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The Brotherhood of the Maw

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Guide to the MAW and the Second Great Hyperspace War

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-Gospel of the Hidden Maw

Galaxy At War
The Brotherhood of the Maw wages war across the galaxy, crumbling nations and their peoples under the oppressive weight of the Dark Side of the Force and the Dark Three, Avatars of the Bogan that serve as the idols of unholy worship for the Dark Sect of rampaging crusaders. What started with the shattering of Csilla and the Chiss Ascendency has since spread into the far corners of the galaxy, every fighting force across the cosmos has met the Brotherhood in combat, every force knows of their unrelenting drive to wipe clean the galaxy.

War. Death. Rebirth.

A fresh slate, a new galaxy free of the cancer that suspends it’s prolonged end with cycles of war between light and dark. The galaxy is dying, it has been for ages, untold suffering is spread recklessly without purpose. It was be scrubbed clean so that a new genesis can take root, a new beginning from the ashes of the old orders.

The Brotherhood of the Maw consists of many sects and factions bent on galactic dominance and genocide. Guided by the Heathen Priesthood and their shadow overlords in the New Sith Order, the Dark Horde is constituted by:

  • The Tribal Hordes -

  • The Final Dawn and the Church of the Dark Side -

  • The Krath and the MAW HOLY CRUSADE -

  • The Sorcerers of Rhand and the Warriors of Ren -

  • The New Sith Order -

  • Death’s Hand and the Maw-dalorians -


  • The Brotherhood of the Maw emerges, the Subjugation of the Unknown Regions begins
  • The Dark Horde begins to clash with the Eternal Empire and Galactic Alliance encountering both the New Jedi Order and Hidden Jedi Enclave on Jakku, beginning the long feud with the Heroes of the Alliance
  • Construction of the superweapon Mercy, the Brotherhood of the Maw commits to the destruction of the Chiss Ascendency
  • The MAW fights the combined force of the nearly every Galactic Faction, encountering the New Imperial Order and First Order. Csilla is completely destroyed.
  • The Second Great Hyperspace War officially begins
  • The Brotherhood of the Maw enter the Sith Schism as allies of the Warlords of the Sith, the Great Gathering is called by Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . Sith from across the galaxy arrive, the gathering is revealed to be a trap and the Sith are purged down to only the strong while many flee for their lives. The Dark Voice is declared the sole Dark Lord of the Sith.
  • War! The MAW enter the Stygian Caldera, the Sith Eternal is shattered at Felucia and the Sith Empire split in half at Thule.
  • Warlords of the Sith and Banites co-found the New Sith Order. The Old Sith are hunted down, the New Sith Order claims victory from the ashes of the Old Order. Surviving followers of the Old Ways continue to be hunted.
  • The New Imperial Order and Galactic Alliance enter open war with Brotherhood of the Maw
  • The New Sith Order infiltrate the Galactic Senate
  • Battle of Korriban, The Brotherhood of the Maw combat the combined forces of the galaxy once more blunting the Ashlan led Annihilation of Korriban.
  • The Great Enemy of the Sith, Sovereign Imperator Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar is assassinated by Halketh Halketh former Imperial Warlord Lord Halketh turned Dark Lord of the Sith and Shadow Hand of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
  • Uprising of Carlac, the Brotherhood attempts to pull Carlac from the grasp of the New Imperials
  • Battle for Lao-Mon, the Silver Jedi Order leads the newly formed Bastion Pact into taking the fight to the Brotherhood of the Maw.
  • Invasion of Rhand, the Confederacy of Independent Systems declares war against the Brotherhood of the Maw. Seeking to cripple their slave trade and strike the former Mawite capital Rhand is invaded and Gehinnom is destroyed as the MAW launch a startling trap. The CIS are driven out of the Unknown Regions
  • Darkest Night, the New Sith Order begin their purge of the Jedi Order starting with the Hidden Jakku Enclave. Jakku burns.
  • Sacking of Coruscant, the deception of the NSO is revealed. The Jedi are lured into the temple and trapped as the Sith launch an ambush. The Brotherhood of the Maw invades the Queen of the Core in a surprise sacking. The Bastion Pact is shattered, the New Imperial Order withdraws from the Alliance in the aftermath.
  • Base Delta Zero order is issued and executed upon Carlac, the planet is cleansed of Mawite influence.
  • First Battle of Nirauan, the Brotherhood of the Maw invade the heartland of the New Imperial Order
  • Invasion of Jedha, the Brotherhood of the Maw unleash World Devastators upon the holy sites of Jedha and invade the Holy City. The Mawite Offensive is blunted.
  • Second Battle of Nirauan, the Brotherhood of the Maw is driven out from the New Imperial heartland
  • Battle of Adrathrope, the withdrawing Mawite Forces are engaged by the pursuing Galactic Alliance. Both are caught in a emergence from the Csillan Cataclysm
  • Invasion of Csaus, the New Imperial Order requisition an abandon NSO stealth ship. Spearheaded by the Emperor himself, the Imperial Knights and the Imperial Armed Forces assault the dreaded Citadel Caelitus in a surprise attack
  • Fall of Dromund Kaas, the last remnant and former capital of the long dissolved Sith Empire is under siege. All the enemies of the Brotherhood gather, the Maw takes advantage and strikes



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