Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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raphael calgar

  1. N

    Private  Silver Linings | Raphael Calgar

    CORUSCANT SIA HEADQUARTERS - DIRECTOR'S SUITE 0841 LOCAL TIME A battlefield promotion, Nikolai had heard it referred to. It felt more like being pressed into service. The disastrous invasion of the Galactic Alliance's flank had been presided over by the interim director of the SIA who had...
  2. Natasi Fortan

    Private  All My Friends Are Dead

    SENATE OFFICE BUILDING Office of the Honorable Member for the Renascent Republic The name Calgar evoked a curious mixture of emotions in Natasi Fortan. She experienced, in one moment, the years of history she had with the name and the man with whom she identified it. Dante Calgar had been...
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