Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private It's Just A Prank, Bro


Iris had been making less than stellar choices as of late. Impulsion was probably a key word to how she was acting. Little by little she'd been changing since Tython. And now she was working on a little paint bomb to prank her Master with. Nothing dangerous, or even that annoying. Easy to wash out paint that'd just make Valery a little pink until she did clean it. The Padawan grinned, putting in the last touches. Bomb wasn't even the right word. Open the door, and it'd spray out a cloud of pink mist that'd cling to everything it touched.

Perfect, in her mind. Better yet, fun. Who liked fun again?

Oh, oh right. She grinned, clicking on the holopad on her wrist.

:: Hey, Ara. wanna play a prank? Come to the Coruscant temple if you're around. ::

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
After the sparring session, Ara was still in a bit of a lull about her performance. Didn't matter how many good moments she had in her fight with Iris, the bad moments stuck out the most to her. Missteps, bad movement, bad saber control, she felt like a chump between all of those Padawans. It made her wonder just why Master Sol'yan took her in. All of his patience, training, guidance and determination felt lost on her. The planet was also not helping her mood at all. The smell brought back a lot of bad memories.

In the training grounds, Ara was by herself as she moved through her forms at a lethal speed. Sweat clung to her and her breaths were heavy as she trained, though it was far more than just training. Since Master Valery showed her that funky fighting meditation, she had taken to it like it was podracing. Every day, she tried to meditate with that wacky style she was shown, and it worked like a charm. It burnt energy, helped her to train, and she could clear her head in a way that she could work with.

At least until her commlink pinged on the bench close to her, inside the pocket of her cloak. Ara landed on the ground in a crouch and looked up, wiping the sweat off her brow as she stood up and walked over to check who it was. She was pleasantly surprised by Iris' voice coming from the other end. "Bro, I... kicked you ass the other day... of course I'm still here." She answered, still out of breath as a tired smile appeared.

"Where you at? I just wanna get some water then I'll be with you." She continued as she clipped her hilt to her belt and grabbed her things, carefully escaping the torrent of padawans training around her as she went for the exit.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris snorted. Tried not to, but she did. "Was that before or after I knocked you on your ass, hmm?" Grant it, she didn't expect an instant response like she got, probably why she ended up laughing. A couple taps and she sent the location in question. A mostly ignored engineering room. Or classroom. Iris wasn't too sure what the room was exactly, but no one came by and it let her build this kind of stuff in secret.

Speaking of.

The Padawan turned back to her workbench, idly fiddling with the last couple of parts needed to make this prank a success.

And promptly got a blast of pink mist in her face as she hit the wrong button. She blinked, mostly surprised. Then snickered. Well, at least it worked. And what was a little of pink she could clean off eventually.

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Ara paused for a moment, holding in her laugh at Iris' remark on the other side. "... Yes." She answered with a snort, walking through the hallways towards her location. At least the kitchen area was on the way there. She desperately needed something to drink.

After finding a bottle of water, she hurried over to Iris in her little dark lab. Ara was a little jealous of the whole setup. It was nice! Lots of room, secluded, she could spend hours upon hours in a place like this. "Yo, sorry if I smell like a locker room, just finished training. By the way, these robes are garbage for proper training. You sweat like a..." She fell quiet, unable to finish her rather vulgar sentence in front of Iris. "... Like a hamster trying to power a ship." She cringed at the analogy. Not nearly as good, but it probably got the job done.

It was also only then that she realized Iris was looking a lot more pink than usual. She looked her up and down with a confused frown before she laughed away. "Hot damn, paint job! It's just a nickname, ya know." She joked as she walked up to see what she was busy with. "Oh hey! Paint bomb. That's dope. Who are ya tryin' to prank?" She asked with a mischievous grin as she wrapped an arm around the girl for support and leaned in to study her craftsmanship.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Like..? .. Oh."

