Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev Blinded By The Light

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.

Location: Jedi Temple on Coruscant
Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

The Cathar had spent the last few days in a bacta bath, and rightfully so. Getting impaled with a lightsaber wasn't a fun experience by any stretch of the phrase, and thus any future action would probably end poorly.

That said, she did have one bit of unfinished business once she was healed. Normally, she wouldn't put much thought into her opponents after she'd fought them. Letting a defeat eat her up would just cause stress, and Jonyna knew better than to let such things bother her. However, what did was the saber she had now been burdened with. The corrupted crystal within seemed to be stuck in her mind. Maybe she could do something with it? Not another saber, certainly. She already had too many of those, and...

She booked an appointment with Jasper, a council member she knew was a bit more casual. She didn't want to bother the Nobles too much, and she seemed amicable with the Sentinel of Harmony most of the time. Surely he'd know what to do with a corrupted crystal...


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si



Jasper walked into the meeting room, wasting very little time. He had done this before, after all. There were a fair share of Sith he had claimed the lightsabers of back in the war, so purifying crystals wasn't something new to him. It was, however, not an easy task. Jonyna would have likely had never been exposed to such a thing before.

She would need to be prepared.

"Visions," he stated bluntly. "Ever had them? Strange dreams, touched artifacts, recieved them from other people..."

That was a good baseline.


"" Jonyna was always pretty honest. Visions? That was something new to her. Well...maybe? "I mean...kinda? I used to train with a Dathmoiri Witch back in the day. She used to speak to me with her magic in my head..."

The idea of visions was a spooky one to her. The idea of the Force speaking to you directly, more or less. The Denik didn't enjoy the idea of fate spinning it's threads so tight with her...

Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


"Well, you're about to experience a lot of... strange things," Jasper admitted. "Look, there isn't any way around this, purifying kyber is based within it's being. The stones have souls, and when they're bled it's a spiritual wound. So, you need to connect your mind to it and enter a... dream state, of sorts."

Jasper frowned, tucking his hands in his pockets. Of course, it wasn't that simple. He wasn't aware of how she had fared in the battle that had seen her recieve the blade, but hopefully it could give her some experience going into this.

"Corruption leaves an imprint of the corruptor," he stated. "You'll have to face the Sith you fought in there. Not really them, but an apparition of them. The manifestation of the wound on the stone. It's... increadibly taxing."


Fight him again. “Is this like…a literal fight? My spirit versus his? Or is it more…metaphorical? I go in, I face his will, and I have to overcome it?” Jonyna was slightly confused, but considering how her last fight ended, she wasn’t the surefire she normally was about it…

Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


"Definately more a willpower thing," Jasper told her. "It isn't physically happening, y'know? It's a spirit battle. Capability in a fight doesn't exactly translate to this sort of deal. If you want to purify this stone, you have to forget everything you know about confronting the darkside. You can't always stab the problem away."

And that was the core of all of this. Jasper had learned that lesson the hard way, but he wasn't sure how much exposure Jonyna had recieved in the darkside department. After all, her era had very little in the way of trained force users. She had likely only ever encountered a handfull of the Empire's agents in her lifetime before being whisked to the present. There hadn't been a hyperspace war to teach her all of this.

So things had to be learned on the fly.

"You... following so far?"


"I....think so." Jonyna sat, trying to figure this out in her head. She figured this would be simple, and yet it very quickly was becoming...not. " do I start? Meditation with the Crystal, yeah? Something like how I connented with my other crystals on Ashla?" That made sense in her head at least. To connect with a crystal on a deeper level...

Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


"Yeah, like that..." Jasper frowned. "Once you start, though, you'll be on your own. Whatever goes on is gonna be between you and the crystal from then onwards."

He couldn't really do much else. Every experience was different. To be truly prepared for confonting corruption was impossible, especially when the people who preformed such deeds varied. Even with all this information, Jonyna would be going in blind. In the end of the day, that was sort of the job.

