Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Better not be a bunch of cows..." (open to all!)

Edward Haus

Edward sighed as he sat in his booth, quietly sipping a watered down drink he didn't know the name of. The shabby little cantina was like every other one you'd find on Tatooine. It had low ceilings potted with a few blast marks, the paint on the walls was pealing, the lighting was practically nonexistent, and every being in the building had at least one blaster or large knife. To most people from the Core Worlds it was trouble waiting to happen... They aren't wrong, a fight had just broke out at the bar leaving some spice junky unconscious on the floor, his nose broken in a few places.

What a perfect place for a smuggler to find a contact or even a new customer.

Edward's booth was in the perfect spot to watch people come in, they'd see him almost immediately as they walked through the door. There is the drawback that if the person didn't particularly like him he'd be spotted, that is where the table came in, it was loose and could be flipped pretty quickly into a makeshift cover.

So there he sat, waiting for his next paycheck to come through the door, he needed it, pretty badly, he had barely any to keep Dynasty in a hangar. He'd be glad to do some regular cargo hauling if it payed enough.

"It just better not be a bunch of cows again," he mumbled to himself. That was an experience he'd soon like to forget... He could still smell them... and he had cleaned the Dynasty's hold three times over...

He leaned back in the booth as he set in to wait and watch.

(first time posting a rp starter, I just want to see where this goes)
After what felt like weeks, Tallor had finally completed his journey to Tatooine. The Mandalorian bounty hunter had gone through a bad streak of luck as of late, any bounties he decided to pursue having either escaped or been cancelled. Just recently, his XS light freighter had taken heavy damage after it had boarded with a ship stolen by criminals from Serenno. With the confidence he had in his abilities, Tallor hadn't expected things to turn out the way they had. Even though he had managed to escape without any injuries, there was still the blow to his pride that needed to be healed.

Without any credits to his name, the man found himself on the outskirts of a city, his ship having barely survived the atmospheric entry. This only further motivated the Jawas that came rushing towards his freighter, who were obviously intent on salvaging the ship for whatever scrap they could carry. They had even been willing to fight for it at first, their weapons drawn as they eagerly approached. That changed when they saw the man clad in Mandalorian armor, even more so when he fired off a few blasts in their direction. As the robed scavengers took off so did Tallor, who didn't expect to find much when he returned to his ship.

The walk to the city was long and strenuous, his armor's ventilation system being his only relief. Eventually the cantina door slid open, allowing the man to step within and head to the bar counter. He first saw [member="Edward Haus"], not recognizing him as a bounty as he continued towards the bartender. If he were lucky, some frightened fool with a price on their head would give themselves away. "Water." He ordered gruffly from beneath his helmet, leaning forward on the counter as he tried to collect himself.
Jae sat at the end of the counter where they tossed drinks to anyone and everyone who ordered one, she drank her drink in content, unsure of what she was drinking, but never the less it didn't taste half bad. She'd been out of work recently, and for the adventurous scoundrel that was eating at her. She needed to get out, she itched for some excitement. At one desperate stage she was thinking of doing something for free, without charge! What a deal.

She leaned on the bar stool and swirled her drink around in the cheap cup that had obviously had its use. Her attention was brought forward when another 'guest' entered the cantina. He continued towards the bartender and ordered a beverage. A bounty hunter from the looks of it, they were hard to mistake.

She shrugged to herself and downed the remaining liquid in her cup, pushing the cup forward and away from herself declaring that was enough for one trip to the cantina.

| [member="Tallor"] | [member="Edward Haus"] |
Cantinas were usually a rowdy place. With the no-good-scum that usually visited them for trades or bounty acquisition, while others were just thugs looking to forget their troubles, cantinas didn't exactly have a shining reputation as a place of law.

Ichor liked it. The stories that came from the chaos of a cantina were some of the best.

A raucous group of Weequays stumbled into the non-descript bar, jollily getting their hands on whatever alcohol they could, whether it be from a server, the bartender, or a patron's grasp. They joked and laughed, dispersing among the cantina's residents, leaving one lone figure to walk in alone, silhouetted by the dual suns outside.

A decently-tall figure, wearing a sword's hilt at his side, and another across his back. The glow of yellow eyes. The large round hat that adorned his head, shadowing the rest of his body.

Ichor strode in slowly, taking stock of the area. His Weequay crewmates had gone off to their dark corners to waste their credits. He was currently running with the group of pirates out of necessity: he needed a crew to join, and they needed someone with his set of skills. He didn't like, or hold any semblance of an allegiance to them, but they needed each other.

