Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Chalmuns Spaceport Cantina

    Chalmuns Spaceport Cantina

    Welcome and Take as much time as you need, just don't upset anyone or get blood all over my FLOOR just remember NO DROIDS
  2. Myles Davorak

    Public  The Watering Hole

    Planet: Tatooine Myles sat in the cantina, with the details of patrons coming and going every moment. He had a stroke of bad luck hit him when he was feeling 'on top of the world'. His private contracting company was all but dissolved and Raven Squad was elsewhere out in the galaxy. Going back...
  3. K

    Public  Trouble on Tatooine

    Karkosuchus didn't expect to find himself on Tatooine of all places. The twin suns bearing down on his form which absorbed more sunlight due to his heavier weight and considerable size. He and a small team had been hired to transport some Stolen Kyber Crystals to a Marauder and Pirate Gang...
  4. K

    LFG  Actions on Tatooine

    Greetings, Your friendly neighborhood cannibal here. I've come up with a storyline to roleplay on tatooine. That being that Karkosuchus and a team had been hired to transport a shipment of Stolen Kyber Crystals to a Criminal Gang within Outlaw's Den within the Judgeland Waste on Tatooine...
  5. Glar Ulchtar

    LFG  Anyone Up For A Crime Thread On Tatooine?

    As the title says, I am looking for anyone who would be interested in a crime thread on Tatooine. The basic idea I had for a thread was that my character wants to take over a Pyke Syndicate splinter branch on Tatooine either by force, or through a complex plot. This splinter branch is run by an...
  6. Glar Ulchtar

    Public  The Baron Of Tatooine

    Location: The Dune Sea, a few kilometers from Mos Espa, Tatooine Objective: Meet up with Reinhold Katzbalger (and possibly others) to discuss removing Baron Olex Rushkatov from power. Tags: Reinhold Katzbalger , anyone else who wants to join. The twin suns of Tatooine were at their daily...
  7. Minuteman75

    Public  It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad Galaxy

    The wind howled across the rocky wastes. Soon it was followed by the whine of engines blaring. A run down speeder raced through the canyon. "Can this piece of junk go any faster?!" A yellow Twi'lek yelled in frustration at her human boyfriend in the driver's seat. "Sweetheart, we'll be there...
  8. Minerva Fhirdiad

    LFG  Tatooine Shenanigans

    Hey folks I’m back and looking to roleplay some new stories here Chaos with my Mandalorian OC, Minerva Fhirdiad. As already hinted by the title these possible roleplays will involve the planet of Tatooine. I’m looking for my oc with either independent characters, fellow Mandos or even a Jedi to...
  9. Salamander

    Approved Tech  Tatooine Toad Venom

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a new drug for RP. Image Credit: Reddit Canon: Spiny-collared toad Permissions: N/A Links: Colorado River toad PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Tatooine Toad Venom, aka the Toad Manufacturer: Naturally secreted by the spiny-collared toad of Tatooine...
  10. Jaro Sansel

    Public  Awakened within a Storm

    The winds howled and roared, his vision blinded by the swirling dust, and the winds constantly hitting his face and his ears. Even through the cloth he wore around his face, his makeshift goggles he found the swirling sand to be suffocating. His steps in the sand became heavy, an arm held in...
  11. Percival Io

    Private  A Pharmaceutical Odyssey

    Tatooine sand blew into the shop as Percival stepped inside. The door swiftly slid shut behind him, and he paused for a moment. His body gave a shudder as he coughed up a puff of dust that rapidly dissipated, powdering his clothes and the floor at his feet. He wiped his mouth with a grimace. "I...
  12. Skeevi Merrill

    Approved Lore  Neng Ooka ('Yesterday'), a Jawaese Ballad

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A song is its own purpose. Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Yesterday GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Neng Ooka ('Yesterday') Format: A song, passed on by word of mouth, unlikely to be written down. Distribution: Scattered Length...
  13. Grrh'orruk'rruk

    Approved Lore  Grrh'orruk'rruk's Tribe

    "<<We walk the sands with purpose. We will work, fight, so that we may not just survive but live. We are Tusken Raiders no longer. We are Sand People. We are Ghorfa. And we will return home.>>" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify the tribe Horruk is Chieftain of. Image Credit: Book of...
  14. Draco Miles

    Public  Tatooine Talks

    Draco, for some odd reason or another, seemed to have a sort of attraction to desert planets… crashing on Jakku, making said crash site her home, aiding marketplaces and doing charitable work on Outer Rim desert planets… and now here, on Tatooine, wanting to learn about the culture of the planet...
  15. Tywinn Zanzi

    Work In Progress  WIP - Mos Nox Spaceport

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Former slaver/smuggling hub to Jabba, now controlled by small smuggling groups Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: Tywinn Zanzi (owner), Ivory Stroud (The Donna) (silent partner) Links: (WIP) SETTING INFORMATION Spaceport Name: Mos Nox Spaceport...
  16. Xandyr

    Public  3:10 to Mos Eisley

    Inspired by, but not spoiling Boba Fett Your character has a single sidearm Your character may or may not be sober Hutt warlords are about to start a big power struggle The streets have been cleared Make the 3:10 transport to Mos Eisley if you want to avoid the trouble Xandyr woke slowly. His...
  17. Shai Maji

    Dominion  The Frontier War: Shrouded Sands | Enclave Dominion of Tatooine (Open to all Underworld Characters)

    THEME Even before the Confederacy’s fall, crime filtered back into the Outer Rim after the Enclave’s departure from Confederate space. Tatooine, arguably the most famous backwater in the Galaxy, had a long history of crime and scum calling the shots. Thousands of years ago, a company by the...
  18. Velok Brokentusk

    Public  Tell your Fortune, Visions and Dreams (open for drop-ins and passers-by)

    OOC/ The concept is simple enough. Drop in for a post or two and ask a question. I'll provide the Force vision using one of a few AI art apps, and Velok will provide his interpretation. TATOOINE OUTSKIRTS OF MOS ESPA MIDNIGHT The market had just about gone to sleep so far as legitimate...
  19. A'Shimra Yort

    Public  From Sea to Wastes and Back: A Tatooine Story

    TATOOINE // JUNDLAND WASTES A week passed since the massacre of his tribe. No time to think, mourn, to commit their memories to the Dunes. No, only survival mattered now as he had promised his father. The Wastes of Jundland were dangerous and ruled by rival tribes that would not think kindly...
  20. H

    Public  Admins, Delete This Please

    Disregard this post, and any others by my character in this thread. I have decided I want to have this interaction NOT be a part of Henry's story. Thanks for understanding.
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