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Approved Tech Darren Shaw's Echani Duelist Armor

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Factory Judge


[*]Primary Source: N/A

  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Resistances
    Blasters: Very High
  • Kinetic: High
  • Lightsabers: Extreme
  • Sonic: None
  • EMP/Ion: Extreme
  • Elemental: Extreme
  • Electrical: Extreme
  • Force: None
  • Acid: Very Low
  • Vacuum/Pressure: None
  • Radiation: None
  • Heat: Low
  • Cold: High


  • Everyday Wear: A set of clothing sewn and stitched together to be worn every day when possible. Being resilient to most environmental conditions. However does fall short in a couple others. Made with fine silks, and even some clothing from some "not so reputable sources." The clothing is far and away considered to be extremely well crafted light armor, that can perform well and above the call of duty.
  • Duelists Crucible: As a set of clothing more so resembling light armor, It is heavily influenced by dueling. Resistant to a number of energy based weaponry due to the various textiles used in the creation of this armor. Secondly, with some resistances to Kinetic weapons such as Swords, and Slugthrowers, it affords Darren in dueling scenarios.
  • Exotic Weaponry: For the weapon types that are typically not used, Darren finds a weakness too. Acidic, Sonic/Sound, Radiation, and even Heat weapons can easily damage the armor, as well as the wearer. Should the armor be damaged, it can reduce the effectiveness of the abilities, protection, and utilities provided through the force, or otherwise.
  • Lightly Covered: As with any kind of light armor, it excels for protection in one or a couple of fields, but all others, it falls short. Namely not being able to be used in every scenario possible, nor is it going to stand up well to those who have weaponry specifically meant to take out people who are wearing armor.
  • Nullification: When entering a nullification field, the provided force effects will be rendered Null and Void. However, the Robeskin, as it is biological in nature, can still provide healing, albeit to a lesser degree should it be in the void.
With Darren's recent escapades around the galaxy, as well as accepting his altered state, chose to create a set of armor that can work with his new form, and even allow him to excel in situations where dueling may be necessary. Due to his Echani ties, the armor is kept extremely light. Using various silks, fabrics, and even leathers to provide the necessary effects of what is needed. However, expounded upon by altering them via the force. Providing additional effects of healing, and even aiding in his usage of the force to better perform when in the field.

The downsides to this, is that the armor is not a tank. It can still be damaged and destroyed. And due to its ties to the force, can be brought down a couple notches in various ways. In essence, this is just Echani armor, that has been kicked up a couple of notches for his own personal use.
[member="Darren Shaw"], just a couple things I'd like to clarify with you before I can slap an approval on this

Darren Shaw said:
Vacuum/Pressure: None
Any way you can elaborate on what you mean by this? Is this related to the ability to survive in space or more along the lines of a resistance to gravitational effects/technology? I know you have it marked as "none," but if I could get a little clarification in this, that would be greatly appreciated.
Factory Judge
[member="Alden Akaran"],

All of the above. For the sake of balance I put them together, and with how the forces of gravity and vacuum of space can try to pull. "stretch," or even crush the user. All at varying strengths depending on the situation. If you would like them separated I can, however that would lower the ratings I currently have to be "even more under powered" than what they are.


I am fine either way.
[member="Darren Shaw"]

That's fine. It'll already likely turn some heads for simply incorporating 4 different "Extreme" resistances as it does currently, but because of the other weaknesses this armor has, it does balance itself out. Enjoy your new armor
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