An armored man, [member="Tallor"], sat at the bar, along with @Jae Jordan, who was now exclaiming loudly about her drink. Ichor took note of the disturbance, and the dangerous-looking individual, his eyes still searching.

He found who he was looking for.

The captain of the gang of pirates, a disgusting Weequay by the name of Jais Busafa, had told the Kyuzo to meet with a smuggler he had been referred to, [member="Edward Haus"], about transporting some invaluable crates off of Tatooine quietly.

Ichor stepped up to Edward's table, the breathing apparatus he wore masking his expression. The pirate nodded, as if confirming something to himself.

"Haus." His voice was deep, gravelly, strong. "Is it not? I am Ichor. I believe we have business to discuss."
Marcus gave an interested smile as the light refracted through the green gem that he had picked up on his excursion. It wasn't the purest piece of rock in the world, that was for sure, but he would treasure it as a small memento of his journey here nonetheless.

Though many traveled to Tatooine strictly on business or more often to disappear, he was here to do neither. Even if he had come here to do business, a strong doubt lay in his mind after stepping off of the freighter that he would have found any in the domed cities of the dune sea which seemed to get by on as few electronics as possible. Asking for work around computers locally would have been akin to asking if anyone was in dire need of a landscaper to water their grass in the morning, and he knew better than to seek a career where one simply didn't exist. Instead, he had come for a much simpler purpose, and one that he thought he readily deserved after slaving away on the smuggler's moon for the better part of three years. He had been building contacts, relationships, and most importantly, his career. The work had not been easy, and he was sure on more than one occasion that the Hutts would send a few of their men to inquire about his presence to the kindly Talz landlord that often shuffled her ways around the corridors to collect rent, though he had been lucky to escape such embarrassment. Instead, he had built himself up quite well, finding ample amounts of credits in more than a few jobs for just the Hutts he had come to fear before getting to know them... Well... He still feared them, but less so at any rate!

With his bank account stocked, and his desire to write more code into a smattering of datapads quenched for the time being, he had taken it upon himself to take a vacation! One might have asked him why he had chosen Tatooine for an exclusive getaway destination, and he caught more than a few stares from the docking attendant who had been curious enough to ask!

"Thought I could use a tan!"

Was what he had told him, though the wrinkled old mechanic couldn't find the humor in it, and had quickly shuffled away to retrieve a fueling line. His true purpose on the planet, including the sun of course, was to explore the vast caves he had read about as a young boy in the enclave. The holomags had read out stories of artifacts lost to the centuries in these old caves, thought to be the remains of the earliest colonists of the planet who had eventually succumbed to the elements or had simply given up on the planet and headed out for greener pastures among the stars. Something about the vast, dry caves gave him a sense of mystery and the green crystal had been his first discovery yet! The excursion itself was a bit cumbersome, and he had been annoyed at himself for most of the journey as he had not expected the new environment to effect him as drastically as it did. Turned out hiding away in an apartment building in front of a computer and a collection of datacards for the better part of a year had taken its toll, and he now forced himself to slug on cheerfully through the streets of the unruly spaceport, looking for a place to rest his feet.

Soon, he saw what he was looking for. A sort of hole in the wall place that he doubted would be hosting any kind of security forces... If this town had anything like that. A quick step past the sliding durasteel door would show that the place was already packed with the dregs of society, one being carried out past him on his back and bleeding badly from his nose. He wasn't scared, though he knew the risk of stepping on any toes in this place would likely see him in a stretcher...

He eyed a few of the patrons rather quickly, not wanting to catch the eyes of anyone waiting for a reason to attack. He sighted a lone girl at the bar, probably looking for a ride off-planet, though he certainly wouldn't be dishing any out, as well as an armored clansmen that bore the unmistakable appearance of the kin he had left behind. The look of the armor caused him to stiffen up, remembering those days past and of the armor that still hung in his ship, being unworn for the better part of five years... He wouldn't be making that man's acquaintance if he could help it.

He stood near the bar, adjusting his sun bleached poncho, grabbing a cup from the overcrowded bar and taking a sip before he looked for a place to sit. Finding no booth that was unnoccupied, however, he elected to stand near the music box which hummed with cheerful (albeit staticy) melodies of the core worlds.

