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Dark Empire

The Dark Empire is a reconstituted Imperial successor state based on the principals of Palpatine's late-era Galactic Empire (Dark Empire). It's sole focus is the destruction and re-creation of the galaxy far far away.

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The Dark Empire

The Dark Empire is an indirect successor state to the Brotherhood of the Maw and the Galactic Empire, formed from the Neo-Mawite survivors of the Second Great Hyperspace War and the Imperial Remnant led by the late Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan , which was in direct opposition to the surviving Imperial Military Protectorate once known as the Empire. Located in the Outer Rim and led by the reborn Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Solipsis, following his resurrection by Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin and her Dark Side Prophets, the new regime claims Carlac as its temporary seat of power, nestling itself deep in the ruins of Citadel Caelitus, a mocking statement to the galaxy at large in the wake of the Second Great Hyperspace War, nearly two decades later, and to the imperial factions they face near and far for supremacy of Imperial Space.

The Dark Empire is openly run by dark side users, known as the Dark Side Elite, who carry out the will of the Empire in a manner similar to that of the Emperor's Hands. Among their number Dark Jedi, Fallen Imperial Knights, Dark Side Adepts, and Many More gather to bring glory to the Empire's name. There was once always seven of them, and once one died, another was immediately appointed. No such limit remains, but the practice remains the same. When one is slain, another is found to take their place in a bid to gather a formidable force of dark siders capable of remaking the galaxy in their image. They are not alone - amidst their glamour, the Knights of Ren endure, bringing with them the savagery of the Unknown Regions and the sharpness of the Shadow.

Between the Dark Imperial aesthetic, and the savage Mawite auxiliaries, our faction combines elements from the Dark Empire-era Galactic Empire with the RAW war aesthetic of the Brotherhood of the Maw. There are many opportunities for writers who are interested in playing "the bad guy" in a manner fit for the role. From the secret Banite masters of the New Sith Order, to the corrupt Imperial Warlords; from the Mawite Marauders of the Scar Hounds, to the secret agents of COMPNOR. Nearly anything can be molded to fit your area of play as we take our charge on the galaxy at large.

Evil Never Dies.



"You are stormtroopers. You are the keenest weapon in the Emperor's arsenal. Do not fail him. Do not fail me."
- Alicia Beck

The tip of the spear and foremost offensive fighting force of the Empire. Absolutely legendary and iconic in its traditions and aesthetic. The Stormtrooper Corps is a group of highly trained soldiers who have proven their worth in battle against some of the most fearsome foes, taking part as the main component of victory in famed battles such as Harnaidan, Dubrillion, and the siege of Bastion.

The atmosphere is gritty yet enduring with a fixation on the human struggle through combat as they overcome for their comrades at their side, besting greater odds and variable threats to see the Empire eclipse all else.



"It's the trooper you don't see that will get you."
- Cassian Andor

Where the others can not accomplish the task, the special forces groups of the Empire are dispatched to act as the cloak and dagger, the scalpel. Deployed on missions of utmost danger, secrecy and importance, the special forces groups of the Empire are some of the most lethal on the Galactic stage, taking the form of Storm Commandos, Nova Troopers, Death Troopers, and SCAR troopers to name a few, the varied and specialized elite fighting forces of the Empire are a multi-pronged will of reckoning to those who dare oppose the Empire be they clandestine or brazen in their defiance.



'Service, Fealty, Fidelity'
- Motto of the Galactic Imperial Navy

The Imperial Navy has been a long-established force to be reckoned with. Well known and widely feared on the Galactic stage, the Imperial Navy is one of the more effective naval fighting forces in the Galaxy, employing a mesh of tactics and doctrines seen in both Imperial Remnants long past as well as utilizing the stratagems and mandates of their foes to harness the power of an ever-evolving armada that constantly seeks to adapt and remold itself as conflicts progress to isolate and exploit the weaknesses of their enemies.

