Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corruptable Minds (Krest)

Luminara smiled coolly as the five men followed her down the street like dogs. It was so easy to make them see dozens of beautiful Zeltrons. Their minds were like hollow spaces of nothing, and all she had to do was fill them with what they desired. She led them out of Mos Espa, and straight into the Dune Sea. It was near nightfall, and her white skin shone like a beacon in the setting suns. The men had been particularly annoying in the cantina beforehand. They kept asking if she was a dancer and offering to pay her for "services". She could read through their shabby little thoughts. She knew that they would follow her outside and attempt to assault her. So, she took the upper hand, and "gave" them exactly what they wanted. They walked behind her in silence, a kind of trance in their eyes. The cliff side was mere inches away when she finally stopped. "Oh look," She said to them, "The pretty Zeltrons Are all going for a swim. You should jump in with them..." The five men smiled eagerly, nodding. In their hypnotized state, they whooped happily as they jumped to their deaths. Luminara smirked down at their remains. Simple, indeed. She then turned around, and began walking back to Mos Espa.
Krest let out a sharp whistle as he watched the men take their jump. Now that certainly wasn't something common. He had followed the group more out of curiosity on why the men were following [member="Luminara Rikanati"] , only to realize the Sith was controlling their minds. Impressive. He stood in plain sight, both of his hands tucked behind his head. He wore simple clothing, a pair of slakes and a wide collard shirt. There were no shoes, even with the desert, and Deus was strapped to his waist.

"So.. Got a reason why you're playing the Siren kid?"
Luminara cocked a brow at the mysteriously handsome Zabrak. "I don't play Siren, boy. I live it..." She said in a sultry tone, bowing dramatically. As she stood up once more, one of her lekku fell over her shoulder. She played with the end of it as she examined him. "Why are you playing stalker?" She purred slyly, smirking at him.
Krest shrugged his shoulders, letting out a yawn. "Habbit really. When I see something new I have to see it to the end. Which ended with a fall, so it seems." His hands moved across his chest then, his blue gaze watching [member="Luminara Rikanati"] . "I don't think I've ever seen your kind white however. Could you explain why this is?"
Luminara chuckled lightly. "Is that so? Well, I guess the Hutt was right about one thing. I am a rare breed..." As she said this, she tossed her lekku off her shoulder. She walked up to him. "The only explanation I have for my rare color is that I was born with it," She said in a mockingly innocent tone. Even if she did care, she wouldn't have had the means to answer that question anyway. She studied his face with her Red-Gold eyes.
"I'm sure you are." His whole body was relaxed, but his blue eyes held a sharpness, a focus unbecoming of his posture. His words were light, hinting at his deeper thoughts, on how he thought [member="Luminara Rikanati"] may be crazy. "There are easier ways to kill people however, and most would only do so if there was some sort of power to be gained. Was this just for fun, or are you truly like a Siren and you drained their soul?"
Luminara laughed. It wasn't an innocent laugh, though. It was dark, and a little menacing even. "You're a very funny little Zabrak, you know. To assume that I, a simple little Twi'lek, am a Siren! Oh, that's quite flattering of you, really." She playfully traced the shape of his shoulders with her fingers as she walked in a slow circle around him. "If it pleases you to know, these men were planning on violating me in the streets. I merely beat them to the punch," She said coyly, grinning.
Krest blinked slowly at her laugh. His gaze would darken, visibly. To him the laugh was disrespectful, a sign of arrogance over that of Death. Death was to be respected. The weak should be killed yes, and those who challenge you, but Death should always be respected. He raised a hand as she moved behind him, his whole form rigid. [member="Luminara Rikanati"] would begin to feel her throat slowly get squeezed and most likely get lifted off the ground in an instant if she couldn't resist.

