Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A storm in the sky

There were lives at stake. Trextan had to remind himself that was more important than gaining the respect of other Wardens, or at least not disappointing Chloe.

As much as he wanted to show up the Wardens that had belittled him, he had heard about Chloe for a long time before he met her. Choli had always spoken so highly of her.

"We're trackers," Trix announced boldly.

Of course, Trextan thought, she would go first.

"We've been out working the Abriin sector tracking down some of the worst Pirates on the lanes."

Arryk cracked his knuckles. He had been quiet for most of the time, deferring to Biffa.

"We've been looking after some of the Corellian run. Biffa helps organise convoys and works with the local privateers and military. I deal with those who continue to be a problem."

Trextan looked up at the huge Selonian. In a fist fight, he imagined he would be lucky to last ten seconds against him.

Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker

Then they were definitely a different flavor of Warden than what Chloe was familiar with. Not that she hadn't had her time dealing with pirates. The Corellian did her patrols along the Hydian way through the Tingal Arm, but she didn't go out specifically looking for them.

It was an entirely different mentality. More akin to the trackers during her time with the Omega Protectorate. Perhaps had no qualms with the type of methods required to complete their mission.

"That makes sense. I spent some time myself patrolling the lanes during the Protectorate era,"
Chloe replied, causing Biffa to swivel her head sharply towards the older blonde.

"You were with the Protectorate?" the Bothan asked; this time, there was a notable expression of perked interest.

"As a contractor, aye." Chloe discarded a few cards and took two more. "Raise the pot five credits." She flashed a half-grin and winked at Trextan.

"Shame how it ended. They did great work."

"Pro who?" Trix asked, seemingly annoyed to not have the attention on her. It was clear she was going to be a hot one. Made Chloe wonder how long she'd been working as a Warden.

"The Omega Protectorate. In the wake of the gulag plague, they were one of the first to try and secure the hyperlanes from the warlords and the pirates along Fondor. Managed to control the free trade routes from Corellia down to Terminus."
Sosa added. As a Sullustan, he was well aware of their history with the Protectorate as well as an interaction of the Alliance.

"My uncle never really talks about the Gulag Plague," Trextan said. "Great uncle," he added quickly for the benefit of everyone.

"I don't think the hyperlanes being open made as much of a difference for some of the rim worlds as the the core?" he suggested.

However, he could sense from the room that the opinion wasn't landing.

"For those out in the Rim," Biffa replied, "it might not have brought as much of a scramble for war, but the Hutt Cartel, the Red Ravens and less organised raiders started to expand their influence quickly. Republic, Alliance those kind of structures haven't always spread this far out. The Protectorate, Coalition and Confederacy held for periods. It doesn't last. Other factions take advantage of that."

"You know you don't look old enough to have been patrolling back then," Trextan said to Chloe before upping the ante.

Biffa immediately folded, suspecting - quite rightly - that he had a solid hand.

Chloe’s brows rose high at Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker , avid amusement dancing in her blue eyes and over her expression at the much younger man.

She gave a chuckle. “Now I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or if you’re tryin’ to sweet talk me into givin’ away my —“

At that moment, the sound of an alarm rang over their heads. It was the proximity alert they had set up to let them know if another ship would be approaching.

“Well… looks like we got ourselves some company.” Chloe drawled out in a murmur, before flashing that pearly white grin.

“Time to call your bluffs, folks.” She told them while moving to stand.

She had nothing.

Trextan was left cradling his cards with his face a warm shade of red. He didn't know quite what Chloe had been about to say and he would never know. He had not meant the observation to sound like a line, but it had. Giving away her secrets? Her blasters?

He laid out his cards.

"Knew it," Biffa said. The bothan looked relaxed as she stepped away from the table.

"Got a bad feeling about this," Trextan said from the cockpit. The vessels that had been - and continued to be - dragged out of hyperspace by an interdiction mine had been ordered to form an orderly queue of vessels.

"The codes should be good," Biffa insisted. "They'll wave us on."

"I'm in position," came Sosa's voice over the intercom. The Sullustan had got to place his drone in the dorsal airlock.

In the darkness, Trextan could see the sleek outline of the sith transport approach a transport ship several ahead of them in the queue.

"A bad feeling or indigestion?" Chloe shot back at Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker amused. She had caught his earlier flush. To think he was still easy to fluster. "Or is that pick up line still ringin' in your ears?" she teased in playful banter.

"Reckon I'll really have to ask what is your type, Trextan. Just to be sure."

The seconds it took for the Sith Patrol to review the codes of the transport ahead of them were intense. While Biffa look certain of herself, there was a fine sheen of sweat glimmering over Sosa's head. The codes could be good. They could be bad. How things landed was up to the Gods in Chloe's eyes.