To go in anyways.


On her own...

She knew that was probably the case going into this. While deep down she had hoped that Jasper would be able to accompany her, it only made sense that wouldn't be the case.

Sitting down, she cracked over the sith's former saber. She looked to Jasper one last time, giving him a nod, before floating the red crystal in front of her...and focusing. Meditating. Connecting with the crystal.

She could feel it's pain immediately. She could feel the sorrow of the creature that was the crystal. The kyber wept for it's torture.

But now she needed to reach inside...

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
"Hmm, so my main form did not manage to kill you," A masked figure stared down upon her, tilting his head as if regarding some alien curiosity. Around them a make-believe world settling into focus, various platforms, circling, moving in chaotic strange mannerisms, some moving at the perfect horizontal, the other the perfect vertical, and then there even more moving at everything in between.

There was no rhyme, there was no reason.

It simply was.

The masked figure simply stared down below, as all the while, in his hand, a crystal glowed a mighty red, "I assume you are after this," He tossed it into the air, before swiping it back into his grip.

"Come and get it."

He raised another hand, seeming to pull one of the platforms out of its natural orbit, if one could claim one even did, before launching it down upon the Cathar.

"Or die trying."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
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Die trying. Why did they always say that?

Jonyna leapt to the side, powered by her pryokinetic power before unleashing an ability she had learned since their last fight. Her hand thrust forward, unleashing a golden lightning that fired off at the spirit. She wasn't even sure how to damage him. She was't even sure if she could. Either way, she was getting that crystal. She just needed to close the distance.

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

"You have learned new tricks, have you?" The masked figure revealed nothing, before raising his hand, "Yet it remains a mere imitation of true power," Out of his fingers burst forth a lightning storm of pure white light, heat burned to its hottest point, before it struck through the golden bolts, reversing their course toward the Jedi.

And turning a bright red, as they aimed to strike the Jedi, and cause her to fall into the void below.

As all the platforms seemed to freeze for a moment, before rapidly shifting away from the Jedi.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Yeah, and you seem to keep using the same ones." Jonyna snarked back, quickdrawing Liz as the bolts overtook her own. Even so, the sword she had made her signature still held the same abilities. The bolts hit her blade, and were absorbed into it. The platforms shifting was a problem, but Jonyna was a problem solver to her core. Her supreme mobility and years living in the trees of Cathar helped her find a footing as she burst around, fire shooting from her feet as she leapt from platform to platform, trying to close the distance between the two. She needed to, to finally free that crystal.

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

"You were unable to defeat my real self, will you be able to defeat his fragment?" The masked figure pondered, ignoring her jibe, as appearing before him were three darkshears appeared, launching out toward the jumping Cathar, as suddenly the platforms shifted their movement once again, always chaotic, without purpose, but as puppets, puppeteered by the puppetmaster.

As she jumped further and further using her abilities to close the distance between them, the platforms suddenly accelerated, all coming as one, toward the Cathar, aiming to crush her beneath their mass, as the darkshears loosed, where the platforms would be the hammer and anvil, the darkshears were the scalpel of a surgeon, precise, aiming for the legs, and the last, for the head.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The platforms were easy enough to deal with. Even if she was left in the void, she had the upper hand when it came to mobility. At least, she hoped. Loosing her saber, she cut through the platforms, using her boots to repulse off of the remains. Just keep moving forward Jonyna. Keep moving forward, one step at a time.

The spears on the other hand...

She had originally made Liz to fight dark side spirits, at the behest of Kahlil.

She hoped the blade would work against these spears...

One swing would find out. The blade impacted the blades of midnight, and...stopped them dead in their tracks. Not dispersing, but halting them. Now she was at a standstill. She knew Malum could control them. She needed a new angle.

So she did the one thing that she had told Ko time and again not to do.

