Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tefka

    Staff  May the 4th Be With Us All

    Happy Star Wars Day.
  2. zzRookal the Hutt

    Character  Rookal the Hutt

    ROOKAL THE HUTT master of his own destiny DEAD - frozen to death by Mairéad on Zygerria NAME: Rookal Tol Jueliek FACTION: His own company, supports the creation of the New Hutt Republic, friendly to any who will do busniess with him RANK: CEO of Jueliek Holdings SPECIES: Hutt AGE...
  3. Ascendant Muse

    Faction  Social Harmony || The Confederacy + Open

    S C A R I F SHOREHAVEN RESORT The Southern Systems were not immune to troubling times. In recent history, the Galaxy was no stranger to turmoil. It was said that strife could always be found among the stars - yet the present chaos had been nearly unprecedented. Practically every civilization...
  4. S

    Private  Echoes: Plucking the Red String

    Enroute to Indupar Aboard the Mecetti yacht 'Evening Star' No matter how much she knew she could take care of herself, even if her ailing Lord Father knew it, let alone her esteemed progenitor, she was always given accompaniments. Legs crossed, an appropriately long skirt draping past her...
  5. Irratar Hemstagon

    Approved NPC  Athysian Stratis Hosts: The Vrea Edikar

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create a heavy marines unit for the Athysian League Image Credit: Credit (Photoshopped by me) Role: Shock Troopers, Jump Troopers Permissions: NA Links: NA GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Vrea Edikar Affiliation: Athysian League Classification: Shock...
  6. Cedric Grayson

    Faction  Scramble For The Arm | Ashlan Crusade/NIO |

    The tavern they had elected to meet in was far beyond the outskirts of the Graywall, deep in the heart of the outlying towns beyond the walls of the fortress. This section of the urban sprawl was home almost exclusively to members of the local militia, and thus was the rowdiest place the Ashlans...
  7. Irratar Hemstagon

    Approved NPC  Athysian Stratis Hosts: The Vrea Stratis

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a basic infantry unit for the Athysian League Image Credit: Credit Role: The Vrea Stratis are the Athysian main infantry force Permissions: NA Links: NA GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Vrea Stratis Affiliation: Athysian League Classification...
  8. Salazar Niminen

    Private  Beacon In The Nightstorm

    The Call Salazar was meditating in one fine morning when he heard a metal been forged. He knows the force works in mysterious ways. But he chose to ignore it for once. He again went into his meditative trance when he again heard the hammer hit the axle. This time he didn't break his meditation...
  9. Salazar Niminen

    Private  Another Step Into The Light

    The Last Trial A dark room. A naturally dim lit circle. He has been told that it is the Final Trial. He went & stood in the circle. Ready, for whatever may come; but at peace. Just as his master taught him. Relaxed fists. Slow breathes. Just then, 3 lightsabers ignited in unison around him...
  10. Claire Organa

    Public  The Way You Look Tonight - Fashion Week on Alderaan (OPEN)

    Belleau-a-Lir Alderaan Alderaan was known for many things chief among them was the environmental landscaping that married the cities to the land, sea and air around them. An excellent example of this marriage was New Crevasse City. A city built within the walls of the canyon, a city that...
  11. Ascendant Muse

    Faction  Social Upheaval || The Confederacy

    N A B O O GOLBAH HILL, THEED What was the price of benevolence? When facing utter annihilation, the urge to survive will cause any soul to flee. When faced with the choice between death and life, most would do whatever it took to continue breathing. Oftentimes, it matters very little how...
  12. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Location  The Duck Pond of Solitude

    THE DUCK POND OF SOLITUDE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent The creation of a Pond of "Solitude" for Duckie Talon from which he can plan his ever-continuing fight against the dastardly worms and their plans of galactic conquest Image Source: [HERE] Canon: Duck...
  13. Osam

    Approved Tech  The Bryn'adul | Crusader Breath Mask

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A simple and effective mask that converts hazardous Type III atmosphere into Type II for members of the Akhenaton, Vaydralen, and Ungulloi species on otherwise dangerous Bryn'adul worlds. Image Source...
  14. B

    Faction  In The Presence Of Another World | Sith Eternal

    It was a decidedly ramshackled view which greeted them on the other side. A patchwork of buildings large and small dotted the immediate vicinity, wood and sheet-metal and pelts, some substances that were not even known to the realm of the living, made up the bulk of it, and one strong wind would...
  15. Irratar Hemstagon

    Approved NPC  Athysian Stratis Hosts: The Black Valkyries

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an Elite Corsair unit for the Athysian League Raider Fleets Image Credit: Credit Role: Elite Mountain Warbands Permissions: NA Links: NA GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Black Valkyries Affiliation: Athysian League Classification: Special Forces...
  16. Julius Haskler

    Faction  Relics of the Past | OOC Thread

    RELICS OF THE PAST Starting May 10th THE MAN, THE LEGEND Centuries ago, one man had risen to prominence in the Core. Acting as a safeguard for the Empire whilst trying to make it better, Moff Kraig Haskler led the Corellian Sector for more than a decade. He amassed immense armies and...
  17. Melina Suarez

    Private  Living the Dream

    She had pretty much been given unspoken instructions soon after she had met Adron. Those were to go around the various nearby territories, meet people and learn different things. Eryneth had come from a backwater world and hardly knew or understood what the Galaxy was actually about. Traveling...
  18. G

    Character  Grey Rusken, Soldier of the Endless War

    | THEME |
  19. Davak

    Private  An Outback Mystery: The disappearance of "Sori" SH-300

    - New Outback - - The spaceport of Sedaire's Landing- "This is Captain Percy Fowl speaking of the SORI SH-300 we are ready for take-off on this fine afternoon, do we have permission to start out engines?" A voice answered over speakers "Permission granted, farewell captain". And with that...
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