Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. DFS-8DS

    A new world.

    The war was long and brutal, although Confederacy had at first the upper hand, the Clones and Galactic Republic have begun to tip the scale in their favour. Finally, the Confederate Council has came up with a devious plan designed to win them back supremacy over the Republic and as a result, the...
  2. Vorhi Alestrani

    Approved Planet  Gonnos

    Source: Name: Gonnos (Pronounced Gawn-OSE) Region: Wild Space. System: Mehav Gonnorc, a portmanteau of the first Syllable of every planet. Suns: Singular yellow. Orbital Position: Habital Zone, third planet of four: Melos, Havrun, Gonnos...
  3. Tefka

    Planet Creation Template

    Planet Creation Template Images: <Please provide a line of credit (Ex. Image By So & So) and link to the original artist if you are using an image to illustrate your Submission. If you cannot find the original artist, then please provide a link to where you discovered the image. If necessary...
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