Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Private  Peace and quiet at the resort

    Location: Isolated Moon Resort, beach Objectives: do nothing for once Tag: Naivia Neryn Isla Draellix sat on a lounger on the dark volcanic sands of the beach, the two sun's bathed her in warm golden light whilst the sea breeze blew away her troubles. Another politician had recommended this...
  2. Drel Natrik

    Private  Protect for Peace

    Ruusan, Mid Rim (Continued from closed threads within the Bryn'adul Standoff Invasion) Drel kept on behind Sehvis as they traveled towards the village on the far side of Ruusan. They had been making their way for a while and were nearing the location of the village hopefully very soon. On the...
  3. Sergeant Omen

    Faction  Lottery for Peace- GA and SJC affliated

    Wearing: in all black. Equipment: Datapad under clothes, Mando butterfly knife and Bes'bev in his arms,a wallet and a ID card. Omen walked through one of Coruscant's great plazas with his hands balled into fists and...
  4. Lancer "Deadlock" Inek

    Private  Won't be no peace when I find that fool

    Ariajai Chalaz Location: Ord Mantell Nightfall on the planet Ord Mantell which meant time to hit the Cantina, it was a full house tonight which meant Smugglers, Bounty Hunters and all of the sorts were to rest and relax while also forming connections, contracts or hits. Deadlock just...
  5. Oblivion_Entity

    Public  Looking for Something to do!

    Hi Everyone!!! I'm Xevnlie BrightScorch and to be honest, I've kind of been stagnant on the site for a bit now. I've got nothing really to do with anyone new and was hoping that some of you might want to do some threads? Here is my Character Page if you wanted to know more about me before...
  6. Kahne Porte

    There is so much more.

    Space travel had become quite easy for the Jedi Master, his ship docked at an outpost a few parsecs away from Kashyyyk. With the task at hand now done, Kahne had made it a point to return to Monastery. Medical supplies were taken to Kashyyyk as part of a special envoy to some much troubled...
  7. Kahne Porte

    Have you ever heard of...(OSL)

    Pirates... This is why I hate flying. The thought ran through his mind on repeat over and over again like a broken record. The Jedi Master hands moved quickly and carefully as lights lit up and buttons were pressed ensuring no massive damage had been done in the attack. "Initiating system...
  8. Yamar Fantorgin


    Name: Zargon Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Fandorican / Language: Gondul, Basic Average height of adults: 6.5 meters Skin color: Silvery, brownish, grayish Hair color: None Breathes: Type I atmosphere, oxygen Strengths: They have...
  9. Soeht

    An Offer of Peace

    The day/night seemed normal - as normal as interstellar war could be. A mysterious broadcast shown on Quaggle McQuaggly’s show revealed impending battle between the One Sith and Republic. This has brought many allies over to the One Sith cause. The One Sith war machine grows exponentially...
  10. Judas of Vahl

    Dranok Lussk for Supreme Chancellor!

    A uniformed figure took the podium of the senate, a pair of 501st legion Stormtroopers flanking him. It'd been dozens of years since the last Emperor had stood in this exact spot, Palpatine. Oh how Dranok cherished the man, but he was a weak ruler. Order and peace were definitions of his regime...
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