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Approved Tech Dark Rune Armor.

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Armor look.

Close up of hood.
Intent: Armor to replace Darren’s old set.
Development Thread: Yes.
Manufacturer: Darren/James Armor co.
Model: Dark Rune Armor
Affiliation: Darren Shaw
Modularity: no
Production: Unique
Material: Phrik for the gauntlets, boots, and shoulder, Durasteel for the thigh, biceps, and Helm,Cloth for inside of helm for more comfort, Belts are made of leather.
Description: Darren Shaw has had a life where he wore armor when needed, yet it didn’t seem to fit him mentally. He was known as wearing White armor, sometimes being referred to as “The White knight”. Now he understands who he really is and there for has to make armor that would fit him physically and mentally.

Darren has gone by the name of Fallen Knight in the past, and to keep that image, he still has his “Death cloak” that can wrap around his helm with some ease. However now his cloak has runes written into the fabric. Darren has to carry his 3 lightsabers, “Soul sword” (his Sith sword name), and his GH-44 blaster. He wears two belts at all times, one to hold his lightsaber and one to hold his Soul sword on his back. With these extra belts he can hold his GH-44 pistol kept with a holster on the small of his back, and his two other lightsabers on his hip.

Darren knows how to enhance his armor and weapons by the force and will do so. However now that he is a Master rank he knows that there is no point in hiding with his armor when he could simply use the force to do a better job. Darren also did not like the fact that his armor was very conductive to electricity and therefore will not have Tanzoin Flesh put into his armor. More so it is quite the opposite where it will increase his ability to use lightning and other such powers of the same element. Darren rarely uses his spiked gauntlets in battle with his old armor and therefore took it out. However the fingers are slightly pointed almost like talons used for grabbing and possibly cutting. Darren also took out the adhesive boots from rarely using the technology, instead he can use the force.

Darren never really liked the Open helm look and so he made eye slits for the visor. Because of the force being poured into the armor, the visor lights up an artic blue when in use. The chest plate armor is just as it sounds covers almost all of chest but leaves open his stomach allowing him to have more movement at the hips for flipping and what not. The Environment Underlay IV is used to protect against harsh weather so Darren does not need to wear excess clothing to stay warm or take of armor because he is cold. On the shoulders there are two runes, the one on the Right signifies Justice, and the left signifies Revenge. On the back of the gauntlet hand there are runes signifying Lightning, Runes are sewn into the cloak, and on the sash that is in front of the groin and in front of the rear end, Lighting up when using the force.
Classification: Multi-Use.
Weight: 24 Kg
Quality: 8
Other Feature(s): The HUD consists of Night vision, Distance meter, Armor output rating, Time, Vitals, Speed, and air ventilator. On the small of his back there is a pouch to carry small items like credits and keys. The utility belt can hold his three lightsabers, his GH-44 pistol, and a pouch for two extra ammo clips. Because of the force used to enhance the armor it allows him to use the force much more easily to help expend less energy when using stronger force powers. It also gives of a Dark Presence of the force being that Darren created it to accept the Dark side.
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