Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Lady Pawla Arsec of Grindera

    Approved Location  Fondor Orbital Shipyards of the Tapani houses

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make a location for the Galactic Alliance - Codex Contest Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permission: N/A Links: submission.]
  2. Solan Charr

    Private  A Shipyard needs Ships to make

    Kesh, Tahv, The Old Palace. Solan sighed, working at tending to the slowly growing trees and flowers, standing in the open air and looking past them up at the building that circled the old palace gardens. Soon the Palace and it's ruins would be gone, replaced by what would be a meeting hall...
  3. Ethen Lecersen

    Approved Starship  Lecerson Drive Yards (Mobile Shipyard)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create the Throne and Head Office of the Head of the Lecerson Family, and the Headquarters of Lecerson Drive Yards Image Source: Canon Link: N/A...
  4. Casteban Mecetti

    Approved Starship  HMMS-1 'Grand Architect' Class Mobile Shipyard

    Intent: To create a mobile shipbuilding facility built by the House Mecetti Nationalized Industries Image Source: Canon Link: Permissions: NA Primary Source: NA PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  5. Maldor Mecetti

    Approved Starship  Obulette Shipyard

    Intent: The Famous Obulette shipyards of House Mecetti Image Source: Photoshopped image of Fondor Shipyards on Wookiepedia Canon Link: Permissions: Open to all except House Melantha and House Pelagia Primary Source: Raptor Orbital Shipyard...
  6. F

    Approved Location  Borosk Imperial Shipyard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a medium-sized orbital shipyard for Borosk, enabling maintenance of its existing fleet and allowing new ships to be created for the Empire. Image Credit: Space station - Highpoint by Long-Pham Canon: No Permissions: N/A Links: Borosk The Empire...
  7. Matsu Ike

    Approved Starship  Celestial Palace

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand Sasori's array of stations Image Source: City on the Edge of Forever Zakuul Throne Room Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My Subs Primary Source: Mobile space stations PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry Affiliation: Company Name...
  8. E

    Dominion  Frontier War: Shipyard Saboteurs | The Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Trendivar

    F R O N T I E R W A R Rothana. For some, a winter wonderland; for others an opportunity for industry unrivalled by neighbouring systems. In recent times, the snow swept planet had fallen under the protective, iron cloak of the Enclave, the shipyards put to work by the Aruetii Government to...
  9. Liedran Kathause

    Approved Starship  Concordance-type Shipyard

    Concordance-type Shipyard, “Concordance” OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish a means of Chandrilan starship production, and to meet criteria for a codex sub of the same shipyard. Image Source: Spacedock - Daidalos Mobile Shipyards (Timestamp - x). From Battlestar Galactica...
  10. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Ready For Judge  Damascus Station

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: IC: create a massive civilian/production station for the refugee population of the Elysium Empire OOC: Create a RP playground of a sorts for tradesman/mechanical/industrial minded people in the Star Wars galaxy. Image Source: (X) Canon Link: N/A...
  11. Beltran Rarr

    Ready For Judge  The Forge [Obsidian Star Aerospace Shipyard Facility]

    The Forge [Obsidian Star Aerospace Shipyard Facility] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out the in-universe assets of Obsidian Star Technologies and its subsidiaries, Obsidian Star Aerospace and Obsidian Star BioMed Image Credit: Here Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: OSA-18...
  12. Niki Priddy

    Approved Tech  Priddy General Shipyard Labor Droid

    Intent: Create the workforce of Terminus Rêve Image Source: Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Aegis SH13LD - (Open Market, Mass Produced) Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: Niki Priddy, Terminus Rêve, Priddy General Engineering And Manufacturing Affiliation: Directorate, Niki Priddy's...
  13. Niki Priddy

    Approved Location  Terminus Rêve

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Give Niki a home base, along with a dedicated, neutral production facility for the planet Emberlene for Mistryl Role-play. Image Credit: Stations, Background Canon: N/A Permissions: SpacePlex-series Industrial Station - (Mass Produced, Open Market) Links...
  14. C

    Approved Location  Mahina Shipyards [Mnemosyne]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out part of the Navy presence situated on Mahina, one of two Moons in orbit of Mnemosyne. The Mahina Shipyard is to provide the Nation with a steady supply of space-faring vessels for the defence and security of the sector. Image Credit: Click here...
  15. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Location  Ringo Vinda Sith-Imperial Naval Production Ring-Yard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Flesh out the Sith-Imperial shipyard at Ringo Vinda Image Credit: Click - Amy Beth Christenson Canon: Click Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Shipyards Name: Ringo Vinda Sith-Imperial Naval Production Ring-Yard Classification: Orbital Ring...
  16. A

    Approved Location  Tamara Ryvora Imperial Shipworks

    TAMARA RYVORA IMPERIAL SHIPWORKS OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a shipyard for the First Order Image Credit: DMADBI #Engineering, Raitaru (x) (x) // Eve Reddit (x) (x) Canon: No Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Shipyards Name: Tamara Ryvora Imperial Shipworks...
  17. L

    Approved Location  The Horizon Shipyard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Levanthal's Shipyard ​Image Credit: Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Shipyards Name: Horizon Classification: Orbital Shipyard Location: Constancia Affiliation: Alphaeoh Population: Heavily Staffed...
  18. Mig Gred

    Approved Starship  Artemis Mobile Shipyard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a new shipyard for Concord Specialized Technologies. Image Source: Permissions: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Artemis Mobile Shipyard PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Unknown, Modified...
  19. Dracken Pryce

    Approved Location  Naval Station Govia

    Intent: To offer a place within the Corellian Sector of some limited value for skirmishes, invasions, faction threads, etc ​Image Credit: Fractalsponge Canon: No Links:
  20. Gir Quee

    Approved Location  Korpil G62

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand upon Roche's lore ​Image Credit: here Canon: n/a Links: Roche Asteroid Belt, Order of the Silver Jedi, Lucerne Labs, Cresh-Type Patrol Starfighter, Cometburst Mine, Collective Defenders SETTING INFORMATION Shipyards Name: Korpil G62...
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