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Character Adera Tarina Vellas


>Accessing Personnel File SB-716-1A
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Adera came from a humble upbringing on a backwater world and was destined to be simply a farmer for the rest of her life, only stumbling into the Empire's academies by accident through diligent study and a lucky break. Trained to be a cog in the Sith-Imperial bureaucracy, when the Declaration of Defiance came, Adera was thus a junior administrator on a medium-sized space station in a minor uninhabited system. When an NIO scouting force made contact with the outpost, Adera convinced most of the station to turn defect to the NIO force and hand over critical intelligence. The commander of the station and some loyalists opposed this mutiny and attempted to force the station to fight. Adera took command of the majority and led the counterattack, coordinating with the NIO scout force to surround and kill the Sith loyalists. Afterwards, the station was converted into a base of operations to stage further NIO attacks into Sith space despite being a low-priority theatre in the campaign.

Her ability to negotiate a peaceful defection and efficiently run the administration of the station in support of the expeditionary force caught the attention of the growing Imperial Order, ever on the lookout for competent people to aid in the struggle against the Sith. Adera was assigned to the Diplomatic Service Corps as a “Diplomatic Contact Officer”, serving with Imperial Military units as a sort of first contact negotiator with minor neutral settlements/worlds on second-priority fronts or the flanks of the main Imperial advance. Deployed so close to the front, Adera was expected to, and did, fight in the trenches against a variety of forces hostile to Imperial control. Adera survived and was commended by her military counterparts both for keeping a cool head in battle and, ironically, serving well as a diplomat and negotiator through an open restless stubbornness.

As the New Imperial Order settled into a functioning state and the civil war came to a close, Adera was shifted out of the military. She volunteered to serve in the newly founded Imperial Mission. Self-reflection after the war convinced her that she should spend her time and effort to directly work to improve the lives of the people in the Empire. Her efforts played a small role in ensuring the establishment of a new Imperial identity with the civilians she worked with and Adera felt a new dimension of purpose in her life beyond opposition to the Sith.

After spending a few years in the Mission, a series of internal disturbances resulted in a need for qualified administrators in the expanding Imperial Order and she was called into governmental service. Adera proved herself to be as able an administrator and diplomat as before, and eventually became the senior administrator for the Tamaisy system. When the Moff of Tamaisy passed due to natural causes in 876, Adera was appointed Moff of the Tamaisy system in 876.

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Cora Aletra Soraysom-Calimondra was born to ancient Sith bloodlines in the Sith Empire and a family nestled in the Sith ruling classes. Though firstborn and legally the heir to many of the family’s holdings, she was not born with Force Sensitivity. Nonetheless, as a precocious child, she was groomed for leadership and command from a young age and frequently observed her father’s corporate, governmental and military dealings. However, unlike most of her family, Cora came to be horrified by and despise the oppression and cruelty of the Sith that she saw firsthand, and was not afraid to speak up, and against, an increasing list of Sith crimes. Where first she would come to see the dynastic squabbles of her family against other SIth elites as intrinsic to the structure and Dark Side ideology of the Empire, she eventually realized that even her family, as part of the Sith ruling class, was complicit and benefitted from such evil. She no longer cared about the petty feuds and complaints of her family in the highest positions of the Empire; instead, she felt a burning desire to change the Empire for the good of its people.

When she was sent to official governmental and military training in one of the Sith Empire’s academies, Cora controversially became heavily involved with ‘political discussion’ groups within the student body that sought reform in the empire. As time went on Cora became radicalized, becoming more and more convinced of the need for a violent overthrow of the Sith. When the New Imperial Order proclaimed the Declaration of Defiance, Cora was nominally assigned a small Sith-Imperial military force (overseen by a Sith Knight sworn to her family’s service) to reinforce a space outpost in the early skirmishes of the Braxant Run campaign, Cora promptly convinced her outpost to defect and joined the nascent Order. Disapproving of the opportunistic Sith leaders that joined the Order to further their own power from a safe distance, Cora took on the false identity of Adera Tarina Vellas, a close friend of the academy who was a junior administrator of the outpost. This decision would end up saving Adera from much of the suspicion cast by the New Imperial Order on Sith defectors.

Adera came from a humble upbringing on a backwater world and was destined to be simply a farmer for the rest of her life, only stumbling into the Empire's academies by accident through diligent study and a lucky break. Trained to be a cog in the Sith-Imperial bureaucracy, when the Declaration of Defiance came, Adera was thus a junior administrator on a medium-sized space station in a minor uninhabited system. When an NIO scouting force made contact with the outpost, Cora and Adera convinced most of the station to turn defect to the NIO force and hand over critical intelligence. The commander of the station and some loyalists including Cora's Sith retainer opposed this mutiny and attempted to force the station to fight. In the ensuing skirmish, Adera was slain by the Sith Knight and Cora took on her identity to retain command of the station's garrison, vowing to fight the Sith to her dying breath and undo their oppression no matter the cost. Adera took command of the garrison and led the counterattack, coordinating with the NIO scouting force to surround and kill the Sith loyalists. Afterwards, the station was converted into a base of operations to stage further NIO attacks into Sith space despite being a low-priority theatre in the campaign.

Her ability to negotiate a peaceful defection and efficiently run the administration of the station in support of the expeditionary force caught the attention of the growing Imperial Order, ever on the lookout for competent people to aid in the struggle against the Sith. Adera was assigned to the Diplomatic Service Corps as a “Diplomatic Contact Officer”, serving with Imperial Military units as a sort of first contact negotiator with minor neutral settlements/worlds on second-priority fronts or the flanks of the main Imperial advance. Deployed so close to the front, Adera was expected to, and did, fight in the trenches against a variety of forces hostile to Imperial control. Adera fully expected to die in this process, going some way to redeem herself of the sins of her family. Instead Adera survived and was commended by her military counterparts both for keeping a cool head in battle and, ironically, serving well as a diplomat and negotiator through an open restless stubbornness.

As the New Imperial Order settled into a functioning state and the civil war came to a close, Adera‘s identity was discovered by diligent COMPNOR investigation. While, her actions before the war in the academy and during the war cleared her of Kyber Dark protocol and actually placed her as a candidate for the Imperator’s plans to feed a new crop of young “True” Imperials into the overly independent warlords’ administrations, she was still deemed a slight security risk and was shifted out of the military. She volunteered to serve in the newly founded Imperial Mission unknowingly as part of Rurik’s centralization plans by using up and coming True Believers into spreading the word of a Single Empire. Adera’s past, her lack of ‘network’ and her actions placed her in this crop of Imperials. For her part, Adera was only partially aware of the small role she played in Rurik’s ongoing Imperial restructuring. On a personal level, Self-reflection after the war convinced her that she should spend her time and effort to directly work to improve the lives of the people her family would have once trod on in the Empire.

After spending a few years in the Mission, a series of internal disturbances resulted in a need for qualified administrators in the expanding Imperial Order and she was called into governmental service as part of Fel’s ongoing plans to feed skilled, young Imperials devoted to the Empire as a whole into ex-warlord administrations. Adera proved herself to be as able an administrator and diplomat as before, and eventually became the senior administrator for the Tamaisy system under one of the ex-warlords whose personal powers were steadily eroded, especially after 874. This essentially placed Adera, a ‘true’ New Imperial with the right skills and track record as de facto next in line for appointment to Moff of Tamaisy. When the Moff of Tamaisy passed due to natural causes in 876, Adera was appointed Moff of the Tamaisy system in 876.
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