Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Todblaz Graker

    Private  Fields of Sand

    fa-play fa-pause Tags: Caelia Lamora Location: Arris's Store, Schaphoidaria Outfit: Ranger Armor Equipment: Z240 Revolver | EL53-Max Knife | AM-67 Lever-Action Rifle Sitting in the bar at Arris's Store, Tod checked the time in his HUD, he had a few minutes before his contact was scheduled...
  2. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Sand Against Stone, We Don't Stand Alone

    Tags: Connel Vanagor Location: Jakku Enclave Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber She'd made a request to meet at least one of the Vanagor's when she'd received the message Romi had sent her. Knowing of their deeds, but knowing little otherwise about them...
  3. Annika Starfire

    Mission  Crawling in the Sand - Sith Acolyte mission

    fa-play fa-pause Location: Tattooine Objective: Negotiate....? Tags: Rayth Wearing: this The Half Zelton teen dropped the speeder into a higher gear as they blasted across the sea of sand in search of their targets. Annika was loving this, she loved to drive and her parents would never have...
  4. Cremek candorus

    LFG  the sand dragon stirs once more!

    greetings! looking for more interactions with the (slightly schizophrenic) mandalorian samurai cremek candorus, anything is appreciated!
  5. Jax Thio

    Private  A Humble Business

    Location: Coruscant, Level 3204 Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain Tag: Morrigan Jeth Jax stepped inside the empty building taking a look at the remains of an empty diner. He could feel the memories that still resided inside...
  6. Phryne Dithe

    First Reply  Treasured Goods

    "Good," Phryne praised quietly, drawing her hand up a rough, coarse femur bone of one of her dying Animations and shooing off the last wisps of darkness that clung to it. Sticky strands of mock muscles and false flesh tying dry bones to each other. She untied the Gorraskin pouch always...
  7. Jax Thio

    Work In Progress  Sand Slugs

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ] Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original...
  8. K

    First Reply  Ringing Out From The Sand

    Dunes, as far as the eye could see. The sand could well up, swallow you whole if you weren't careful. It was a wonder that people lived here, choosing this place to be their home. It was a dry, barren wasteland. Kel knew for certain he wouldn't have opted for this, but he doubted many of the...
  9. Vizjaw Tanakt

    Approved NPC  Twisted Sand Enforcers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a standard template for the NPC enforcers of Twisted Sand. Image Credit: Edit of Role: Standard jawa thugs of Twisted Sand. Permissions: N/A Links: Vizjaw Tanakt (Leader), Twisted Sand (Organization)...
  10. D

    Faction  A Future Born in Sand-[HSE and Friends]

    Location: Veraxis City, Palace of Damodren Darth Megarea stood on the balcony of her private rooms within the Palace of Damodren. Located roughly half way up the structure, she could be seen by those gathering below, though not too clearly. The balcony also gave her a great view of Veraxis...
  11. Daedros

    Private  Shadows on the sand.

    A Radio beacon had been turned on months ago, a recorded message of the Empire era. "If any Empire ships or escorts hear this we are Star Destroyer 0023. We are damaged and seem to be without power, slowly we are being pulled onto Tattoine. It's only a matter of time, this is General Sylvester."...
  12. Arcturus Dinn

    Private  The Sound of Falling Sand

    The sands billowed and pooled on the edge of the horizon, buffering up against a sky unviewable. Each step he took was punctuated by the satisfying crunch of dunes underfoot. Having come from the edge of the storm, Arcturus now found himself burdened with more sand than he knew what to do with...
  13. Arcturus Dinn

    Private  Sand, Meet Sea

    Though his backstreet work on Denon was slow and methodical, word had begun to spread through certain networks of a truthseer lingering in the alleyways of the ecumonopolis. To some he was a demon, who spoke horrors into effect... To others a charlatan looking to make a few quick UCks. And to...
  14. Mordecai Zambrano

    Private  Blood and Sand

    Blood and Sand A front row seat to hell. Tiernvael Mountains, Ambria 870ABY This new, confidential addition to the Tiernvael mountains was a surprising endeavor. Granted, it had taken years and years of discreet construction (not including the movement of materials), but this newest range...
  15. Noah Corek

    Sand Panther-class Main Battle Tank

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: (Example: 'A fancy unicycle for the people of Naboo') Image Source: Here Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.) Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer's submissions as...
  16. Ruslan Zorlu

    Duel  A Bout in Sand (Sars vs Ruslan)

    Ponemah Terminal The door to the backwater cantina slid open and in walked a man that seemed out of place for the current surroundings. He wore a large brown brim hat made of felt and decorated with a large feather. His attire was made of elegant dark coloured articles of clothing, most...
  17. Eulogy Jones

    Public  Sand

    Sand A scorching wind found it’s way across the large dunes that littered the surface of Tatooine. Two blazing suns baked the scalding desert sand as various creatures wandered or slept, lifeforms large and small. Beneath one of these piles, buried for what most in a human lifespan would...
  18. Aayla Shan

    Just get out there and do it

    Aayla laid in the sandy dunes of Jakku, groaning in pain and staring at the sky with sweat dripping from pretty much every pore on her person. She laid there for a while, just letting the pain take hold, as it were. "I almost died..." she mumbled to herself, staring at the sky and cracking a...
  19. Arcturus Dinn

    Approved Tech  Simply Serene Sandman Special

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To further delve into the realm of weaponized sand, and provide Thesh and his associates with a new tool for their arsenal that would render their opponents sleepy Image Source: Not Applicable Canon Link: Not Applicable Permissions: Not Applicable Primary...
  20. N

    It's coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywhere. (Open)

    It's coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywhere. Part I - The Crash The sand seemed to stretch out for endless miles on all sides of her. Whether it was flat or rose into small mountains, it didn't matter. She had no supplies whatsoever, and soon she would starve under the heat...
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