Iris blinked slowly. Hamsters powering a star ship? Hamsters could do that? Well, whatever. She smiled bright, nodding to the contraption. Ignoring the fact that she was still covered in paint. It'd wash off, eventually. When she took the time to actually clean herself anyway. Instead, Iris wanted to focus on the wonderful little tool she'd made. Motion censored paint bomb. It was glorious!

"Master Noble. She's been reaaally stressed as of late. I think some color in her life will really help out. And, I'm curious if I can even pull one on her. She's pretty strong. So! I want your help!" She grinned. Wickedly.

"You up for helping me sneak this into her room?"

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
The mere mention of Master Valery's name brought a dangerous grin to the Zabrak's face as she looked back to Iris. "I can imagine..." She muttered, listening to the girl's explanation of wanting to brighten her master's mood. She could respect that... and a chance to prank a Master was always on the table for her. She hadn't been able to do anything "dangerous" in a while. No podracing, no fights beyond sparring, no terrorizing droids with a blowtorch... almost all of her time went into her training on her own accord.

It was a shocking revelation to make.

"You up for helping me sneak this into her room?"

"Hm? Oh... hell yeah!" She agreed, trying to dust some of the paint dust out of Iris' hair... it only managed to fall on her own robes. "Although... if I can make a suggestion." She stepped back and studied the little bomb. "Instead of this contraption, we take some of your paint and we squirt it into her shampoo." She suggested with a devious grin. "I know it sounds a bit hectic, but trust me on this. I pulled that stunt on my mom a while back and it was hilarious. But up to you, to be honest! I'm along for the ride, no matter what." She crossed her arms and leaned against the table as she waited to hear Iri's thoughts on it all.

"Getting to her room shouldn't be too much of an issue. We both got the build of a karkin' plank, so we should be able to scoot through the ventilation ducts. All we gotta do is make sure she's out and about when we go in." She continued, picking up the little bomb to study it a little bit closer.

Iris Arani Iris Arani



Iris blinked before looking at her little gadget. Shampoo was.. Way, way less complicated than what she had planned. Yet she couldn't hide a little disappointment at the fact she wouldn't be able to use her new toy. She even made it herself! All it took was someone getting right in front of it to trip the motion sensor and they'd get a fresh coat of pa-

"Hey, no wai-!"

Too late. The device went off, sending a wave of pink to coat Ara much like Iris had been.

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
By the time Iris spoke up, it was too late for the Zabrak to react to the imminent danger posed by the mischievous little device. In less than a second, her vision became little more than a cloud of pink before it all went black. With her breath caught in her throat, and her eyes clenched, the little bomb showered her in a cloud of pink dust.

Ara carefully opened her eyes and looked around, before she looked down at herself. Her entire outfit was coated, her face was blasted and her hair was plastered. The sweat still clinging to her quickly mixed with the paint to harden and only worsen her entire situation. She spared a glance at Iris, looked back at the bomb in her hand, then burst out in a fit of laughter. "Okay, that's karkin' amazing." She admitted through her snickering as she tried to wipe away her tears, only to spread all over her hand and also burn her eyes.

"Ow, ow! Crap!" She grumbled as she felt around the table to find her water bottle, only to knock it off in the process. "Holy crap, that burns like grease!" She called out as she felt around the ground to find her bottle. "Yeah no, this thing works amazing! Just gotta check the alignment!" She laughed through her pain as she managed to find her bottle and wash the paint from her eyes. With her robes drenched and her her eyes clean again, she looked up at Iris with a stupid grin and pink teeth. "Aight, so... reset and plant it or what?!" She snickered away.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris did her best not to laugh.

Which amounted to nothing cause she burst right into laughter once the pink mist settled on the Zabrak. Giggling like crazy, even. She flashed an even wider grin after a moment, which dimmed as she hastily went around to help gather up the water needed to wash out the poor Zabrak's eyes. "Right! Here! Be careful!" She snorted, unable to hold that back. Once Ara was at least clean though, her grin took on a more wicked turn.

Prank time.