As the transport's twin blue cones began to pull away, the Sith Patrol now turned its attention towards the Aurora Hawk. False transponder codes, specific smuggling compartments that would make the ship seem as ordinary cargo transport, along with Biffa's codes should allow them to get close enough for Sosa to do his work.

|| This is the Seseris, of the Knights of Ren, to the Monra Tye. Prepare for validation and transmit your codes. ||

Chloe took control of the hand comm, opening to respond, [ This is the Monra Tye to the Seseris, we are transmitting now. ]

A nod towards Biffa and the Bothan proceeded to transfer. The next few seconds were tense. Now was the time for Sosa to do his part.

"A bad feeling or indigestion?" Chloe shot back at Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker amused. She had caught his earlier flush. To think he was still easy to fluster. "Or is that pick up line still ringin' in your ears?" she teased in playful banter.

"Reckon I'll really have to ask what is your type, Trextan. Just to be sure."

"I didn't... Well I guess you're... Hmph," went Trextan.

He knew it was only going to amuse her more, so he smiled and gave a shake of his head. It actually took a little tension out of the moment. Had he been about to explain his type or say she was too old for him? Joke was on her, that fantasy was definitely now going to cross his bunk one evening this week.

What he didn't like thinking about was that the sith could be hurting people as they moved down the line of vessels. He had to think of the bigger picture, remember the lessons of the past.

Stopping one Knight of Ren on patrol wasn't going to make a difference. Getting Tiny back and planning to deal with the wider problem would.

|| Codes accepted. Move on beyond the gravity well and continue. ||

"Not even a 'have a nice day' Trextan said.

Sosa had a pair of goggles on. They were showing the view from the drone as he maneuvered it up to the passing ship.

"Got it."

There was a collective sigh of relief.

"Great job, Sosa," Chloe replied, murmuring a grateful thank you to the Corellian Gods. She gave the Sullustan a pat on the back before squeezing his shoulder.

Flashing a grin over to Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker , the blonde followed with a nod.

"Alright, now it is just a matter of getting into place and tracking where the patrol will go as its home base of operations -- either a prison ship or location on the world. It could very well be a space station as well. Either way, we can use what we know about the Roil to tuck back and wait and then plan accordingly with the additional data we have once they arrive."

Looking at the Wardens, Chloe rubbed her hands together. "In the meantime, it might be best to consider our options and how to handle goin' in to look for Tiny."

"I can utilize the White Current to form illusions and get a few under the radar to slip in. Who would be best to go with me in that instance?"

"The three of us," Trix said, pointing to herself, Brassycc and Arryk. "The boy can stay and guard the ship with a pilot and Biffa could be in charge of the whole op."

Trextan noted that she had put Biffa in charge whilst telling everyone what to do. If he sat in silence then he would be given the role they assigned him.

In one way it would be easy. No pressure on himself. The fate of the Barabel in the hands of the other Wardens.

I won't be a coward

"I lost this arm," Trextan said, lifting his artificial hand, "fighting two Knights of Ren. I've fought exactly two more Ren and seven Sith Knights. I'm not the best Warden, but can any of you claim the same?"

He let that question hang in the air.

Chloe's lips pursed in an attempt to hold back her amusement, glancing from Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker to Trix. This was between them. Chloe wasn't going to step in unless things escalated, but Trextan needed to learn how to leverage his own skills and become confident enough with the Wardens to show he had it in him to do what was needed.

Wardens had no rhyme or reason. They each came with their own sets of flavors, doing their best to keep the trade lanes free and safe from those who would take advantage of travelers. Some were pilots, some navigators, some simply joined up as crew. Each brought something to the table, so Trextan's commentary that he had more experience fighting Knights of Ren to warrant going with the group had validity.

Trix, Brassycc, and Arryk may have had experience dealing with pirates, but Force users like the Knights were another story. After all, Tiny got captured by all of them.

The redhead gave a snort, crossing her arms over her chest, about to comment, when the massive Selonian gave a nod, speaking in Mandaba, "The kid has a point. I'd want his blade along if he is willing to join us."

Biffa also agreed, adding, "It would be better to have someone who knows their ways and methods. Sosa and I can provide avenues of escape if needed."

Overridden, Trix gave a curse. It was odd. Why did she have so much against Trextan who she just met? Something to ponder. Either way, Chloe added,"With GeeTee as an antiboarding droid, he would do well protecting the ship as well as your back up."

"Settled then? Settled."

Trextan didn't give much of a chance for an argument, but he wasn't in an arguing mood. He didn't understand why Trix was quite as vehemently against him.

