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Tʜᴇ Lᴀᴡʙʀɪɴɢᴇʀ




    • Clan: Lok
    • Species: Wookiee
    • Homeworld: Kwookrrr
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 44 GSY
    • Height: 2.47 Meter
    • Weight: 143 kg
    • Hair: Brown
    • Eyes: Deep Brown
    • Skin: Blackish-Grey pads, nose, and lips
  • Long ago, there was a Mandalorian named Aram Lok, whom was a scion of the Vindicated's clan. Like many of his people, he took up the old profession of bounty hunting. This life took Aram across many worlds, and put himself on many adventures. Little did he know, he would one day find himself hunted.

    One day, Aram found himself afoul of a Trandoshan game hunter name Sselosk and stranded on the forest moon of Wasskah. Like many before him, Sselosk used a stretch of jungle as a perverse hunting ground for him and his clutchmates to hunt sentient prey. Aram was unfortunate enough to be one of the quarry. Yet, the Mandalorian managed to make a friend in his fellow prisoner, the Wookiee Loftatha. The pair eventually escaped, scarring Sselosk and Loftatha granting Aram a life debt.

    The pair became great friends, essentially becoming family to one another. Loftatha would occasionally return to his home on the Wookiee colony of Kwookrrr. Loftatha and his mate eventually bore a pup: Chewurra, named in part for the Wookiee hero Chewbacca. Their lives were relatively quiet, save for when Aram and Loftatha got in their specks of trouble.

    Yet, the calm was not to last. Eventually, the shadows of Wasskah came to haunt them. Sselosk had tracked Loftatha down on Kwookrrr. Aram managed to catch his Wookiee friend's distress call, but barely made. Aram and Loftatha managed to end the life of their Trandoshan nemesis, but at shesby cost. Loftatha and his mate were among the casualties. In his dying words, Loftatha asked Aram to take his son on as a Foundling.

    And so it was that Chewurra was inducted into Clan Lok. He had always considered Aram as his uncle, and thus felt a modicum of comfort knowing he would be raised among Aram's people. For years, Chewurra underwent the training and rites all Mandalorian children face. He eventually was ceremonially made a full Mandalorian, building is own set of armor that honored his heritage.

    In the wake of the recent Mandalorian diaspora, Chewurra has set himself up with the Enclave as they rebuild on Kestri. While he has not taken any official roles as of yet, the Wookiee is found of helping out the foundlings where he can. From donating a portion of his hunting reward to offering guidance on weapon upkeep. The Wookiee Mandalorian's long shadow is not one that will dissapate soon.
    • Wookiee Traits: Like other Wookiees, Chewurra has the fabled strength of his kind. Enough to "tear a man's arms off of their sockets". He also possesses retractable claws that makes him an excellent arboreal climber, and fangs can pierce even the scaly hide of a Trandoshan.
    • Mando Upbringing: Being raised under Clan Lok, Chewurra was given the standard upbringing as any other Mandalorian foundling. This includes how to fight like a Mando, and how to hunt like one.
    • Mechanically Adept: Chewurra, like many Wookiees from Kwookrrr, was raised to be great with mechanics. He started off with helping his birth father around their farmstead on Kwookrrr, and this continued on with his Mandalorian family. He now offers to teach basic equipment and starship maintenance to any greenhorn that needs it.
    • Language Barrier: While Chewurra can understand and write in both Basic and Mando'a, he cannot speak either. His biology makes him only capable of speaking any of the three Wookiee languages: Shyriiwook, Thykarann, or Xaczik. Thus, it becomes a frustrating task to either have a translator handy or speak to someone who can understand Shyriiwook.
    • Temper: Like many other Wookiees, Chewurra sometimes has a foul temper when provoked. Most of the time, he has a calm, almost brotherly demeanor about him. Yet, if you severely frustrate him, are abusive towards Wookiees, or threaten those that he considers close..... you'll have an angry, beskar clad Wookiee on your hands.
    • Big Target: Let's face facts. An armored Wookiee stands out like a sore thumb in a firefight. It is not always advantageous to be to he biggest guy.

    • A set of beskar'gam, painted in a way inspired by Wookiee armor of old.
    • A Wentross ER-1N, a type of collapsible bowcaster.
    • A kal of his own design, inspired by the claw of a katarn
    • A pair of Mandalorian vambraces, loaded with a grappling line, paralysis darts, shield emitter, and a holoprojector.
    • A bandolier that carries extra quarrels for his bowcaster, his kal, and other tools he might need on missions
    • A monocle-like device that helps his night vision and far vision
  • N-5PX
    • AKA "Enfive"
    • he is Chewurra's masculine programmed monster droid.
    • His construction mainly consists of a 3PX-series' head attached to a N5 sentry's body, and painted brown with tan patterns
    • He acts as Chewurra's translator, copilot on the Shyyyo, and an extra gun if needed
    • In those cases where he needs to fight, he wields a E-5C blaster rifle

    • He hates being called "Chewie", as he feels it is an unworthy comparison to the Great Chewbacca. He prefers "Wurra" as a nickname.
    • Has a hatred for slavers, especially Trandoshans

Credit to The Quartermaster The Quartermaster and Maksim Varad Maksim Varad , who's divs I modified

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