[member="Tallor"] / @Jae Jordan
Jae was getting bored, agitated. She looked around the cantina and sighed, she almost considered starting something between the other comers and goers that resided in the cantina. The side of her mouth quirked into a smirk as different scenarios popped into her head, she laughed quietly to herself but decided against the idea as she took into account the fact that she would be pulled along into the mess. Looking around at the others that sat in booths and leaned on the counter, she'd have no chance against them, basing it on brute strength, as the possibility of it being a hand to hand brawl throughout the cantina meant she wouldn't be able to rely on her trusty blaster.

She remembered that one time with the Trandoshan a while ago.. yeh that didn't go down so well.

Instead she returned to her state of utter boredom. She had been given no jobs, nothing had been asked to be retrieved by her, she was out of work at the moment, though she had to admit she could've been doing a better job at looking for work. As she played with the ends of her scarf she noticed a figure enter the cantina, grabbing a drink and moving towards the music box. Her eyes then flicked to the side again when she noticed more intriguing movement. A pirate by the looks of it, stepping towards a smuggler, seeming to discuss matters of their own. This should be good..

Of course, Jae's interests spiked. She eyed the area around the two of them and didn't see a spot where she could go to look inconspicuous yet still listen in. She then noticed a figure leave the stool near the bar counter, which happened to be much closer to the booth with the smuggler compared to where she sat at the moment. She quickly yet slyly hopped off her seat and moved towards the other one.

| [member="Edward Haus"] | [member="Tallor"] | [member="Ichor"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] |
Myles had been on Tatooine for a while now. Finishing up another successful job. He didn't earn that many credits but it was enough to boost his reputation some at least.

Sitting in the corner of a cantina, he observed individuals that came and went. It was a hobby of his--people watching that is. Sometimes he could see great potential in some of the individuals that step foot in here. Then again, sometimes he was overly confident in some people. Sometimes its hard for one to get a decent start in the galaxy unless you know a guy--or two.

In front of him on his booth table lay a map and some tangible supplies he wanted to keep nearby. Plotting another job search no doubt. Having a physical map to chart routes and destinations was an old habit of his. His datapad was rarely used.

He saw a sight he also was familiar with. A man, walked in wearing a familiar T-visor helmet. Mandalorian, you don't see those often here on Tatooine.

The Mandalorian took a seat by a woman who then shifted her position to another seat. Cautious one she is, she must have been in past experiences before.

Then there was that gentleman standing by the jukebox, observing the scenery. Curious fellow ain't he?

Then there was a scruff looking chap sitting at a different table with another man approaching him. Looked like a business deal, seems that business was going to everyone but him right now. Cautious of the environment, he packed up his effects and stashed them in a cargo pocket in his harness. He figured he would make small talk perhaps.

Myles boldy went up to the bartender, sitting in between the Mandalorian and the young woman. Bartender looked at him seemingly asking what he would like, without saying a word.
"Ill take some Jawa juice with a shot of Correllian Whiskey please"

He looked to both sides of him adding a comment "Nice lil' place on this dustball eh?"
Myles placed credit chits on the counter for the barkeep as his drink was handed to him.

Worst thing that could happen today, is that he could get in a barfight, but Myles preferred a diplomatic approach in such situations but he came prepared as always.
[member="Edward Haus"] [member="Ichor"] [member="Jae Jordan "][member="Tallor"] [member="Marcus Lok"]
Jae continued to listen in on the Pirate at the booth, well, continued attempting to listen in on them, she was finding it difficult with all the ruckus going on around her in the busy cantina, though what do you expect in a place like this, and she couldn't exactly stand on the bar counter and tell everyone to shut their trap.

Her leg fidgeted up and down as it rest on the ledge of the bar stool, waiting for something to happen between the two residing at the booth, the way he approached the other individual seemed to show that they didn't know each other personally, simply based on observation, she may have been incorrect. But if the two don't know each other she was waiting for something to happen between their exchange.

At one point she got so engrossed in her spying session she almost missed the voice of a newcomer that sat beside her. Her head hesitated to turn to the man as she thought she saw something but dismissed it as nothing. She sighed and looked at who sat beside her, "Look old timer, any other time I'd love to start a dazzling conversation, but right now I'm tryna listen in on those two over in the booth." She explained, her voice raising in sarcasm at times throughout her sentence.

| [member="Myles Davorak"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Tallor"] | [member="Edward Haus"] | [member="Ichor"] |
Jae Jordan said:
Look old timer, any other time I'd love to start a dazzling conversation, but right now I'm tryna listen in on those two over in the booth.
"Whoa there, easy kid; just tryin to lighten the mood." Who in the feth did she think she was?