"Reset and plant. There a color you think would look best on Valery? I'll mess with it so it doesn't burn the eyes too bad. Don't wanna hurt Master Noble."

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Ara's grin quickly shifted to a far more menacing visage as she stood back up and set the bomb on the table. "Aight, bet. Pink works nicely. Could probably throw in some yellow too if ya wanna." She commented as she dusted off her robes as best she could, though that soon raised another concern. "Um... should we maybe go shower and get some fresh robes before we go? Walking around the temple like two popsicles ain't exactly gonna be inconspicuous, even if we're gonna be in the vents." She snickered at the sight of the two of them.

Taking a sip of water, Ara tried to flush her mouth clean as best she could. At least it came off easily, likely a smarter option than throwing actual paint into her shampoo... it took her mother an entire day to scrub the worst of it off. And another week to finally get every last drop of paint off her body. In hindsight, getting grounded with no podracing or datapad was probably a light sentence given the amount of questions she got at work.

Master Valery was fine, though. She was going to love it. Just a little harmless fun to help brighten her mood. Not like they were putting hair removal cream in her conditioner...

"Yeah no, let's go wash up first." Ara suggested with a pat on Iris' shoulder. The subsequent plume of pink dust merely caused her to burst into another fit of laughter.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Get clean?

Iris tilted her head, confused by the idea. She had, after all, gotten used to just, y'know. Being covered in paint. Maybe not to this extent, but was it really that weird? She looked herself over, really seeming to think about it before she ended up laughing with Ara at the puff of pink. Alright, sure. Shower time. She glanced around the room for her pack, which she pretty quickly stuffed the contraption to.

After she turned it off. And emptied it.

"Okay. Should be some showers close by, I think. Layouts still new."

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Ara shrugged as she took her things to leave, waiting for Iris to join her. "I dunno, I'm following you. Never been to this temple before. Though I'm surprised the smell of the place is still the same. Can't keep that Coruscant stink out of anything, I swear." She commented as she walked out of the secluded area. "Gotta say, though... place is nice. Don't think I'll ever move back here, I'll stick to New Cov as much as possible... but it's amazing! Place got a bunch of dope areas and stuff." She glanced back at Iris with a pink smile as she walked with the girl.

After managing to find a shower, and a change of robes without arousing suspicions, Ara was ready to help Iris with a grin permanently affixed on her face. "Alright, you got it, yeah? Let's go find her place... just gotta check if she's in or not before we try to break in. Last thing we need is bumping right into her." She snickered as she adjusted her clean robes. Walking around the temple with a biker jacket and combat boots was likely not very subtle, though she would have preferred that.

Wandering the hallways, Ara stopped and turned to face the girl. "Where's a good spot close to her place with access to the ventilation ducts? Gonna be way easier to get in through those." She pointed up to one of the ventilation grates that looked big enough for the two of them to squeeze through.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"She's not here."

Iris tilted her head, glancing around. Scanning through the colors. The bond with her master made it easy enough to tell if she was at least close. Iris finished drying out her hair, still with the towel on her shoulders. Showers were nice. The new robe also worked nice. Her gaze lifted shortly after, scanning up at the ventilation. Wait, vents? Wasn't that kinda sus? She squinted.

Then grinned. This was going to be a lot of fun!

"I'm pretty sure there's one close by in her room. Down.. This way." She reached out, taking Ara's hand to pull her along through the halls. Uncaring if it looked suspicious or not. She was eager for what they were going to do.

She'd pause only when they were close to the room. She peeked around the corner, her grin widening by the moment.

"Okay. You ready?"

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Ara's grin merely grew as Iris confirmed that Master Valery was out and about, though she didn't get a chance to respond before Iris took her hand and pulled her along to a nearby entrance. Giggling like a maniac, Ara looked around to make sure nobody was around to snitch on them. "This is gonna be great." She muttered as she helped to remove the grate from the duct and motioned for Iris to hop in first.

