Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Arianna Belasko

    Approved Tech  House Io Standard Trade Currency

    Intent: To provide the standard Trade Currency of House Io by using rare metals Note: massive Credit to Akemi Io for guidance and advice Alum Coin (7 Credits): Bronzium Coin (70 Credits): Neodymium Coin (140 Credits): Chromium Coin (280 Credits): Haysian Gold Coin (560 Credits)...
  2. Arianna Belasko

    House Io Standard Trade Coins

    Intent: To provide the standard Trade Currency of House Io by using rare metals Alum Coin (7 Credits): Bronzium Coin (70 Credits): Neodymium Coin (140 Credits): Chromium Coin (280 Credits): Haysian Gold Coin (560 Credits): Image Source...
  3. Arianna Belasko

    House Io Aurodium Trade Coins

    Intent: To provide the standard High Value Trade Currency of House Io 700 Credit Coin (1 Forrwiirmeni) 1400 Credit Coin (One Udinia) 2100 Credit Coin (1 Crownwraithe) Image Source:
  4. Arianna Belasko

    House Io Aurodium Trade Ingot

    Intent: To provide a hedge against inflation Image Source: Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.) Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use...
  5. Kaia Starchaser

    Approved Location  Rimward Trade League Outreach Center

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a template for the Rimward Trade League's outreach offices to be used on newly integrated planetary systems. Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Rimward Trade League Outreach Center...
  6. Darth Xyrah

    Enarc Trade League

    Enarc Trade League OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Enarc Trade League Headquarters: Enarc Locations: Enarc...
  7. Stardrift Station

    Stardrift Station

    Welcome to Stardrift Station About (IC) IC: In a galaxy torn by war, thousands of sentients were forced to flee their homeworlds in the wake of the destruction of Panatha and Csilla, joining the diaspora of galactic refugees. Some settled in neighboring starclusters where their culture and...
  8. Khloe Argyros

    Public  One man's trash..... (Rimward Trade League)

    .....Is another man's treasure. The lost, discarded and forgotten can be a treasure trove of worth if one knows how to properly wipe away the grime or fix the right part. Some of these hidden treasure troves can be lost for years, centuries even, but when rediscovered, they can bring a massive...
  9. Niki Priddy

    Approved Location  Five Veils Trade and Tourist Route

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify and build upon a canon hyperlane route for roleplay. Image Credit: Site Map with my alteration, Space truck stop Canon: Five Veils Trade and Tourist Route Permissions: Shokita-class Deep Space Stations - Vault Purchase Gulp Garbage Droid - Vault...
  10. Rex Valhoun

    Approved Lore  E.T.A. (Elysium Trade Authority)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a branch of the government to oversee all trade agreements to protect against pirates and smugglers. Image: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: The Elysium Empire GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: The Elysium Trade Authority (ETA)...
  11. Mya Jesel

    Faction  Summoning the League (Rimward Trade League)

    YUMFLA, SUSEFVI RIMWARD TRADE LEAGUE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 874 ABY There was a slow buzz around the council chambers, with the doors wide open, and crowds flowing in. Mya sat in her seat at the end of the table, waiting for the others to flow in. It was an open council session with representatives...
  12. Hester Shedo

    LFG  Spice Road

    Hey all, Looking for writers who would join up in a somewhat informal trade network across the map. If you author or govern a planet and would like some…less than legal…shipments and types to pass through, and fancy some RP building into that, please feel to drop a note here! It starts at...
  13. Aerarii Tithe

    Trade Federation Inventory

    Posting so we don't get nuked for inactivity - I'll tidy up formatting later If you have subs post 'em below Company listing, needs updating or resub - Markets:
  14. Heath Valhoun

    Private  The finest Jewlcrafter in The Empire.

    King's Quarters, HMS Unity , The Elysium Main Fleet King Heath Valhoun, First King of The Elysium Empire, sat behind a cherry wood desk, stained black and then glossed over with resin. The desk was facing the main entrance to the wide, 30ft x 90ft room. The walls were plain gray durasteel apart...
  15. Cuan Kunn

    Public  Wild and Free (Rimward Trade/Outer Rim Folk)

    Before heading back to the Core to regroup with Starchaser and those that he could help run out to the Rim, Cuan felt it was probably worthwhile to run out to the Rimward Trade League. With the Confederates sniffing around his home world, the Sullustan spent just enough to get home, see his...
  16. Aeshi Tillian

    LFG  Planets & Trade Goods Directory

    Hey! I’m back at it again with the Rimward Trade League dice system shenanigans. Except instead of a long distance race, this time it’s a rule set for trading mechanics focusing on the nitty gritty details to better facilitate that sort of narrative, even if it’s just solo stuff. However, part...
  17. Kirki Alcademon

    Public  Reaching out Horizons: Into the Far Void

    "Do not be afraid of the unknown" the female calm voice echoed in her head, as she looked outside the reinforced transparisteel window of the deck. The detailed, plant-like gold sculptures along and around the frames embraced the view, as her eyes looked beyond. "We arrived in Roon, Lady" the...
  18. Kirki Alcademon

    Character  Kirki Alcademon, the Marked One

    Credit: Anna Helme (Photoshopped by me) NAME: Kirki Alcademon, the Marked One FACTION: The Athysian League RANK: Hegenika Adept SPECIES: Human (Athysian) AGE: 23 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 1,62 WEIGHT: Around 60kg EYES: Red, Yellow when under the influence of the Dark Side. HAIR: Black, long...
  19. Desmundor Alcademon

    Minor Faction  The Athysian League: The Hegemons' mark across the Galaxy

    The Athysian League After a large alien invasion, the Hegemons that ruled for millennia the Hive City-states of Athys were forced to cooperate, in order to repulse the external threat. After the final defeat of the alien fleets, one of the Hegemons, Hegemon Desmondur Alcademon, of Bassilicor...
  20. Jaa Kilian

    Public  A Most Benign Package

    Location: Conference Room, The Brawler, Orbit of Bonadan. Equipment: SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster, Plain Officers Fatigues, Wrist Comm Link, Level 4 Code Cylinders. Objective: Protection and Escort of Mysterious Package to Bandomeer. Once upon a time, the triangular form of a Star Destroyer...
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