Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. L

    Approved Tech  'Obsidian Secrets' High Fashion Protective Fieldwear

    Intent: A coat, pants, gloves, and boots ensemble for the fashionable adventurer Image Source: Midjourney, prompted by me and edited in Paintshop Canon Link: Permissions: NA Primary Source: NA PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Tampson...
  2. Velda Nar-Donna

    Private  Among Secrets Kept

    WEARING: xxx WEAPONS: Available TAG: Brandyn Sal-Soren -fyi- Cybelle Elyance Life often mirrors the strokes of an artist's brush. That was the thought Velda had when she gazed at the art piece before her in Castle Nar-Donna. The newest addition to the art gallery within the castle, a piece...
  3. Maldor Mecetti

    Public  Secrets of the Sith (Sith Artifact Auction)

    The Midnight Treasure In Orbit over planet THX-1138 The Midnight Treasure was a legend among black marketeers. The massive vessel- over three kilometers in length- was anonymously owned by someone whom the criminal underworld assumed to be a very powerful figure. It was coated in a...
  4. Braze

    Private  Stormforged Secrets

    TAGS: Ko Vuto Braze and Ko had ventured to a small, uninhabited planet in the outer rim of the galaxy. The planet was desolate and sparse, with vast open fields stretching as far as the eye could see. Its isolation made it an ideal location for practicing the forbidden Force technique known as...
  5. Tirin Raene

    Private  Lost Secrets of Aetherialynn

    TAGS: Gabriel Pryce Aliris Tremiru Loomi K1[_ _] Tirin stood on the deck of the Aries, the sleek spacecraft that had become both home and vessel for Tirin and Valin. The gentle hum of the ship's engines filled the air as Tirin gazed out at the small planetoid known as Aetherialynn. It was a...
  6. Braze

    Faction  Secrets of the Past

    OOC: People can join via dm if not faction or if they have a good reason to join / be there. NJO members are welcome to get involved. LOCATION: Grand Temple TAGS: Ko Vuto The Jedi Archives had always been a sanctuary for Braze, a refuge filled with ancient texts and holocrons that...
  7. R

    Public  Secrets of the Krath

    Ravenna awoke with soft breath, which materialized as cloud of white vapor. Her room was always cold. Her night gown rustled on tye cold onyx stone floor, her pale bear feet and toes leaving prints as she headed to a table with a basin of rose water. She splashsd her face, and looked into the...
  8. DM Player-Slayer

    Private  Secrets of the Past

    OOc: Please dm me and ask if you wish to join and I will coordinate your character in. TAGS: Loomi Aliris Tremiru On a secluded tropical island, far removed from the travails of modern life, stood a temple with ancient significance. It was not unlike a Jedi temple in lore, a place...
  9. Nej Tane

    First Reply  Liars and Thieves

    Coruscant. It had changed hands so many times it might as well have been a ball thrown between kids. But that was the appeal. The center of the galaxy. Biggest city, biggest planet, most people- The most money. From the seats of power in the Alliance on Coruscant, the Alliance had...
  10. Amelia von Sorenn

    Private  Garden of Secrets

    R E C O N N E C T Jutrand Palace Gardens Time is fleeting and nothing last forever; what is built will inevitably turn to dust, though that should not stop one from building. Memories could last forever and even ideas from those moments may outlive those fleeting moments. It had been a decade...
  11. Silas Westgard

    Private  Secrets of Epica

    Location: Epica Objective: Retrieve the sith Holocron from the temple Tag: Alisteri Haxim Attire: Clothing "Here will do..." Silas stood behind the alliance pilot and looked out curiously as to what was outside the cockpit window. As they hovered down, he could see the orange sky around him...
  12. K

    Public  Jedi Secrets on Dxun

    The Ancient Planet of Dxun shared the same jungle atmosphere of his temporary homeworld Mancharakorkon. The thick and dense jungle covered for miles around with nothing but the sound of small animals to be heard. Karkosuchus had done limited research on the world before embarking on his quest...
  13. Taeli Raaf

    Approved Tech  Swarm of Secrets

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a structure deck tied to Darkness of Bogan Image Source: N/A for submission Card arts for exclusive cards found here Cards arts for non-exclusive cards found here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Age of Chaos: A Galactic Card...
  14. Taeli Raaf

    Swarm of Secrets Exclusive Cards

  15. Darth Tennacus

    Private  Secrets in the Dark

    Location: Lehon Ship: %20%20%20%20%20%20%20']Wandering Pilgrim Allies: Darth Senthral 77-B Accompanying: Jhira Mereel Objective: Unlock the past Tennacus stepped off the ship, scanning over the distant plains. His submergence and focus into the Dark Side revealed nothing in the sense of...
  16. D

    Open Market  No Secrets Entertainment Ltd.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: (Please link to where you found any images used in the submission, or to the original artist(s) if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon company.) Primary Source: (Please link and...
  17. Darth Strosius

    Private  Detained Knowledge

    Dromund Kaas was eerily calm today. He didn't like it. Well, not as calm as it could have been. The humid feeling in the air still kept him on edge, and the assignment that he was on did little to alleviate that. The masked Acolyte's gaze swept over the entrance to the tomb, a small clearing...
  18. Credius

    Control the Chaos: the freedom in between

    L'état, c'est moi "The very core of being a good to make the people belive that's exactly what you are," The man smiled at the camera, a charming and almost seductive smile from a man looking far younger than his actual age. Already closing in on his sixties with every passing...
  19. Celiana

    Closely Guarded Knowledge (PM to join unless tagged)

    I'd been thinking after Aria's and my return from Eshan about the flickers of thought I'd caught from Aria. I believed she meant to intentionally and permanently sever the Force bond that I'd unintentionally created between us. Though from previous research I knew that forcing a severance of...
  20. Aela Talith

    Days Gone By

    Eriadu Things were strange. Eriadu was much like how she had always imagined Coruscant as a child. Huge, expansive, a seemingly unending city that stretched for miles upon miles. The place was filled with billions of people, each living their own lives, each moving about in ignorance of what...
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