It had to be either his age or possibly the Voidstalker name.


"That could be it," Trextan muttered.

They were drifting in radio silence, following only the signal of the tracking device. The dark and foreboding cruiser sat on the edge of a dark system.

The black hole at the centre of the system had swallowed its accretion disk a million years ago. A system of rocks, spinning around in the darkness.

"Of course that's it," Trix muttered back.

No one could hear them, but they were still quiet in the cockpit.

"Well, when do we ever do things in ways that ain' interesting?" Chloe would murmur with a chuckle, all the while her mind going over what would need to be done to be able to board the ship and then get in and out.

"We got ourselves some advantages. With that black hole takin' up as much light, we can move in quietly. I can use the White Current to hide the Aurora from their sensors and get us close enough so Sosa can fly the Limpet in and latch onto the hull."

That meant that Chloe would stay on the Aurora, leaving the boarding group to be Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker , Trix, and Arrax.

"Brassyca can take my place to help you out." Which worked well, as the additional muscle would be good.

The young Wookiee in question gave an, "Arraagggh" in the typical 'Yes!' arm pump of excitement.

"Don't mean we don't take this seriously. You will have Force Users to deal with... let's see what additional firepower or items you'll need." Chloe was pro keeping blasters off ships, especially her own ship, but if it dealt with an enemy ship, she wasn't as strict.

Trextan had come around to limiting his use of blasters on ships. However, he was going to be going in with both his occluder handcannon and sonic shotgun.

No one recognised the design of the vessel and no one knew exactly what they would face. The plan had serious limits. They could only react to what was in front of them.

The wookie carried a traditional bowcaster and Trix had a blaster on each hip and a bag of stun grenades. Arryk surprised Trextan by revealing something he hadn't seen before. It was like the electrostaff of a magna guard, but a one handed weapon more like a long mace. The Selonian looked proud of it.

Soon the group was in darkness, huddled in the boarding ship as the Hawk closed on the cruiser. Trextan closed his eyes, trying to listen to the Force.

He had always been more accomplished as shouting than listening.

"We're ready to go," Sosa shouted through the halls before closing the hatch. They didn't even dare use short range comms during the approach.

Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker

Chloe squeezed her eyes shut, trying to drown out the chaos around her and focus on the White Current Illusion. The shimmering veil was all that stood between them and certain disaster. She had to trust that Trextan and the others could handle things on their end so they could go in to rescue Tiny. Her heart pounded like a battle drum in her chest, her brow damp with beaded sweat as she breathed in and out.

The real question was what kind of opposition they'd face. How many Knights of Ren? How many stormtroopers? The possibilities were as endless as they were terrifying.

Ever so carefully, Sosa guided the boarding vessel, inching closer until it touched the enemy hull with a soft thud. Inside, Chloe's illusion held strong, masking their approach. Everything depended on her concentration, on maintaining the delicate balance between visibility and invisibility.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Bix muttered, her voice a low rumble of determination. She pulled out the charges, sticky and primed, ready to carve an entrance into the ship's hull. This was the moment where everything could go wrong, where a single mistake could spell doom.

All the while, Trextan sank into the Force, letting its currents wash over him. He strained to hear any warning, any whisper of danger. Something fluttered at the edge of his awareness -- muffled, muted, yet disturbingly familiar. Was it an old memory resurfacing or the insidious touch of the Dark Side trying to lure him back?

Tension was palpable, and there was more than one person sweating as the hull was breached, a thick fog of anticipation and dread. Every breath, every heartbeat, every whispered word was a thread in the tapestry of their mission. And as Chloe held the illusion, as Sosa maneuvered the vessel, and as Trextan faced the darkness within and without, they all knew one thing: the fate of their mission hung in the balance.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Trextan muttered to himself.

"Yeah well, keep that to yourself," Trix said back.

Trextan lifted his head. A calm sense of focus washed over him. Her comment didn't even register.

There was a soft thud as they hit the lower hull of the cruiser. They could only hope that the lower levels mostly empty and that the sound would mingle with the usual noises of the engines.

The plasma torches hissed as they sliced through the hull. The gravity field was matched to the more powerful influence of the cruiser to allow them to climb through.

Trextan went first, his brain protesting as he floated 'down' and then climbed 'up' through several layers of sheared hull and into a corridor.

"We're clear," he hissed. For now, at least. He could sense the influence of the dark side all around them.

They moved quietly up from the lowest maintenance level and found their guess to be broadly correct. They soon found signs for the detention centre.

"Quiet!" Trix hissed.

Two N-5 sentry Droids flanked an floating interrogator drone and marched past their hiding place.

A secret prison ship. It made sense to have a skeleton crew.

