Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Clash of the Titans

Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco had reached out to a once famous gladiator, wanting to refresh on her hand to hand combat as well as test out what her new combat capabilities could do in an actual fight. The victor would receive a hefty sum of credits, so they definitely fought like their life depended on it... At some points it certainly did, if she felt like they weren't giving their all. By the time Diodoros Diodoros had his turn to fight the draconic woman, the arena already had plenty of blood scattered about it, with a good bit of it painting her blue and golden armor. She stood in the middle of the arena, panting heavily with the head of one of the previous combatants in her hand, thankfully still attached to his body still, he was still alive, just incapacitated

"C'mon, give me more... Give me a challenge, not a workout."

She said before dropping the last combatant, her fists clenching before she'd crack them


Someone wanted to challenge him? Needless to say he was intrigued by it. His agent had told him it was a waste of his time and energy. The golden man had bigger fish to fry as a privateer for the Sith Order. Shouldn’t be wasting his time on no names. But as a celebrated combat athlete he wasn’t going to turn his back on a challenge. Even if from some upstart gladiator he didn’t know the name of.

Stepping into the ring the dazzling gilded man spoke out. Replying to her demands. “Be careful what you wish for. You might bite off more than you can chew.” He said, before lifting his wide lens sunglasses up from his eyes and onto his head. Flashing one of his prominent canines with a cocky grin. Diodoros was smaller than his opponent by a few inches. But what he lacked in size he made up for in mass and density. Also unlike her he didn’t wear any armor. Instead wearing some ancient yet comfortable article of clothing that resembled a white blanket draped over him.

If the draconic woman was perceptive enough through The Force she could tell that Diodoros wasn’t force sensitive. Yet seemingly carried some of it’s power energy with him. Stored within a necklace and a ring around one of his fingers. “I’ll let you make the first move… newbie…” Diodoros taunted with lazy little wave of his hand to signal her to attack.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Cocky, arrogant, and certainly full of shit. Her analysis of him through both her eyes and the force had him pegged as nothing special, and a waste of time. She huffed as she raised her fists in a ready combat position

One who has not been graced by The Force, witness true horror in this battle today.

And with that, she’d fire on all cylinders, getting her breathing under control as she launched forward at a terrifying speed, using all that momentum and force to… drop low? Draco dropped to the ground and slid, her left foot outstretched to kick Diodoros Diodoros in the right leg, on his shin, to knock him off balance and throw him to the ground, where she could easily overpower him and put him to sleep


Diodoros was happy to see that the power armored woman had drive and spirit. Seeing her rush him, he clenched one of his fists. The ring he wore began to spark and flicker with small arcs of electricity. Readying his own counter against her assault.

That was until she suddenly dropped low, sliding into kicking his leg and knocking him off and onto the ground, landing on his font side. He seemed to have a bad habit of letting female opponents knock him prone. There were certainly worse problems to have in life. But he would need to make a mental note for later to correct this troubling pattern of behavior.

He was slow to react as was usual for him. A lifetime of brain damage and regaining muscle memory in his limbs had made the brute rather sluggish. He wasn’t a hare, he was a tortoise. Having neigh-unparalleled endurance compared to most of his competition.

The next thing he knew his opponent was on top of him in a grapple. He was a bit surprised she would even dare getting close to him like this. Clearly she wasn’t someone who did their homework. Still though, he had a few new tricks from his time as a gladiator. Even with her on top of him, Diodoros simply began to get himself back up off the ground. Her added weight would be detrimental for a basic human. Amongst other Firrerreo he was an over-muscled freak of nature. Not just some buff gold skinned man. His strength allows him to rather simply pick himself up off the ground with her attached.

His ringed hand would then grip her body wherever it could and unleash a violent shock upon her body and suit. Hoping it would make her body involuntarily let go of his.

Draco Miles Draco Miles
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Now THIS was interesting~ Even with the added weight of her armor, he was still getting up! With a quick adjustment of her grip from around his neck to one had on his shoulder, she'd twist her body before he could grab her and flung the Golden Titan away from her, slinging him back into the sand a couple feet away before she'd continue her barrage, acting much more like a hare than he could even hope to imagine. Perhaps she was like him in his prime? A swift kick to where his liver should be would hopefully roll him over and allow him to avoid the incoming stomp for his head, otherwise he was in for another world of hurt

"Was their boasting all talk?! Where is the champion I was promised!?"


She was fast and annoying to keep track of. Perhaps he was also telegraphing his moves too poorly. He began to scramble back up after getting knocked over again into the sand. A precise shot to his liver made a surge of unavoidable pain shoot through his body. Causing him to reflexively gasp and fall onto one of his knees.

She taunted him and went to strike his head. He would react by intercepting her leg. Grabbing it harshly by her ankle before it could make contact with his head. If Draco was perceptive enough she could see that his golden skin hat turned a tad more pale. As if gradually turning silver instead. His blue eys glared up at her. Back in hutt space he was called “The Brass Beast” and he planned now to educate her as to why.

With his grip on her leg he grunted and violently tugged. Picking himself up and hoisting Draco off her feet. Moving to swing her over his entire body before slamming her harshly into the ground. Quickly following it up by doing the same thing again on his other side. Crashing her body down onto the ground like a ragdoll.
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
A title certainly befitting for a savage like him. As he stopped her foot mere inches from his face and impressing her at his raw strength, she couldn't help but crack a smile. Though that smile quickly disappeared as he flung her over his head and slammed her into the ground, a hefty grunt escaping her as she barely turned her head in time to avoid her snout going first into the sand. Even with her helmet on, that'd still hurt a lot. He'd get about 3 of these slams in before she'd be able to collect herself enough to reach out to him, as if grasping for something, before using the force. His wrist would feel unbearable pressure crashing down around it from all angles, like an irate parent grabbing their small child. Forcing him to hold her right where he had her while she'd hopefully be able to slip free from his grasp

"Now there's something interesting~ I've never met a man as strong as a wookie before."


As soon as he felt the telekinetic pressure on his wrist he quickly let go of Draco, tossing her aside some before looking down at his wrist to see what just happened. It even seemed as though a lightbulb went off over his head. But before he could comment on his idea he listened to what she said. It was true, almost. Typical Firrerreo could contend some with wookies. Diodoros could possibly surpass a powerlifting wookie jacked up on roids. Given that his athleticism often surpassed much of his kin. His skin returned more to its typical golden hue and he smirked. “It’s nice to finally be recognized in such a way. Seems like my hard work is finally paying off.” He spoke like a gym bro after finally achieving a fitness goal of his. Plus Diodoros had always had a strong admiration for wookies. His old best friend being one himself.

“So… you’re another one of those warlocks aren’t you?” He asked, deducing that she was Force Sensitive. “I’ve been meaning to test my metal against another like you for some time now. She’s a Jedi specifically. But I suppose I’ll need to settle for you right now.” Diodoros said with a confident tone. Viewing his opponent more like a stepping stone for a bigger and greater challenge. Because he had his eyes on a different prize, defeat or submission here wasn’t even a consideration.

Draco Miles Draco Miles

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