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Approved Tech D-1 Prototype Armor

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Intent: This suit is a prototype that Aldo has been working on for self defensive purposes and as a test for a perfect armor.
Development Thread: Will be done, upon request/acceptance of this armor.
Hero Unit: No
Manufacturer: Zarkot Industries
Model: Duralium Suit V.1
Affiliation: Zarkot Industries ( Only one suit in existence )
Modularity: Room for major alterations after initial testing. The suit is a prototype, for now, and can be expanded on.
Production: Unique
Material: The suits outer layer, and main source of protection, is Duralium mixed with Lanthanide. Together they form a strong armor plating. Underneath the Duralium is a light mesh armor that is a last resort in case the Duralium is damaged in any way. On the back of the armor is a jetpack that is built into the suit. Controls for the jetpack are located just above the wrist, and with the proper arm movements, will extend forward for the user.
Description: A bulky prototype, the D-1 armor is Aldo's first attempt at a suit that can be used for both flight and combat. The main idea is that he can build a suit that can be mass produced, to the highest bidder of course, that could ultimately give an advantage in combat. The outer layer is made of a Duralium/Lanthanide combination that offers modest protection against blaster fire. Note: Heavy Blaster fire or repeated shots would easily pierce the armor and the Mesh Weaving underneath would not offer much protection. While lightsabers would have an easy time slicing through the armor, a vibroblade would have a much harder time, leaving a dent at worst. Located on the back of the armor is a small jetpack that would offer flight up to, approximately, 15 meters. Flight tests have lasted no longer than ten minutes of uninterrupted flight. The suit is two pieces, the first being the actual body, and the second being the helmet. A computerized HUB is in beta testing, which would allow for voice communication, access to a holo database at a secure location, and the possibility of an A.I. able to assist the user.

List of features:
Duralium/Lanthanide armor able to withstand light blaster fire
Helmet with a HUB ( Still in beta testing )
Jetpack with flight up to 15 meters.
Classification: Multipurpose ( Anti-blaster, flight, etc. )
Weight: 90.3 KG
Quality: The current Zarkot Industries rating is at 4.
Other Feature(s): All features are currently listed.

So this is my first attempt at this, and I am hoping this will go smoothly, the entire character is based off this idea. I am, obviously, going for an Iron Man thing here and I want to start from the beginning. Zarkot Industries has not been confirmed on this website, and I have not gotten a bio approved, I wanted to get this approved and critiqued before I actually made the character seeing as how this will be a big staple of the character or not. Problems? Questions? Please, give them to me roleplay judges, because this is new to me and I want to make sure this is perfect. Obviously, as I progress, I will come up with more suit ideas but I wanted to get a basic suit out there that I can use IC.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Because this is unique and I can see what you're going for I'll approve this. Just remember that this should be RPed akin to Mandalorian Armor. Also in the future, try and make a bio first. I promise even if something isn't acceptable we will work with you.
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