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Approved Tech CC-L44 Binary Laser Cannon

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Make the right choice, make it Captain's Choice!
CC-L44 Binary Laser Cannon
  • Classification: Medium Laser Cannon
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Tibanna Gas
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: High (Dual-Fire Mode), Low (Twin-Fire Mode)
  • Damage Output: Low (Dual-Fire Mode), High (Twin-Fire Mode)
  • Recoil: Average
  • Adaptable to multiple starship classes and designs.
  • Adjustable firing mode, Dual-Fire and Twin-Fire.
  • Stabilized turret mount with full range of motion.
  • Compatible with manual targetting arrays, smartgun programs, and droid gunners.
  • Adjustable Fire Mode: The L44 can switch between two different fire settings, Dual-Fire where both barrels fire independently at a higher rate, and Twin-Fire where both barrels fire on the same target for higher damage.
  • Twice As Half-Baked: The L44's two firing modes are weaker than more committed weapon systems, Dual-Fire is slower than an autoblaster while Twin-Fire is weaker than a heavy or turbolaser.
The standard medium laser cannon found in one form or another across the Captain's Choice starship lineup, the CC-L44 Binary Laser Cannon is in many ways a bog-standard laser weapon. Its one standout feature is its two firing modes, Dual-Fire and Twin-Fire, which can help give the cannon a small kick to its firepower based on the needs of the situation. In Dual-Fire model, both barrels of the L44 fire independently, doubling the effective fire rate of the weapon, while in Twin-Fire mode both barrels fire simultaneously, increasing the damage per shot. Of course, both modes have their drawbacks, as Dual-Fire decreases the damage per shot while Twin-Fire reduces the rate of fire, and neither mode is as powerful as a more specialized weapon system. Still, when facing down common hazards and petty pirates, the L44 from Captain's Choice gets the job done.
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