Ara carefully followed after her, slotting the cover back into place before turning around... though it was a lot more difficult than she anticipated. "What the kriff... it wasn't this hard last year." She whispered through her struggling. "Definitely... ain't getting fat... that much I know." She continued. The thought that all of her training and exercise was actually doing its work was a rather pleasant realization for the Zabrak. She was definitely going to check herself out in the mirror after this whole mission... she knew someone that might also be impressed...

"Karkin' hell... aight, let's move." She muttered after finally turning around. A smile still stuck to her face as she carefully, and quietly, crawled through the vents after Iris. The moment they reached the room, Ara hopped down and carefully looked around before making her way to the door.

"Aight, coast is clear..." She spoke up, her ear against the door and a hand outstretched to feel the people walking outside. So far nobody seemed to know they were in there. "Where are you gonna plant it?" She asked over her shoulder as she spared a glance at Iris.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris had no issues squeezing into the vent. Why Ara was didn't even cross the Padawan's mind, but she followed the Zabrak into the room. Her gaze shifted around, scanning for anything familiar. Something good to set the little trap in. And she found it. With a grin she opened the closet, already going out of her way to set up the trap as Ara glanced her way.

"Right here should work fine, just need to calibrate it right and.." A light click and a beep, and the trap was set. Iris carefully closed the door before scooting back as hastily as she could, then nodded quick to her friend.

"All set! Let's go. She should be back soon."

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
As Iris set up the last finishing touches of the trap, Ara quickly grabbed some paint from the girl's bag and made her way to the shower, where she gingerly added some of the paint to the Master's shampoo. Nothing like a proper double tap for something this magnificent. Without spilling a drop or touching anything else, she carefully set it back exactly where it was and backed out of the bathroom.

"Okay, let's go." She snickered as she gave Iris a nudge and helped to get all of their things before hopping back into the ventilation duct, quickly closing it back up after Iris as she waited patiently. "We prolly gotta mask our presence, right?" She asked Iris as she glanced at the girl. With a lot more focus than was probably needed, Ara managed to conceal her presence in the Force before looking back at the room below. "Um... we gonna wait for her or scatter?" She asked with a parsec-long grin. It was quite obvious that the Zabrak wanted to stick around and see their handiwork in action, regardless of the risks.

It wouldn't be long before Master Valery Noble Valery Noble got back, and the conniving Zabrak couldn't wait for it. She looked at Iris again as a snort escaped her. "This is gonna be great!" She whispered, practically vibrating with anticipation. She even set her datapad to 'silent' to make sure they were invisible for all intents and purposes.

Iris Arani Iris Arani

Location: Coruscant Temple
Appearance: Link
Tag: Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Iris Arani Iris Arani

The doors of Valery's room slid open and with a deep sigh, the Jedi Master stepped inside and moved over to her desk. She looked tired, a little bit stressed even from all the work she had been focusing on. Her Padawans likely knew because she hadn't been able to spend quite as much time with them, but they had always been very understanding and supportive. They weren't the only ones affected by her busy schedule, however.

"Hey babe, I'm going to be home late again..." Valery said after she opened her holoprojector to let her husband know. "...I know, and it won't be like this for too long anymore." She then went quiet and just watched the projection with a smile. "Alright, I'll see you soon, and I promise I'll make up for it tonight~" Her expression shifted into a playful smirk that no Padawan had likely ever seen before, and no Padaway would probably want to see, but as far as she knew, she was completely alone. "Give Vera a kiss for me. Love yoouu." Finally, she blew a kiss and deactivated the holo-call.

Another deep sigh followed, and her eyes shifted around as if she was thinking about what to do next. After a moment or two, she made up her mind and slowly approached the closet, where she kept clothing and towels. Nothing was better than a hot shower after such a long day of work, after all. But the moment she opened the doors, she heard something trigger and an
explosion of paint covered her face, bangs, and bare arms in a layer of pink.

"Iris." she muttered through gritted teeth without skipping a beat. All kinds of thoughts were running through her mind — she was going to make her Padawan clean up, and- No, slow and calm breaths, Val.

