Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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rhiannon dinn

  1. Eloise Dinn

    Private  Lord Dystra's Last Laugh

    Outside the window of the playroom, the sun was setting. Her parents had been gone for hours, and Eloise was fed up with waiting. It hadn’t taken this long for Star to be born—although this time, her mother was giving birth to more than one baby. Still, it was taking forever! The puzzle she had...
  2. Ishani Dinn

    Private  The Winter God

    “Tell them that if they won’t do as I say, I’ll kill their firstborn,” Rhi said, rubbing her belly. “Oh, and while you’re up, would you mind getting me some sorbet? Uh, shuura flavored.” The messenger departed, leaving her alone in her private suite. Well, she wasn’t alone for long. The High...
  3. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Location  The Sky Temple

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a location for future RP. Image Credit: Chris Ostrowski ATArts ATArts "Bedroom" Jaime Jones Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Heart of Electrum Gods and Monsters A Taste of the Good Life SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Sky Temple...
  4. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Portrait of a Goddess [Solo]

    The first time she visited Zaathru, she was with Arcturus and the twins aboard Beholder. She hadn't realized it at the time, but the spherecraft's stealth systems were the only thing standing between them and almost certain death. One moment she was sitting in the pilot's chair of her battered...
  5. Ishani Dinn

    Private  How to Kill a Sea Monster

    Dr. Vancil walked through the war camp, scribbling down notes on his datapad. In his neat gray suit and tie, he looked incredibly out of place among the natives hard at work preparing for battle. He nearly tripped over a wooden stake embedded in the ground—a mistake which could’ve caused the...
  6. Ishani Dinn

    Private  A Taste of the Good Life

    Before misery made her a fiend, Rhi was a sobbing wreck lying on her bed, facing the wall. She had been that way ever since the trial ended, depressed and anguished by all that had happened. She oscillated between sorrow and fury, her mood swinging wildly. Every now and then things would...
  7. Ishani Dinn

    Faction  Cry Havoc (Pantheon of Zaathru)

    Sky Temple, Zaathru The psychologist was a balding middle-aged man named Dr. Vancil. He was bland as far as humans went, with a forgettable face and a dull, droning voice, but his stellar reputation as a specialist in abnormal behaviors preceded him. Ever since he was unceremoniously teleported...
  8. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Gates of Mercuitie

    Before the meeting... Rhiannon arrived at the city of Mercuitie around midday. Disguised as a female Shaal, she was accompanied by her Apsara, who were dressed as servants. The group attracted some attention, though not enough to warrant a second glance from the average onlooker. Most seemed to...
  9. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Tech  Talisman of the Shaal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub an object for use in future RP. Image Source: Hanadan Jewelry telthona Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Talisman of Transformation PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Rhiannon Dinn Affiliation: Rhiannon Dinn Market Status...
  10. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Tech  Sky Goddess Raiment

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dress for Rhiannon Dinn. Image Source: Siwoo Kim (edited by me) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Rhiannon Dinn Affiliation: Rhiannon Dinn Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A...
  11. Ishani Dinn

    Private  The Misery Device

    No matter what she was doing, every time Rhi entered the workshop, she found her gaze drawn toward it. She wasn't sure what it was or where it had come from—it looked nothing like the other items which littered the shelves of the Hourglass. Made out of copper or some similar metal, it was shaped...
  12. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Location  The Grotto

    The Grotto in Realspace... ... the Grotto in the Netherworld. Intent: To codify a major location for future RP. Image Credit: Olga Antonenko | Farid Sandoval Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: In Divine Domains Duel At the Grotto Birds of a Feather Rift Name: The Grotto Rift...
  13. Ishani Dinn

    Approved NPC  The Apsara

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify some NPCs for future RP. Image Credit: Romas Kukalis | Hoàng Lập (Solan) | geying (all images edited by me) Role: Personal bodyguards/handmaidens of Rhiannon Dinn and her family. Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: The...
  14. Ishani Dinn

    Duel  A Private Little War

    With her feet knocked out from under her, Rhi’s body was unceremoniously slammed into the dirt. “Ow,” she grunted, wincing. It served her right for thinking Arcturus would go easy on her, she supposed. At least she had picked a place with soft ground to spar upon. She was doubly thankful that...
  15. Ishani Dinn

    Character  Rhiannon Dinn

    SOCIETAL Name: Rhiannon Ishani Dinn Alias: Rhiannon Ishani Threepwood Ishani Sibwarra Darth Miasma Adamanthea Titles: Sky Goddess/Goddess of the Upper World Protector of Folende Lady of Ardentia Sith Princess Birthworld: Chaldea Current Home: Prison Cell, Alliance Space Arboria...
  16. Ishani Dinn

    Duel  Duel At the Grotto

    Resting on a blanket nearby, Rhi watched the twins playing in the water. The naturally formed grotto had swiftly become a favorite spot for the kids. They had been begging to be taken there for some time, and though she was reluctant to venture too far from home now that she was farther along in...
  17. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Location  Thornwood Hall

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the homestead of the Dinn family. Image Credit: Tyler Edlin Giorgio Grecu "Interior" Chicago Business Chet Diwakar "The King's Son: Dining Hall" Liam Morrey "Sci Fi Library" Borthwick Castle Oliver Beck "Alchemist Hideout" Star Wars Jedi: Fallen...
  18. Ishani Dinn

    Private  God of the Forge

    Temple Forge, Zaathru “Careful,” Rhi warned. The path which she and Arc had been following suddenly dropped off a cliff ahead of them, leading down into a bubbling lake of fire. The molten heat of the volcano could be felt even at this distance, radiating up from below. It reeked of sulfur and...
  19. Ishani Dinn

    Private  The Museum of Eliad

    Rhi winced as she stepped over the broken glass littering the floor of the Museum of Eliad, grateful that she had decided to wear thick-soled boots. After the Council meeting, where the Sith Order had killed off most of the native nobility and cowed the rest into submission with the fear of...
  20. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Papa Don't Preach

    Aboard the Beholder, Rhi stood before a hologram projector, wringing her hands nervously. The moment she had been waiting for had finally come—she and Arcturus were going to contact her family to talk about getting the kids back. So why was she dreading it? Rhi didn’t expect things to go over...
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