The story of the Navy is not that of the instruments of destruction but of the very men and women who so preciously position the might of the Empire into its optimal stratagems and the perilous journey along the way.



"My talent is for killing the Empire's enemy, and that is the mission you'll give my men."
- Soontir Fel

The Imperial TIE Pilot is one of the deadliest tools of destruction at the disposal of the Empire. Each and every one of them is some of the most talented and trained in their field, opting for sheer speed and neck snapping maneuverability over sluggishness or raw power. The starfighter corps is the oil to the gears, the scaffolding of the essential foundation work formed together to make up the Imperial Armed Forces. Explore squadron dynamics and inner focus as pilots fight for space and air superiority as well as offering air support to the soldiers on the ground.


"If you're smart, you'll join the Emperor as I have…and he'll make you as powerful as he has made me!"
- Sedriss QL

The Emperor has always admired the tenacity of the Imperial Knights, divorced from the struggles between Jedi and Sith, these warriors stood adamant against the tidal wave of threats who sought to bring chaos to the Empire and its denizens. While the Imperial Knights uphold principles of honor, duty, and loyalty, their successors within the Dark Side Elite have no such constraints. They are willing to employ any means necessary to achieve their objectives, including deception, manipulation, and even outright cruelty. Their allegiance to the Emperor, and to the Dark Side itself, grants them immense power, which they wield with ruthless efficiency.

Members of the Dark Side Elite undergo rigorous training in the dark side of the Force, honing their abilities in manipulation, combat, and the use of dark side techniques such as Sith alchemy and limited knowledge of dark side sorcery. Their training emphasizes embracing emotions such as anger, fear, and hatred to draw strength from the dark side. Unlike the Jedi or the Imperial Knights, who seek balance and harmony within the Force, the Dark Side Elite revel in their mastery of its darker aspects, and are empowered by the Emperor himself. They accept Dark Jedi, fallen Imperial Knights, and other force traditions into their ranks.



"What we say is principle, what we decide is regulation, what we do is law."
- Drelfin

The Galaxy is one of lies and deceit; it's a galaxy filled with conflicting ambitions, and deliberate misinformation. In an age of galactic hegemons who vie for power and influence through soft power, and engage each other through hybrid warfare, it is up to the Imperial Security Bureau to snuff out these threats to our Empire. The ISB is tasked with being the primary apparatus of intelligence and subterfuge both internally and externally throughout the galaxy. Whether these objectives involve direct reconnaissance & surveillance, infiltration & sabotage, or the lethal targeting of security threats via the shadows, the ISB are at home within the Empire's ever-growing shadow.

The ISB is not only meant to deal with the Empire's enemies in the dark; secondarily but of equal importance, they ensure the laws of the Empire are adhered to by the populace of their assigned jurisdiction. Sedition is dealt with a firm hand, and those who seek to commit crimes against the Empire are prosecuted to the full extent of their authority. In short, the eyes of the Imperial Security Bureau are everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

It is through their actions that order is maintained, and security is achieved.


"Forgive me, sir, but these allies on Exegol, they sound like a cult. Conjurers and soothsayers."
- Domaric Quinn, to Kylo Ren

With Solipsis's ascent to power, the Sith ideology became central to the governance of the galaxy. The Church of the Dark Side emerged as a means to institutionalize and propagate the Sith teachings, portraying the dark side of the Force as the path to ultimate power and control. Central to the beliefs of the Church is the worship of Sith Lords, both dead or alive, and their creed. Followers are taught to embrace their passions, tap into their anger and fear, and harness the dark side for personal gain. Devotion to the Sith is considered paramount, with adherents seeking to emulate their dark masters in both thought and action. They are toil in text and ritual, devoting everything to the unholy gospel of their masters.

While the Church of the Dark Side shares some similarities with the Coalition for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR), it distinguishes itself through its emphasis on religious devotion and the mystical aspects of the Force. Unlike COMPNOR, which primarily relies on solely on propaganda and bureaucratic control to maintain Imperial rule, the Church leverages the spiritual allure of the dark side to inspire fervent loyalty among its followers in addition to these previous tactics.