Rather than going after her Padawan already, she grabbed a towel and retreated into the bathroom, hoping she could first wash off the paint from her face and arms before going on the hunt. Then, after taking off her clothing and stepping into the hot streams of water, she grabbed her shampoo and rubbed it into her hair, but also over her skin.

Which is when she noticed something strange.

Everything was pink now.


Turning off the water, Valery wrapped a towel around herself and marched into the room, where she reached for a communicator and spoke through it, her frustration very clear, <C> "Iris, where the hell are you?!" She turned her eyes away and happened to look into a reflection of herself, allowing her to see the bright pink hair.

Why did it have to be today of all days?



This was going to work.

Sticking around was the choice. Iris hung out in the vent they'd used to get in the room, eagerly watching. Waiting. And sure enough Valery arrived. She held her breath, patiently waiting for the trap to go off. What was she saying? What was she doing? There was a lot she should've heard but her heart was pounding in her ears. Or maybe she was already blocking out a side of Valery she really didn't want to see.

Who've thought?

Then the trap went off. She did her best not to just burst out into laughter, quickly motioning for Ara to leave, her scrambling shortly after. Then, she felt anger.

Oh no.

Iris was sprinting down the hall at this point as her com came to life. Oh no. Oh no oh no. Valery was much angrier than she expected. <C> "I'm uh, off world?" She was about as convincing as she sounded, yet she was still grinning with the adrenaline. Ahh. This was fun! If dangerous.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan
Ara's anticipation only grew tenfold when Master Valery finally entered her room, looking quite worse for wear. Iris wasn't kidding, she looked like she'd been through the ringer for the past few days... if not longer. A good prank and some time away would likely do her good. Then again, a prank was probably not the best call. At least it would be hilarious.

Though things quickly became weird for the Zabrak when Valery called her husband, insinuating something that made Ara want to gag and burst from laughter at the same time. Her eyes were wide and her hand covered her mouth. One glance at Iris nearly tipped her over the edge. The amount of jokes and quips she could make with that one little bit of information was too much. It merely grew when the bomb went off, coating the poor Master in a cloud of pink. Ara shuddered as she kept her laughter in, pressing her face into the sleeves of her robes to try and contain herself. Tears were welling up in her eyes and her stomach was starting to ache.

And then the Master decided to go for a shower.

Ara's heart was stuck in her throat as the shower came on... and turned off only a few moments later. The subsequent image of a bright pink Valery was the last straw to break her. A long snort rumbled through the ventilation ducts in the roof, despite Ara's attempts to muffle herself.

Realizing her mistake, she scrambled through the ventilation after Iris, taking off the moment she hit the ground in a wail of laughter. "DUDE, SHE'S PISSED!" She howled as she sprinted after Iris. Even as the girl tried to cover their rears with a pitiful lie, Ara was laughing in the background. "We ruined date night, dude!" She cackled through heaving breaths. "AH MAN, WE'RE DEAD MEAT!" She cried out as tears streamed down her cheeks. How she was even able to run through all the laughing was beyond her.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani

Location: Coruscant Temple
Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan

She heard a snort.

Valery's face turned a shade of red that made it difficult to tell if it was embarrassment or anger. Iris had been watching the whole time, and now that she really was able to pinpoint her senses, she began to feel that her student hadn't been working alone. The banging in the ventilation shaft that followed suggested they were on the move, trying to make their escape from the crime scene. Then, she finally heard back from her Padawan.

<C> "I'm uh, off world?"

<C> "I'm coming for you," she warned Iris, whose excuse was hardly convincing, and not just because she heard someone laughing in the background. She knew Iris like a mother knew her daughter, and understood exactly when she was lying. There was a problem however. Valery only had a towel wrapped around her, and she couldn't just run through the Temple and risk running into anybody like that. So she quickly put on a simple shirt, some shorts but moved on bare feet through the Temple halls.

She was fast.

<C> "Last chance to give up and stop running..." she commed to her Padawan, hoping the scare would create some doubt.


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