Myles grabbed his drink and downed some before pondering....If she had that kind of attitude with wanting to listen to may be important.

Curiously he kept his ears open for the conversation going on behind them, could be a job opportunity for sure. Work reveals itself in the simplest of ways, this woman's attitude might be one of those ways.

"My apologies miss."

He looked over at the Mandalorian. Myles had worked with the type before, they were warriors until the end and could be very brutal at times. "Don't get many Mandalorians around here, however it is a welcomed sight, that's for sure"

Myles didn't own the place nor did he have special treatment here on Tatooine. He enjoyed the company of people/beings of all types but he never let that show too much. Could be a weakness. "Next round is on me chief" having allies in various places.....wouldn't be a bad idea. As time went on he kept his eyes and ears aware of the surroundings for any job opportunities or any valued bits of information.
[member="Jae Jordan "]| [member="Tallor"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Edward Haus"] | @Ichor
Once the bartender had turned away, Tallor lifted his arms, gripping the dark helmet that clung to his face and pulling it from around his head. Placing it on the counter, the man watched as his drink was set down next to his helmet, a glass of water that was somewhat murky. Snatching up the drink and downing it immediately, the Mandalorian had half the mind to shatter the glass upon returning it. Maybe the bartender did not like Mandalorians, or maybe it was the fact that Tallor had ordered the only thing that was free in the small establishment.

Having not taken a seat, Tallor pushed away from the bar counter, looking to [member="Jae Jordan "]and [member="Myles Davorak"]. He did not know who either of them were, nor did he care for they did not have a price on their heads. However, the man did care to comment on Myle's observation, adding one of his own. "This place blows engine exhaust." He stated simply, grabbing up his helmet and throwing it back over his head. He wasn't interested in eavesdropping on others business, neither did it look like it would lead anywhere. While the cantina was sure to provide some entertainment, anyone knew the real action was outside on the streets of Tatooine.
Jae's eyes narrowed as the duo spoke to each other in a quieter than preferred tone. Nothing was happening, perhaps Jae had gotten it wrong, maybe they were simply talking, though hardly sounds like the case. Jae sighed and turned back around on her bar stool, facing the counter once again and giving up on the duo behind her, for the time being.

She looked around and pondered what to do next, out of work, she had hoped to find something at the Catina but that plan had obviously folded in on itself. She studied a few of the characters within the joint, she saw potential in rounding up a crew of some sort, many individuals seemed to show specific skills whether it be by looking at the gear they carried or simply taking a good guess, Jae could tell there was something there.

Chit, even if she were to round up a crew, assuming they're willing to join, what in the world would they do? No job. And that was the vital part, heck if she had a job she'd be out of this chithole.

Looking to her right she caught sight of the older man that had spoken to her before, and who she had quite rudely dismissed she had to admit. "You lookin' for work too?" She asked, taking a shot in the dark that this fellow had seen a thing or two and was in the search for something else.

| [member="Tallor"] | [member="Myles Davorak"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Ichor"] | [member="Edward Haus"] |
Tallor said:
This place blows engine exhaust.
"To each their own. As long as work is flowin, don't really much mind this place."

Myles observed the characters around him, each person had their own potential and maybe had a certain set of skills. Myles was just here to take a load off, and if work presented itself then he would sure oblige to that.

Jae Jordan said:
You lookin' for work too?
"I am always lookin' for work. Wherever it may be needed. Depends on the job i suppose, what kind of work do you do?" Myles didn't like to pry but he liked knowing who to potentially recruit and to see what certain skillsets some people had.

He gulped down the last of his Jawa juice and took his datapad out. No new information had been pinged to him at that time. Feth. Observing the Mandalorian and the woman beside him; maybe they both have skills that compliment one another? Would be a ragtag group indeed. He thought to himself.

Hailing the bartender, he ordered another round of Jawa juice eager to see what the day had in store for him.

[member="Jae Jordan "]| [member="Tallor"] | [member="Ichor"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Edward Haus"]
She smirked at his question, wondering where to start. "Anything that pays." She said plainly, leaving out specifics for the time being. "I'll do anything from stealing all the way through to protecting, I'll even look after a Kinrath if it means I'm gettin' paid well." She laughed lightly at her own joke, knowing she probably sounded pathetic but not caring in the slightest.