"The Empire is not run by committee, Princess. If I find that the Moff Council needs to know the substance of your message, then I'll be the one who tells them."
- Gilad Pellaeon

The Tribunal is a governing body within the Empire, functioning akin to the Moff Council of Rurik Fel Rurik Fel 's Empire but integrating elements from the Mawite Khanate, including the Khan and the Master of Ren. Established as a mechanism for centralized decision-making and efficiency, the Tribunal plays a pivotal role in the governance and administration of the vast Imperial territories.

The Tribunal comprises high-ranking officials, including Moffs representing various sectors of the Empire and key figures from the Mawite Khanate, such as the Khan and the Master of Ren. At the core of the Tribunal's structure is the Imperial Despot, appointed as the Emperor's representative to oversee the proceedings and manage the affairs of the Council. The Imperial Despot ensures the smooth functioning of the Tribunal, executing the Emperor's directives and maintaining order within the Council. Furthermore, the centralized authority vested in the Imperial Despot enables rapid responses to emerging challenges, ensuring that the Empire remains agile and adaptable in the face of adversity. This contrasts with the Moff Council, where decision-making might be hindered by bureaucratic red tape and inter-Moff rivalries.

The Tribunal's hybrid approach, drawing from both Imperial and Mawite traditions, offers several advantages over the Moff Council. By incorporating the expertise of the Khanate, the Tribunal gains insights into unconventional strategies and diplomatic nuances, enhancing the Empire's ability to navigate complex political landscapes in the times of coming unrest and war.


"Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it."
- Darth Bane

The Dark Side of the Force is finite, a poison diluted between too many vessels, too many 'false' Sith who follow heretical teachings. It needs concentrated among the few in order to strengthen its potency. Operating loosely on the principles of the Banite Sith, the Ancient Sith, and begrudgingly aspects from the One Sith. The success of these New Sith has been their adaptability and devotion to the Grand Plan as well as their strict adherence to the Code of the Sith. Unlike most modern incarnations of the Sith in recent memory, the New Sith Order wages war through stealth, patience, and secrecy.

Operating in pairs of two, a Master and an Apprentice, these Sith hunt down both Jedi and outsider Sith in order to 'recorrect' the diluted flow of the Dark Side as they once had before. Within the New Sith Order, you keep what you kill, only upon the completion of your training and successful kill of your master or another Sith Master can one attain the title of Sith Lord. Ranks are nearly non-existent outside of this truth, resulting in only the two ruling Dark Lords of the Sith, both a Master and Apprentice (Shadow Hand) themselves, taking claim over all others.


"Lao-mon is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. If any Shi'ido remain alive... I cannot say. All we learned in that dark place was the terrible cost of defeat."
- Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka

The Maw Khanate is a formidable force that emerged as a remnant of the infamous "Brotherhood of the Maw," a dark and secretive organization deeply entrenched in the ideologies of the Dark Side of the Force and entrenched in the Unknown Regions. This faction played a pivotal role in instigating the catastrophic Second Great Hyperspace War, aiming to unleash widespread destruction across the galaxy. Led by a coalition of marauders and fervent cultists, the Brotherhood of the Maw operated under the twisted doctrine known as the "Scripture of the Hidden Maw."

Formed up of the remaining marauder tribes left standing in the wake of the Second Great Hyperspace War, and led by the monolithic Scar Hounds tribe founded by The Mongrel The Mongrel and ruled by their great khan. The Maw Khanate's modus operandi revolves around chaos, terror, and the annihilation of all life deemed unworthy by their twisted beliefs. Utilizing their resources and fanatical zeal, they launch devastating assaults on worlds, spreading fear and despair wherever they tread. With the Knights of Ren taking center stage in the faith, they lead the lost children of the Maw in an effort to reclaim their terrible birthright.

