Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Elani Demaris

    Approved Starship  The Roughneck Hellion

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a ship for Mar Kerser. Image Source: Charles Hakes Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: D5-Mantis Patrol Craft PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards (Original), Stellarwind R&L (Retrofits) Affiliation: Mar Kerser Model: D12-Mantis...
  2. Credius

    Approved Starship  Antigone Class Prototype Battlecruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION [White one] Intent: To create a prototype for extensive research and development of several EMS shipbuilding techniques and patents. Image Source: Canon Link: - Primary Source: -...
  3. Credius

    Approved Starship  Brabo Class Prototype Battlecruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION [red one] Intent: To create a prototype for extensive research and development of several EMS shipbuilding techniques and patents. Image Source: Canon Link: - Primary Source: -...
  4. Garza

    Approved Tech  AA-PSSU "Umbral Skin"

    Large Image OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a set of armor that can morph to an individual person. Image Source: Warframe: Excalibur Umbra Frame Art - SlendyNameko Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Atheus/Cerberus Enterprise Affiliation...
  5. Kier Grey

    Approved Tech  FO-XD Prototype Death Trooper Armour

    Alpha team; the first graduates of Project: Afterlife testing the new FO-XD OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Subbing a technologically updated 'Death Trooper' Armour for use by the Troopers of Alpha-Team graduates of the FOSB's Project Afterlife; Responsible for the creation of the First...
  6. Ignatius

    Approved Starship  Zeus-Class Personal Transport-Freighter "House of the Rising Sun"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a personal transport vessel for Ignis, and any company he may have. Also Acts as a Prototype Vessel for other Je'daii, or potential customers. Image Source: The Beacon - Hero Ship, Artstation - Andrew Bangel Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A...
  7. Jansal Corego

    Approved Tech  Jansal's Uv1-BEHD/MB Armor Prototype

    Jansal's UAv1-BEHD/MB Armor Prototype Image Source: N/A Intent: Personal armor for Jansal Corego and future development source/inspiration for later version of the armor to be produced on the open market. Development Thread: If needed. Manufacturer: Jansal Corego Model: Prototype: Universal...
  8. Garza

    Approved Starship  Prototype - The Dawn Treader

    Image Source: Hideyoshi DeviantArt - Prometheus Affiliation: Independent Manufacturer: Carrison Tech and Fashion - Link to Holonet storefront, Arakyd Industries - Link to Application Model: The Dawn Treader - Prototype Modularity: Limited: Ship add ons Production: Unique Material...
  9. Kairon Rees

    Approved Starship  Isabela and Thunderstruck [TX-110 Prototypes]

    Image Source: Babylon 5 Affiliation: [member="Malia Afredane"] Manufacturer: Incom and crew of Quintessence Model: TX-110 Prototype Modularity: Long range power cell/storage pod can be mounted under fuselage for long distance hyperspace journeys Production: Semi-Unique (2) Material: Durasteel...
  10. Hessai Venscythe

    Fleet Logistics Entry Encounter Test System [FLEETS]

    So after watching and looking about things towards Fleet Combat or even just the idea of raiding, a lot of it looks to make it primarily Skybox animation-flashy, noisey, but not overall very engaging nor is it vital it seems in conquest. When in a battle between armies and fleet the end result...
  11. Basaba Willamina

    Approved Tech  Dar'yaim Cannon

    Image Source: [x] Intent: To expand the weaponry created by Chai La for the mandalorians Development Thread: Fires of Hell - (weapon made, tested, tweaked, tested, worked on more) Brightest Day - (prototype is used and tested against a Drexal and shuttle) Rukoon - Cannon Upgraded Gosai -...
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