Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Hunting for a Sith Master

Okay maybe hunting sounds a bit harsh. Just, you know... Anyway, hello you lovely ladies and gents! I am cooking up some creative tinkering with another player who is about as noobly as I, and we're in need of Sith Master interested in taking on an apprentice. Is there anyone out there who wants to dabble?

Please excuse this character--Penny will have nothing to do with it (I mean, I advise against it). I have yet to submit my new character sheet for a (former) Sith apprentice who will be spiraling chaotically through the galaxy after a violent and unexpected emancipation from the Empire.

Your character's race, gender, and (ulterior) motives do not matter to me. I am open to all sorts of flavors.

Respond here or fling an envelope my way, whatever your fancy. Thank you for your time.

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