Migrating across the galaxy into the realm of the Dark Empire, the forces of the Khanate serve as auxiliaries and wild shocktroopers at the behest of the Emperor, their once dark savior and prophet.​

Credit to the masterclass Zef Halo Zef Halo & Rurik Fel Rurik Fel for the template.

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The Dark Empire


Below are a few example directions any new Imperial character might come from.


"Compare Imperial rule to what is happening now… Look outside. Is the world more peaceful since the revolution? I see nothing but death and chaos."
- "The Client" to Din Djarin

Characters within the Imperial Remnant, whether following the call of Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan or simply put a member of another splinter faction of the Empire, may find themselves drawn to the Dark Empire for various reasons. Some are disillusioned with the Remnant's leadership or ideologies, perceiving the Dark Empire as offering greater power or purpose. Others may be swayed by promises of influence, advancement, or personal gain.

The Dark Empire is adept at disseminating propaganda and manipulating perceptions to further its agenda. Through carefully crafted messaging, it portrays itself as the true inheritor of the Empire's legacy, championing ideals of order, strength, and superiority. Individuals within the Imperial Remnant may be swayed by this propaganda, viewing the Dark Empire as a true chance to reclaim their New Order. Individuals within the Remnant who have suffered losses or perceived injustices at the hands of the Alliance may be driven by a desire for vengeance. The Dark Empire, with its focus on dominating the galaxy and subjugating its enemies, presents an appealing opportunity for retribution against the Alliance.


"War, Death, Rebirth!"
- Thomas Barran Thomas Barran

Hailing from the tribal remains of the Brotherhood of the Maw, the character is steeped in the dark and oppressive culture of their faction. Raised amidst chaos, indoctrinated with the teachings of the "Scripture of the Hidden Maw," they are no stranger to violence, fanaticism, and the allure of power. Perhaps they were once a loyal follower of the Dark Voice, or a prominent figure within the Khanate's hierarchy, wielding influence and authority over lesser members.

Driven by ambition, survival instincts, or a quest for REBIRTH, the character ultimately succumbs to the seductive whispers of the Dark Voice, supposedly returned from death's embrace. Embracing their newfound identity as a servant of the Dark Empire, they undergo a transformative journey, forsaking their past and embracing a darker, more potent source of power as they migrate across the galaxy from their pestilent hideaways in the Unknown Regions. Through trials of initiation, acts of loyalty, and the forging of alliances, they carve out a place for themselves within the ranks of the Dark Empire, rising to prominence as a formidable agent of WAR, DEATH, and REBIRTH.


"What was first just a dream has become a frightening reality for those who may oppose us."
- Grand Admiral Thrawn

The allure of power and influence within the Dark Empire could prove too tempting for many characters to resist, especially if they believe that their abilities are underappreciated or underutilized in their current circumstances. The fanatical propaganda machine of the Iron Sun, coupled with the subversive charisma of the Church of the Dark Side, has warped the sense of duty or loyalty, either due to indoctrination or personal beliefs, leading many to align themselves with the Dark Empire out of a misguided sense of obligation or loyalty to its cause or leadership.

Circumstances beyond the character's control, such as being blackmailed, coerced, or threatened by the Dark Empire, could also force them into joining against their will, with the promise of sparing themselves or their loved ones from harm.


"I think I need something more than killing and fighting in my life. I need a purpose."
- Canderous Ordo

Exiles, having been stripped of their former lives and identities, may find themselves adrift in a galaxy that offers little solace or redemption. Facing societal ostracization and a lack of support networks, they may succumb to feelings of hopelessness and despair, seeking refuge in the arms of the Dark Empire, which presents itself as a beacon of strength and stability in an uncertain world.

Those who manage to escape or are freed from Galactic Alliance prisons often emerge scarred by their experiences, harboring feelings of resentment, anger, and a thirst for revenge against the very system that incarcerated them. The trauma of imprisonment can leave individuals vulnerable to the manipulative tactics employed by agents of the Dark Empire, who prey upon their vulnerabilities and offer promises of empowerment and vindication.​

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