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Approved Tech Darth Revan's Mask

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Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Darth Revan's Mask

OOC Info
Image Source: Kotor (Lucas Arts)
Intent: To bring Revan's Mask into the chaos timeline
Development Thread: X

Mask General Info
Manufacturer: Mandalorian smiths
Model: NA
Affiliation: Miss Blonde
Modularity: None
Production: Unique (canon item)
Material: Beskar
Classification: Multipurpose armor
Weight: 1.3 KG
•Class 10 (on the plate)
Special features:
•Lightsaber resistant
•Strong darkside presence
•Strong psychic residue


Mask Description
It all started on the shores of Cathar where an unknown female mandalorian gave her life to do the right thing, and through her sacrifice a galactic icon and young Jedi Knight took their first steps towards becoming the dark lord of the Sith. This is the mask that the man wore when he slew Mandalore the Ultimate and vanquished the Neo-Crusaders. This was the mask the man wore when he claimed the mantle of Dark Lord and struck his friend down. And this is the mask of the Dark Lord of the Sith known simply as Darth Revan.

Forged long ago on Mandalore this mask was at first any other piece of armor. It's beskar made, tough, and durable piece of facial armor and it has served both Mandalorian combatants as well as Revan faithfully over years of battle. It's a strong piece of armor to have and the quality that went into building it was of course impeccable and excellent due to the care and skill of Mandalorian Smiths.

But that's not what makes this mask what it is. No what makes it so iconic was the fact that it belonged to Darth Revan arguably one of the most powerful Sith Lords to ever walk the galaxy. He was so powerful that his legacy carries on today through this mask and other items claimed throughout the galaxy. The psychic and dark side energy alone that radiates off this mask alone is enough to trigger visions of the past of long lost battlefields, moments as the Dark Lord, and other glimpses of history. As for its dark side energy this isn't a nexus or a well to feed from, it's simply the mask's aura. It emits an aura of merciless evil and anger and it can be felt, and it can certainly be a motivator to look towards the darkness for strength. To see what it can offer you, to give power that you can take for yourself. The mask can drive even some of the more powerful people truly mad through its history of blood and death, to see through the eyes of the Dark Lord.

And that is one of the many flaws this mask has. The sheer amount of power and corruption left behind is at times too much for even the burliest of force users. Lighsiders can find themselves feeling the lust and wanting of the darkside if they are to wear it, and at times dark siders can grow mad wanting to achieve the level of power Revan had through the potential flash backs and psychic energy. But one needs to remember that at the end of the day this is just a mask. A beskar mask yes, but even beskar can break. So it is quite possible for this mask to be destroyed or purified through lightside based attacks and powers. It can be easily sensed through the force due to its aura and your average Jedi could sense that something is not right with the force while it is around.

The mask of Revan. Truth be told it is best for people to not wear it, it's best left for those who simply wish to collect. But for those brave or foolish enough to dawn the mask you can be shown a time that has long since past through the eyes of a long dead man. Will you see the power of the darkside? Or will you go mad with delusions of visions and power?

This is a Canon item
Revan's Mask
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Approved. [member="Miss Blonde"]

Please ensure you post the canon item in the mod request thread.

Otherwise, anyone else is free to make another submission and claim this if they dev and submit this.

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