Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Adalee Thorne

    Private  Disastrous Negotiations

    All the money in the world couldn't save her now. Stuck. Adalee was stuck. Stuck doing someone else's job, to be sent to the ends of the galaxy with a group of scientist that she funded. Ridiculous... She thought. Wealthy or not, there was no one else that could safely give them passage...
  2. Casteban Mecetti

    Approved Starship  DDSI 'Umbra' High-Energy Research Shield Cruiser

    DDSI 'Umbra' High Energy Research Shield-Cruiser Intent: To create a Heavy Science Cruiser for DDSI use in investigating high energy stars and phenomena, doubling as a Corporate fleet support ship. Image Source: Used photoshop to...
  3. Derron Daks

    Approved NPC  DDSI Research Group

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Represent the Corporate Researchers of DDSI Image Credit: Midjourney Creation, Prompted by me Role: Scientists and Researchers working for DDSI Permissions: NA Links: DDSI...
  4. Ysennia Lee

    Factory  Alliance Industrial Labs

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Made using Tailor Brands, edit logo courtesy of Derron Daks Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Alliance Industrial Labs Headquarters: Corulag Locations: Branch Offices: Coruscant, Corellia Research...
  5. Derron Daks

    DDSI - Dynamic Discoveries & Scientific Initiatives

    Image Source: Canon Link: NA Primary Source: NA CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: DDSI (Dynamic Discoveries & Scientific Initiatives Headquarters: The Frigate 'Horizon' houses the CEO offices, while the corporation is registered out of the Parliament of...
  6. Spek Zhio

    Approved Starship  OT-42S Eidolon Trailblazer M.R.L.

    Eidolon Trailblazer [ OT-42S Mobile Research Laboratory ] {slide=Additional Images:} {slide=In-flight} {slide=Overhead:} {slide=Sensor Array Detail:} {slide=Rear Hangar:} {slide=Interior Detail:} {slide=Space -- Isometric:} {slide=Space -- Port-side:} {slide=Space --...
  7. Mij

    Factory  M-tech Creations

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Open Source (found on pinterest) Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: M-tech Creations Headquarters: Auratera Operations: Exotic biological and technological research and development Parent Corporation: N/A...
  8. Mr. Janus

    Approved Starship  FREE-0 "Freedom To" Research Stations

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make dedicated research stations Image Source: 1 2 Canon Link: N/A Permissions: I own Treatech >: ) Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Treatech Affiliation: Treatech Holdings Market Status: Open-Market Model: FREE-0 "Freedom To"...
  9. Nexus 1

    Approved Location  Research Facility of Artificial Intelligence Generation and Testing

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a location for RP purposes Image Credit: (Tu Bui) , (Tu Bui) Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Nexus 1 SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Research Facility of Artificial Intelligence Generation and Testing...
  10. Aktur Seii

    Viper Sensor Intelligence Systems

    Note: This is an update of the previous entry here. VIPER SENSOR INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Wookieepedia Canon Link: Viper Sensor Intelligence Systems Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Viper Sensor Intelligence Systems...
  11. Yaha-Kui ZaShunina Kitsune

    Private  Loki research of geneticist (Project Zero)

    Location: Weik @Loki Base research (It's being judged but I'm just going to start it anyway...)...
  12. J

    Public  Verkuyl : Bacta Research Facility (Hidden Sith Training ground for Jeshi the Vampire)

    The Planet Verkuyl: Known for its Bacta research and facilities is home to some of the best scientific minds in the Galaxy. It is used as the most convenient and sought-after form of medicine over other healing properties. Several hospital facilities within the murky rainforests and city serve...
  13. Trinity Harris

    LFG  Looking for scientists to conduct research in Bryn'adul space

    Doctor Trinity Harris, in her role as Xenobotanologist at the Boolon Murr Medical University is heading up an expedition deep into Bryn'adul territory in order to research the effect of Bryn-forming on worlds, in the hope that the process can be reversed. For her part she is investigating the...
  14. The Ineditorum

    The Ineditorum

    Welcome to the Ineditorum, where no frontier is final. --Scheduled Broadcast Will Resume Shortly-- Join the Discord!
  15. Dak

    CORE Automata

    [ CORE AUTOMATA ] "Making Better Makers" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Original Content Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: N/A Primary Source: Sunspot (Planet) The Grayson Imperium (Major Faction) InterGalactic Banking Clan (Minor Faction) DAC-1.P028 ("Dak") (Character)...
  16. Drystan Marakos

    Esolea Expeditions & Research, Inc.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: (Original Image)/Bambi/Ahtemis, FO - The Family (Edits) Canon Link: N/A Development Thread: (If appliable.) Primary Source: The emblem of the Corporation is highly symbolic; mountains, skies, water, and trees...
  17. Gaia Sunaris Cadera

    Approved Location  Ramikadyc'yaim

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a place of educational learning for young adults in the Mandalorian Empire. Also, to create dynamic RP with research, potential jobs for player characters, etc. Image Credit: Image 1 (William Koh), Image 2 (Jiangnan Photography and Jonathan...
  18. Phylis Alince

    Approved Lore  Levitation in the Pre-Tythonian Era (Volumes 1&2)

    Levitation in the Pre-Tythonian Period OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To formally submit a work this character is proud of, and which deserves to be known…for all the wrong reasons. Image Credit: Here. By Martina_L on...
  19. R

    Late night activites (Fel Empire)

    Location: Osseriton - Matron research station Sitting in the force wing he sat down clearing his mind he was gonna attempt another Electrical Insight which was a sourcery ability Richard had created in his own special branch of magic called RVord. Richard learned how to manipulate the force to...
  20. Shia Kryze

    Approved Starship  Cin'vhetin-class Research Corvette

    Cin'vhetin-class Research Corvette OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a vessel that logically could be used in Mandalore's restoration and would be useful elsewhere. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
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