She threw her saber at him, keeping constant telekinetic control over it. Lucy flew through the air, and Jonyna kept an eye on it. It wasn't her real saber after all, she could afford to lose it...


Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

The platforms shot past her like bullets, each coming in from a different direction, each desiring to slam against her, to break bone and tear muscle, however, the Cathar's mobility was clearly nothing to scoff at, and in this realm, certainly exemplified with ironically, cat-like precision, she scrambled up each and every platform in a bid to reach the masked Sith Lord's position.

Yet where the platforms, still sailing to strike, had thus far failed.

The Sith Lord seemingly watched passively from above, as the Darkshears were halted in place by the Jedi's sword.

Only for the raising of an eyebrow underneath the mask, as she threw her lightsabre toward him, flying through the air like a guided missile toward its query.

As the fragment of Malum took command of the Darkshears again, withdrawing from the attack, only to choose new angles, and charge again.

All the while, the masked lord was finally forced to draw his own lightsabre, with a hiss as it ignited, kissing the air, aiming to deflect the blade and send it flying away.

Into the void below.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
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Mid-air, Jonyna reached out with the force and grabbed her blade from falling. No, she wouldn't risk it, drawing it to her hand.

Still, she kept her guard up, she needed to. Her reaction time was fast enough she could pick her targets. She drew Claire, her secondary saber, to keep up the pace.

She had to get close. Just close enough...

Between blocks, she launched a sonic boom from her sword, sending the sonic pulse at 'Malum', to try and throw him off balance.

Closer, and closer...

Finally, she hid Claire away, and at the last moment, in the blink of an eye, draw Sallly, her cortosis blade and swung it right at Malum's chest.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
The Cathar either was figuring out the name of the game, or she simply did not notice how fast in fact she was moving. The platforms continued to harry the Jedi, slamming forth in all directions, just barely avoiding their query, as the Cathar still used them to make her ascent, ever closer to the Sith Lord's figure.

The Masked Lord, took an unprecedented step, taking sonic blast face first, eyes glimmered awake, as the mask was broken.

The aquiline and aristocratic Darth Malum, of House Marr revealed, rubies shining of darkened essence, raven locks framing a face that had broken many a heart.

Smirking, as the Cathar thought herself faster than she was, hiding one blade, unveiling another.

His mouth opened as the cortosis was revealed.

A groundbreaking shriek was released out of his lungs, all the malice, all the hatred, all the anger, and the rage, that was imprinted upon the kyber crystal shot out as a wave, aiming to send her off the floating island in where he stood.

As the platforms still shot forward.

To defeat her like the last time.

Surrounding and flanking her.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

At the last moment, as Malum opened his mouth, her feet ignited once more, and following with the cut of her blade, she shot herselt upward and over Malum, letting the scream hit the platforms that followed her, whilst the blade sparked to life with electric judgement. With a simple thought, the bolts sparked off the blade, and towards Malum.

She needed to end this.

She needed to finish the spirit of the lord of the sith.

Spinning mid-air, she followed up. Lucy shot a blade of burning plasma with the twirl, sacrificing the blade in the process. She'd need to reignite her saber, but she hoped it would be worth it.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

One of the platforms was broken by his scream, but fragment as it was, it still held the memories of their last bout, to not expect her manoeuvrability and agility, was simply playing to lose.

As she flipped in the air, the figure that resembled Malum raised his arms, twirling on his feet, turning to face where it imagined she would land.

So there it stood, in the same flanked, and surrounded position which it had thought to put her at.

Only to wink.

As the yellow sparks of Electric Judgement, and orange flame of Pyrokinesis struck forth against it.


The Platforms were still on the move.

Barreling right through its phased form, slamming against the lightning and flames, as they sought to continue their merry chase against the Cathar that eluded them ever still.

As the fragment knew.

The battle was coming to a close.

Looking upon the singed flesh upon its cheek, ashed raven locks upon its head.

Not entirely fast enough, it seemed.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
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