Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Dispatches | Senate Mission Board

In the interests of giving Senators a little more to do than attend galas and smirk during Senate meetings, we've developed a pilot program consisting of a few "mission" type threads as suggestions for what our elected representatives can be doing with their days, along with some suggested success/failure conditions, as well as a few open-ended ones. There's even one geared towards our shady friends who may not be entirely on the up-and-up. Please take a look at the following missions, sign up for one, and give us your feedback in the Discord.

In the interest of giving everyone a chance, please limit yourself to one of the items below for the time being.

Alone Together (2+ Players):
While you are walking back to your office in the Senate, a security alert triggers a security lockdown, and the Senate Guard has unceremoniously locked you into the nearest secure space, which turns out to be the office of a Senator with whom you do not politically align (you could even be enemies!). You are trapped together until the security alert is over, which could be hours! You decide to spend the time seeking some kind of understanding, discuss the issues of the day, and possibly draft a new legislation proposal.
Claimed: Valette Puritis Yumia Valette Puritis Yumia & OPEN
  • Success: Draft a piece of legislation together to be voted on by the Senate
  • Failure: Engage in physical violence with your Senate colleague
  • Neutral: Nobody gets hurt and nothing gets accomplished, but we all still had fun.

Calming Presence (Solo or Group): War with the Mandalorian Enclave looms large on the horizon, and the outskirts of the Galactic Alliance have become skittish with worry that the Alliance isn’t doing enough to secure their safety. Large-scale demonstrations have swept a planet’s capital (perhaps even your own), and the rhetoric has become violent. The situation is a powder keg. The Senate has dispatched a delegation to diffuse the situation. Will your high-minded rhetoric convince the people that the GA is looking after their best interests? Will you negotiate with the leader of the protest movement? Or will you threaten to repress the protests to shut them up?
Claimed: Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav
  • Success: You’ve lowered the temperature and, though protests continue, they are no longer bordering on violence.
  • Failure: Your actions have backfired, and violence has erupted in response. Nice job!
  • Neutral: You didn’t fix the problem, but you didn’t make it worse, so that’s something.

Corporate Diplomacy (Solo or Group): As the Galactic Alliance prepares for conflict, you have been tasked with negotiating a purchasing agreement for supplies/materiel. Approach a player character who runs a business to discuss a contract to benefit both the Galactic Alliance and the corporation. And if you’re that kind of Senator, you could even benefit yourself, but watch out for corruption scandals…
Claimed: Open!
  • Success: You’ve negotiated a beneficial contract that will surely aid the Alliance in its military efforts.
  • Failure: The negotiations blew up in your face and everyone’s going to know about it.
  • Neutral: You didn’t make a deal this time, but there’s plenty of fish left in the sea.

Self-Promotion (PVP with Reporter): All press is good press, so your office has reached out to a talented reporter for a sit-down interview to get your name in the press. There’s an opportunity to get your message out there, but be prepared to be pressed on the day’s issues! Reach out to [Patt] in the GA Discord to set up your interview!
Claimed: Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto

Corrupt Senator Special:
You write a Senator who has some, shall we say, shady dealings. That’s cool. Credits make the galaxy go ‘round, and they’ve got to come from somewhere. But your antics have placed you in the crosshairs of the Strategic Intelligence Agency, who have requested an interview. Collaborate with a member of our friendly SIA. Will you convince them there’s nothing to see here, or is this an example of “where there’s smoke, there’s fire”?
Claimed: Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr
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