Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gorba the Hutt

    LFG  Killers Wanted

    K I L L E R S W A N T E D The criminal syndicates of the Hutt Space Consortium are looking to put together an elite team of mercenaries, pilots, hackers, smugglers, and other specialists to take on the Consortium's toughest jobs. An Ocean's Eleven for the age of the Underworld. Naming them...
  2. K

    Bounty  [Swamp Hunt] Wanted Criminal: Karkosuchus

    Intent: To have Karkosuchus go to prison for his crimes and setting up a break-out thread later down the line. Compensation: Magnate Mark III Power Armor MA-M3 Mercury Class Energy Rifle MA-M2 Mercury Class Energy Pistol Cause(s): Adding another interesting event for Karkosuchus Establish...
  3. Dedata | Celty Ree

    Bounty  **Denon Security Alert** Wanted Criminal: Cartri Keswoll

    Intent: Falsified bounty on a target for snooping into places one should not Compensation: Credit reward Cause(s): N/A Target Involvement: Target has agreed to the bounty Name of Bounty: Cartri Keswoll Name of Contractor: Sercorp™ Exclusivity: The Family Reward Tier: Tier 4 (High) Condition...
  4. Barrien Siegfried

    LFG  Peace Lovers Wanted

    I'm looking to recruit more people willing to embrace a storyline that revolves around stopping fights rather than really participating in them. IE, trying to stop people from killing each other and only defending themselves with methods that do no harm to the person attacking them. We are an...
  5. Zori Kapshan


    Post below if you are looking for work and want to be handsomely compensated.
  6. Spirit of Perseverance

    Bounty  Galaxy's Most Wanted — Koda Fett

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To bring Koda Fett to justice. Compensation: 100k UC's Cause(s) The assassination of Marovik Kobitana Assassination attempt on Tiresh Kobitana Assassination attempt on Auteme Target Involvement: N/A IN CHARACTER INFORMATION Name of Bounty: Koda Fett...
  7. Holly Starstorm

    Brainstorming - A Holo Network Faction - Opinions Wanted

    Hello everybody! I've been toying with the idea of creating some type of holo faction. This would be a great place for me to organize the many interview requests I get for Holly and HNN, but I think it could also be a larger network that could include holo stars, weather, etc. Think of it like...
  8. Arekk

    LFG  WANTED: Threads, Again?

    Thinking of getting back into things. Those out there that know me, more than welcome to PM me. If you don't, feel free to leave a message. :D
  9. Vyn Daldoure

    Private  Mire of Misfortune

    Ryala Serona Pick up the pieces. Bilbousa, Nal Hutta. The streets of Bilbousa were bustling with traders, people looking for work, and slavers pawning their goods. The air had its typical soupy feel like nothing had changed in the last 8 months, but that wasn't true, he shattered any...
  10. Ivory Stroud

    WANTED: Professional Nethermancer

    (A message, sent to every back-water pesthole pirate port and spread by word-of-mouth in the darker circles of the Underworld) WANTED A Nethermancer of particular skill and ability for a contract position; time indeterminate. Skills required: Experience working with The Dead. Must be...
  11. S

    LFG  Heisters wanted!

    You already know the drill. I need some... talented individuals for a high-stake heist. They have something we want, so we're going to take it. And besides, who doesn't like money and infamy? This is gonna be a big one. Grab your mask, and let's get rich.
  12. V

    Private  Slow descent into..

    The moment that I've been looking for There was the faint hum in the air of static, the ringing that never left her ears, but louder than that, the noise which drowned everything else out, was the overwhelming sound of her lightsaber as it burned the air itself. There was little light here...
  13. Alina Tremiru

    LFG  Wanted: Threads

    Alright. Muse has picked back up and the wee ones have started to calm down so I've got some time again to start typing away. On what, I've no idea! Y'know that muse to write but you've no idea any specifics? That's me, well. Pretty much all the time, actually. Hence this thread! I've got three...
  14. Laertia Io

    LFG  Wanted Skirmishers

    Looking for some skirmish people to go with my character on a raid in Bryn'adul territory. Willing to work with anyone interested, but the current slot limit is four (not barring personal npc forces) Any who are interested, hit me up on this thread or PM me for details
  15. S

    LFG  Wanted: Sith Opposition

    A team of Mandos are going to hit up Malachor V for a potential siege and snare of a bunch of kyber. With it being former Sith territory, there'd likely be some remnants of them there. This siege would be great for pvp and pve battles, as well as a chance for Mandos to let off some much needed...
  16. Bao Quayan


    - FUGITIVE INFORMATION Real Name Milla Alias Scar Berenk (previous) Birthplace Unknown Age Unknown (Appears Early-Mid 30's) Faction The Death Watch Crusade Rank Neo-Crusader Titles Bounty Hunter, Mandalorian, Ex-Slave, Crusader Home Unknown Species Unknown (Suspected...
  17. Cale Gunderson

    LFG  Friends and Foes Wanted

    So, some of you know me, some of you don't, its been a hell of a long time since I've been around. Either way, Cale and his newly gathered crew of misfits (Tup Tup Bimbam, Ronan Calore, Aleksandr Stirsea, and Hector Vale) are on essentially one of those long character development road trips with...
  18. K

    Hire me. Please.

    Alyosha here is a freelance assassin desperately in need of work. Unfortunately, the bounty on his head makes getting employment/contracts a bit more complicated than usual. I'm looking for a group/faction which either doesn't know about the bounty (he will use an alternate name to hide his...
  19. Darth Carnifex

    The Sith Empire's Most Wanted

    Most Wanted Silver Jedi Order Joshua Dragonsflame - Master of the Silver Jedi John Locke - Naval Commander Gir Quee - Naval Commander Outer Rim Coalition ORC Marshals - Lawless Brigands Veino Garn - Saarai-kaar Cei Kyros - Grand Captain of the Smuggler’s Alliance Atlas Drake - Captain of...
  20. Triton Kozak

    Looking For A Teacher.

    I've had Triton for a while now, and I had a few things going, but recently a thread I was in was put on hold. I've decided to get this character's feet wet, but what I want is a someone who contract this sith from the ground up. Any takers?
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