Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. RC 212

    Approved Starship  Merrill 1 Survey Ship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create a Super Survey Vessel for ORC and beloved select folks. Image Source: https://www.startalk...-sci-fi-series/ Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jast Shipwright Co. Affiliation: Jast...
  2. RC 212

    Approved Starship  Reclaimer 1

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Unique and awesome support/utility vessel for folks Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jast Shipwright Co. Model: Mobile...
  3. RC 212

    Approved Starship  Jast 3 Freighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create a heavy Freighter for spacer Folks to use. Image Source: Canon Link:https://www.pinteres...35450299984257/ Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jast Shipwright Co. Model: Freighter Affiliation: Open...
  4. RC 212

    Approved Starship  Jast 2 Freighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create a Heavier More reliable Freighter for spacer folk Image Source: http://www.suggest-k...GVycyBzY2ktZmk/ Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jast Shipwright Co. Model: Freighter...
  5. RC 212

    Approved Starship  Jast 1 Freighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create a super Modifiable Freighter for Spacer folk. Image Source: http://www.suggest-k...GVycyBzY2ktZmk/ Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jast Shipwright Co. Model: Freighter Affiliation...
  6. RC 212

    Jast Shipwright Co.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Jast Shipwright Company Headquarters: Excocron Locations: Exocron, Kal Shebbol, Denon, Deneba Operations: Ship building, Ship Repair, Parts...
  7. RC 212

    Approved Location  New Exo

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Flesh out a new Capitol City for Exocron (Current stub in Wookie has nothing) ​Image Credit: Canon: No Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION City Name...
  8. Jorus Merrill

    Welcome Back

    INDEPENDENT VESSEL 'WRETCHED HIVE' NEW HOLSTICE ORBIT When things got rough, the Hive switched to shift work, but things weren't rough right now. The ship's equivalent of night had dimmed the lights and quieted the work bays. In one hangar's corner, four chairs and a table sat bolted to the...
  9. Jorus Merrill

    Approved Starship  The Riposte

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A combat-capable personal ship for [member="Julius Sedaire"] Image Source: Kodiak shuttle, Mass Effect Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: TKO Back to the Underground: Last Call - Julius Sedaire gives Jorus the schematics for his Aing-Tii precision...
  10. Jorus Merrill

    Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? (scout mission - Sekalus/Imperial Remnant)

    The Laureate-class science vessel Gossamer, registered to the overarching government of the Kathol territories, exited hyperspace over Sekalus. Its ongoing mission was to locate the unknown fleet and subsequent battlecruiser which had passed close by the Kathol Outback. The Gossamer, its...
  11. Jorus Merrill

    The Virtue of Proportionate Response

    The first alarm came from a source that only Jorus Merrill’s immediate family could know about: a long-range hyperwave signal interceptor that he maintained on a moonlet in the hidden Q-27 system. Not wishing to expose said system to his entire crew, he left the Wretched Hive at Kal’Shebbol and...
  12. Bryce Bantam

    "Shotgun Sinner"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here Canon Link: NA Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: "Shotgun Sinner" Affiliation: The Kathol Outback Production: Unique Manufacturer: Gallofree Yards Material: Duraplast, transparisteel, durasteel...
  13. Jorus Merrill

    Jorus Merrill's Podracer (resubmission)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: “Podracer Concept” by BrokenBPM Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: A resubmission of this. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Jorus Merrill’s Podracer Affiliation: The Kathol Outback Production: Unique Manufacturer: Silk Holdings, designed and modified by...
  14. Jorus Merrill

    Approved Starship  The Foundation | The Kathol Outback

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A command and coordination station, and a location for RP Image Source: “Osmani Space Station,” by GarretAJ Canon Link: None Development Thread: TKO Silver Omega Reward Primary Source: None. A unique station based on the mass-produced Military Station...
  15. Jorus Merrill

    3:10 to Kathol OOC Objectives: Objective A: COWBOYS AND BANDITS. Decide whether you're one of the people who's been accused of crimes and is on the run, or whether you're one of the people who's chasing them. Try and pair up: one or two...
  16. Jorus Merrill

    3:10 to Kathol: TKO Dominion of Zonju V Hex

    Since their liberation by the Underground, the worlds in and around the Kathol Outback have banded together in a formal union. What form their government will take is still a matter of debate, but one thing is certain: the councils and leaders of these worlds want safety as much as they want...
  17. Bryce Bantam

    "TKO" back to "The Underground" - Last Call The great conference had just concluded on Gandle Ott. It had been decided, their job was done. The good, or good enough governments of the region had been restored and the area. The Kathol region, destabilized by the Black Rose, was now back in the...
  18. Kimiko Taiyou

    Replacing flowers with a personal visit

    Aboard the Crimson Cross in orbit over the war torn planet of Kaeshana ~ Tsubasa's POV ~ Light brown locks of hair bounced as the young girl walked along with her adoptive mother through the recovery wing of the large medical ship. She hated it here, it smelled like death and sickness, and...
  19. Jorus Merrill

    Recon Run: Hoth (Kathol Outback, First Order, etc.)

    Back Trails Star Tours Ski Resort Mount Ison Hoth First Order Territory Among the few benefits of the strange rejuvenation he and his wife had found in Wild Space, Jorus ranked innocuousness pretty fething high. He no longer had the face, fingerprints, or genes of a prominent Underground...
  20. John Shepherd

    Feedback on John Shepherd

    Hello all, I've been writing with you guys for a little under a month but I have quiet a few threads out and I wanted some feedback on my writing, what I could do better, what I could add, and some advice for my character in general. ANy advice and feedback would be appreciated.
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