"I do have rules though, I won't kill unless completely necessary and unavoidable, and no killing children, or I'm out." She said, her tone serious and strong, she wouldn't change that no matter what.

"Also, need a pilot? I'm your girl." She said with a confident and cocky smirk, gesturing to herself and leaning back slightly whilst she said it. When it came to flying Jae assumed and knew in herself that she was the best pilot out there and in her mind there was no one as good as herself. Grew up flying, it was in her blood, she was a natural and that was honestly her strong point. Not to mention she could do a thing or two with technology, she knew the basics but she was no 'slicer'. Though those that could do it did fascinate her, perhaps she'd take to learning it one day when she was bothered enough.

She nodded thinking she'd shared enough information about herself, especially to a stranger at this stage of the conversation, "What work do you do?" She asked in return.

| [member="Myles Davorak"] | [member="Tallor"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Edward Haus"] | [member="Ichor"] |
Myles listened to the young woman and allowed her to finish before he would continue with the conversation. The woman fancied herself to be a good pilot, this made things more interesting. Myles was a good pilot but he wasn't the best, not by a longshot. Claiming to be the best pilot could be a very bold statement but Davorak enjoyed the conversation so far.

"Seems you follow a code, that's very admirable. Nowadays you can't find people who have a set of rules. And your a pilot as well? Not to honk my own horn but I am a decent pilot as well."

He took another swig of his drink before answering her question "In short you could say I am security for hire. I don't really like killing but if it calls for it I will. Been in the game for a few years now. You want something protected or if you want a path cleared, I'm your man."

Putting more credits on the table he signaled the bartender for another round of drinks.
Heck, maybe I found an ally....who knows. He thought to himself. Only time would tell for sure, but she reminded him of a young woman he served with back on Naboo. She was one heck of a pilot as well.

After finishing his reply he gave a genuine smile toward the woman.
[member="Jae Jordan "]| [member="Tallor"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Edward Haus"] | [member="Ichor"]
"Yes I find it important to have...limitations." She continued referring to her code. "And you're right the scoundrels and smugglers and countless others out there that follow a code of some sort are very far and few between." She had to agree that she was disappointed with the amount of people who didn't stick to a code. She found the code she followed tended to earn her more respect rather than having nothing.

She paid even more attention when he mentioned that his flying skills were decent also. She often got competitive when others around her flew as well. She was a competitive type especially when it came to flying. But to the contrary she enjoys being in the presence of fellow pilots. "Good to meet another pilot around here."

She listened to him as he spoke of the work he did. "Fair enough. Your line of work sounds interesting though I'd have to say I enjoy a little action in my jobs." She smiled.

[member="Myles Davorak"] [member="Tallor"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Ichor"] [member="Edward Haus"]
As the conversation grew, more surprises came to him as this woman revealed more about herself. She was the eager type for action, and she liked to have a little fun with her jobs. Not a bad thing.

Jae Jordan said:
And you're right the scoundrels and smugglers and countless others out there that follow a code of some sort are very far and few between.

"Heh, I have only met a handful of those over the years. One would have a better chance winning at a game of rigged dejarik." He chuckled again once more. The way she conveyed herself as a pilot, Myles could tell that she has seen alot and that she would in fact be a good pilot. Perhaps he would see that one day.

Jae Jordan said:
Fair enough. Your line of work sounds interesting though I'd have to say I enjoy a little action in my jobs
"Oh but it is, you never run into the same thing with my line of work. Hoping to operate a small business in the future. I love my work, and it treats me fairly, so long I work with a clear head" He said as he showed her his glass of alcohol "Which is why I am relaxing now and not later."

Going back to her comment about them both being pilots "Right back at ya Lass, how long have you been with wings?" Boy did my age just show with how i asked that. I sound like the old spacers back in Mos Eisley.

Sure as Tatooine has Jawas, they would for sure be bidding on jobs that involved piloting. But that's okay, Myles needed more contacts anyways. She may be better at piloting, but if she wanted another ace with her, or if she wanted security; that was his in.

After downing his drink he ordered some Bantha Jerky, which was tough as rawhide but it could seal alot of flavor, if they smoked it right. He had a feeling he would be at this cantina for a good while. That was good, Myles hadn't been in the loop for a while.