The N-5 sentry droids and the floating interrogator droid moved along the hallway. Trix narrowed her eyes, "Odds they are going to the detention cells?" She murmured over to Arrak, choosing not to ask Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker . He reminded her too much of someone in her past. Someone she'd rather not focus on and every time she looked at him, annoyance and frustration only grew. The kid was going to be trouble. She knew his sort. She didn't need to use the Force to know that he'd be the kind to make things difficult.

Trix was Force Sensitive, enough to give her an inkling with shit was going to go down. When she told Trextan to keep it to herself, it was because they didn't need to go into this already fearing for the shit to go down. Didn't matter what woobly icky bits made her insides tickle. She rather deal with things head on, what she can see and what she could punch in the face.

Arrack, the Selonian, gave a nod, murmuring in broken basic that perhaps they should follow. Neighter knew the layout of the patrol ship.

"That or slice into a dataconsole and get a map of the place." he added, glancing at Trextan to see if he knew anything of that. Brassyca interrupted, and gave a low growl and a series of hushed grunts. He could slice into anything, he said, itching to prove himself to Trix and Arrack.

"That or slice into a dataconsole and get a map of the place." he added, glancing at Trextan to see if he knew anything of that. Brassyca interrupted, and gave a low growl and a series of hushed grunts. He could slice into anything, he said, itching to prove himself to Trix and Arrack.

Trextan had already offered an apologetic shrug before Brassyca could step up. He was no expert in using a terminal, let alone slicing into military grade tech.

The group rounded another few corners and found a terminal built into the wall. Trextan started to head on to the next junction to keep watch, only to find out that he had over estimated how long it would take.

A ship was built under the assumption that civilians and attacker's couldn't just walk in. They didnt always take the time to secure all the systems.

The wookie brought a spike up to the terminal and had a map up in three seconds flat.

"That's a lot of cells. If they're all full we can't fit them in the boarding shuttle," Arryk said.

Trextan rejoined the group and eyed the map.

"Straight run back or... Or we could steal a transport from here... But that's three decks up," Trextan suggested.
The Wardens were likely not keen on leaving anyone behind. However, for once, Trix seemed to be on board with Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker 's plan.

"I'm down for taking one of their ships and getting everyone free. Might even be able to use a mass release of prisoners to provide plenty of distraction on getting Tiny, nabbing that ship, and then getting the kark out of here."

Of course, the Wookiee would agree with Trix. He was apprenticing under her, growling out that he could fly any ship they found.

Arryak was the only one unsure. Such a plan would mean splitting up the team, which could get dangerous. He then turned to look at Trextan.

"You've fought with these Knights before; what do you recommend?"
"You've fought with these Knights before; what do you recommend?"

It was too late to be nervous. If there was one thing he would take from his Sith years it was that a challenge had to be met. Any decision was the wrong one if you did not make it in time.

"We see how many are captive. More than four we make for their docking bay as one group. If there are less or any really wounded we take the same shuttle back. I'll sense a Knight coming to stop us. Should not be more than one or two here. I can deal with them."

They made sure they all had a copy of the map. Trextan saved his to the computer within his arm so he could look at the screen. That had once been an alliance terminal built into the arm.

The military grade prosthetic he had found attached to his body after his own arm had been cut off by a Knight of Ren.

The detention centre was sealed by two blastdoors. It was guarded by a pair of N-5 droids.
Trix was annoyed that Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker took charge, but arguing now and dealing with the Selonian while pressed for time was stupid. Even she knew that.

So she pulled out her blaster while the Wookiee drew out his heavy blaster pistol. For Wardens, they were sure packing heavy. Either way, it looked like Trix just might get the sort of challenge and fight she'd been itching to get anyway. Pirates were one thing. How would the rest of these Imperials and Knights fare?

While Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker went ahead to try and deal with the Knights, Trix, Arryk, and Brassycc made their way towards the detention center. Two N-5 droids.

Arryk pulled from his waist an ion grenade. That should take care of the droids... right?

He gingerly rolled it over to them, sparking their sensors. They immediately reacted to it, but not fast enough before the grenade went off, zapping the droids with ionic energy as they fizzled. Seconds later, they fell onto the floor, with Brassycc moving swiftly forward towards the door panel.

"Alright we gotta be quick!" Won't be long before any other guards --

[ Hey you! Halt right there! ] The sound of a Storm Trooper crying out to them alerted them that there was a pair of troopers also moving about the corridors, not just the Knight's Trextan had sense.

"Chit! Better hurry!" Trix cried out, sending a volley of blaster fire towards the troopers. The Wookiee gave a growl then a snap, his thick fingers grabbing a data spike to try and open the detention door.

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