties with Force Null fields.
Once something like that's in there, we can approve this then get your NPC unit approved lickity split! Darth Caedes Darth Caedes
Greetings Iris Arani Iris Arani ,

Thank you for your time! As these are in fact Sithspawn creatures, "artificially engineered species (Sithspawn, etc), [...] they have been tailored for specific abilities" (Codex Rules), I've added the appropriate weakness [ "Force Nullification" ] regarding Force Nullification. It makes sense that they'd suffer in nullified areas, given that they're born of sorcery— good note!
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