[member="Jae Jordan "]| [member="Tallor"] | [member="Ichor"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Edward Haus"]
Jae nodded as he continued speaking about his line of work and in fact explaining that his line of work was far from the usual. She gave a short look of surprise as she raised her brows slightly when he spoke of opening a business. "you'd do a lo of good with that business I could imagine." She encouraged the idea, it sounded promising.

She nodded in agreement when he spoke about loving his work, she couldn't agree more. "That's the best thing, ain't it?" She asked, not specifically to him, just in general as she leaned back slightly on the bar stool, both her hands on the counter to keep her stable on the less that trusty wooden stool. "That's why I never stopped what I do, I love it too much to put an end to it. I think it's important you like what you do in this line of work." She finished.

Staying in the same position with her hands on the counter and slightly leaning back, she looked at him, her brows arched and the side of her mouth quirking slightly in a smile as he used language that she was sure she'd never heard before, at least not by anyone she'd encountered before. She laughed lightly at his choice of words before responding to his question. "Since I was a child. Where I grew up, Pamarthe, my people are known for flying, so it was sort of something I was bound to learn to do, and I've been flying ever since." She finished with a more-than-planned cocky smile.

"So what's your story with.. the wings?" She asked in return, borrowing his phrasing.

| [member="Myles Davorak"] | @Tallor | @Ichor | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Edward Haus"] |
Bingo. Now the conversation was really opening up. Myles worked on his people skills and tried to hone his charisma over the years. Communication would be a horrible thing to lose, as it could open and close many doors in life.

"There are some competitors out there, so work can come easy or hard depending on who you know. I just need a few more jobs before i have enough assets to really operate the business."

Her mannerisms remind him of Niika, a bright young woman who was a pilot for the Queen of Naboo. Had a great smile, great demeanor and she could shoot a womprat with a N-1 Starfighter. Maybe this was a second shot for him to relive the old days and make another friendly acquaintance.

Myles picked up on her comment on loving what you do. To which he agreed. "My mother always said, if you enjoy what you do, you really never work a day in your life. There is some wisdom to that. I think ill do what i do until i die. From what it sounds like you feel the exact same way as well."

Jae Jordan said:
Since I was a child. Where I grew up, Pamarthe, my people are known for flying, so it was sort of something I was bound to learn to do, and I've been flying ever since

She had an advantage, she has been doing this since she was a child. Wow. She could prolly navigate an asteroid field with no sensors by this rate. He thought to himself.

Myles was better with a blaster than he was with his ship, but his ship was a moving tank and was customized to eliminate ground forces. It was slow enough for him to maneuver with decently.

Jae Jordan said:
So what's your story with.. the wings
"Heh, yeah sorry about that. That's my age showing. I was in the 5th Rifle Regiment for Naboo's forces. Primarily I entered into the pilot program, got standard rating so i was cut to make room for better pilots. It's a slang term we used back then; I still hear some old-timers like myself use the term; sparingly though. Sorry about that, my vocabulary can be dated sometimes"

She seems confident, always nice to meet someone who has that demeanor, if they can put out what they claim. Then they are good in my book.

"I don't believe i caught your name lass. How rude of me not to introduce myself. Myles Davorak at your service."
[member="Jae Jordan "]| [member="Tallor"] | [member="Edward Haus"] | [member="Ichor"] | [member="Marcus Lok"]
She laughed lightly as he apologised for his terminology, "It's fine, honestly not a problem." She assured, waving a hand in front of her to exaggerate the point she didn't mind. "Naboo's forces that's quite the story, admirable. What made you want to join Naboo's forces?" She asked curiously, perhaps she may have come of as prying but she honestly had no ill intentions rather than simply having a conversation.

"No you didn't, though I never introduced myself." She said in response to him. "Jae Jordan, good to meet ya" She said holding out her hand for a firm and confident handshake. She was almost certain she'd made an ally of some sort, whether or not they'd be working together in the future was unknown to her, but she wouldn't turn down the help. She knew he'd seen a lot and if she needed any help with a job he'd be more than capable of completing it.

She quickly pulled her smaller datapad from the inside pocket of her jacket just to see if she'd gotten any alerts for any sort of work. She needed to do something. As much as she was enjoying this conversation they were having Jae wasn't one to sit around and twiddle her thumbs she had to get out there sooner or later.

| [member="Myles Davorak"] | [member="Tallor"] | [member="Marcus Lok"] | [member="Ichor"] | [member="Edward Haus"] |

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