Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Navu Myther

    Private  Finishing What Was Started

    (OOC: Dantooine: 16 years ago) "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The boy stared at the woman his bright blue eyes staring up at the tall, smiling woman. They were sitting on the tall, grassy plains of Dantooine away from the orphanage. The orphans were busy having fun against the...
  2. Drego Ruus

    LFG  Looking to get my character started properly

    Been kinda throwing Drego around looking for bounties thus far, but I wanna get a proper plot going for him. So far, here's my plot hooks: Former GADF reunion, Drego goes into his time and his reasoning for becoming a mando. (Social Thread) Continue with bounties, maybe look into stuff...
  3. Tibera Jessen

    Looking to get started

    Just made my character and wouldn't mind trying her out.
  4. Taeli Raaf

    Age of Chaos Ruleset and How to Get Started

    Getting Started - An Introduction to Age of Chaos What You Need to Play - Age of Chaos requires, in our standard format, each player to construct a deck of at least 60 cards. However, there is no upper limit to deck size so player may have decks as large as they like. Start of a Game - To...
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