"You are arrogant, and weak. You have not earned your ability to be cocky yet."
Luminara felt her throat being squeezed by invisible hands. Her feet lifted slightly off the ground. "Oh really?" She said. She then blasted Krest backward with a Force push, freeing herself from his chokehold. "You've got a lot of nerve to tell me what I should and shouldn't do, dearie. I don't think you understand just how much I know," she hissed as her smirk turned to a deadly glare. She would not be treated like some dewy-eyed schoolgirl. She knew what she was doing.
Krest blinked for a moment, stumbling forward from the push. He was silent, both of his hands down by his side. He spoke slowly, all the while reaching into the desert they stood on, manipulating the sand below her feet. Not enough to notice, not yet, but enough to start.

"It does not matter how much you know. It is simply the fact that I know more." His hands would clench suddenly, and the ground beneath [member="Luminara Rikanati"] would suddenly sink. Through the Force he created a sink hole for the sole purpose of dragging the twi'liek down into the desert below. Whether or not she was caught in it, he was really just proving his strength. A sink hole was a start, but there would be a lesson.
Luminara felt the sand slipping downward beneath her feet. Quickly, she used a blast of Force energy and jumped from the ground before it could swallow her. In an aerial flip, she gracefully landed a few feet in front of Krest. She smirked. "Yes, dearie, you do seem to know a lot. How much, I wonder?"
Krest brought up a single hand, holding it out to [member="Luminara Rikanati"] as he turned. His faded blue eyes would shine intently at the female, scanning, waiting. Then the sands around them would shift, coming to life at the Zabrak's call. Through the Force Krest lifted the sands like waves, sending each like a fist for the girls form. First to her chest, then to her legs, then her head. From all angles the sand would strike with enough force to shatter bone should they connect.

Krest kept still otherwise though, some sand starting to circle his form. He would use the environment to his advantage, that much was certain.

Luminara was ready. She saw the waves of sand coming for her. Instead of fleeing, she sat down on the ground, crossing her legs and bowing her head. She focused until her mind was in tune with the air and the sand around her. From Krest's view, it would appear that she was being buried in the furious onslaught that he was throwing at her. When it finally ended, all there was of Luminara was a massive mound of sand. For a moment, anyway. The mound soon began to shift at the top, with sand avalanches tumbling downward. In the next second, Luminara was in the air, untouched, a Force shockwave sending all of the sand back in Krest's direction.
Krest smiled bemusedly as [member="Luminara Rikanati"] rose up. So she wasn't as weak as he had initially thought. He held up his second hand as the sand came at him, causing it to fan out, going around his body. He slowly lowered both of his hands, letting all the sand he was currently holding up fall. "At least you understand practicality. Perhaps you can be taught more."
Luminara landed on her feet. She flipped her lekku over her shoulder, walking back to Krest. "Are you saying you'd train me?" She asked, a twinkle in her eyes. It wouldn't bother her in the least if the powerfully handsome Zabrak became her master. Perhaps more, even.
"I will train you. But you need to learn respect." He would move for the first time sense initially talking to [member="Luminara Rikanati"] . The distance between the two would disappear in the blink of an eye as he charged her, a fist held high. The red fist would be sent directly for the girls face, and be quickly followed by his offhand hammering towards her stomach. Respect is an easy lesson to teach, but it's hard lesson to be taught.
Luminara jumped to the side at the last minute as Krest charged her, avoiding him. "Who says I don't respect you?" She said, smiling playfully. "Not everyone can make the desert eat you, you know."
Krest continued after her as she leaped back. With her now in the air he pulled free his physical sword Deus from it's sheath. He'd only cut once, right for her stomach. Her arrogance was expected. It was with all those who wanted to become Sith. But Krest felt that she was weaker then him, that she needed to fall in line to those stronger then her. In his mind a Sith should respect their master until the day they can defeat them.

[member="Luminara Rikanati"]
Luminara cried out, clutching her stomach and falling to her hands and knees. She removed her hand to see blood. He'd cut her! She looked up at him. Instead of fear in her eyes, there was only hate. Her eyes were daggers as she stared at him. "You're done playing, aren't you?" She chuckled darkly.
Krest flicked the blood free from his blade, a frown clean his face. "You can resist sand, resist a choke. Yet you can't resist a simple cut? There is something I can teach you after all." [member="Luminara Rikanati"] can stare all she would like at this point. The Zabrak had found what he could teach her, and he would. Painfully.

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