Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. RC 212

    Teddy Bears 'n' Gunslingers

    ENDOR THE WOODS Since the fall of the old First Order, their space had devolved to lawlessness. And it was here in this lawless land she made her journey. For the first time in a long time space was free. Sure there was the odd Ssi-Ruvi battle group and Sharukan Fleet to contend with. Most...
  2. Venandi

    Drifting Space (Character Intro!)

    Space, the final frontier. Used by all space faring people, necessary for trade between planets, and filled with horrors and unknowns. Often time ships are lost to the void, either through error of the crew, damages taken in battle, or something else unknown. It was here in the void that an old...
  3. Q

    Emerald Flight - Open Faction Thread

    Corellia has earned its independence and along with the system rising to a new age and a new challenge, the Green Jedi of the Corellian Confederation are also experiencing the dawn of a new age. The Corellian Confederation along with the Corellian Jedi have produced a Praxeum vessel for the...
  4. Q

    The Emerald Flight

    The Green Jedi had always been an important part of the Corellian Identity. Through all of its bids for independence from whatever Republic or Alliance it was a part of, the Green Jedi always stood by the Corellian people and did them right. They were the Guardians of Light in the Corellian...
  5. D

    Sacred lands, Fallen grace

    Tython, ancient pillars cracked and worn by age accompanied by lustrous abandoned temples dot the planets green and blue surface. Each is a bastion of knowledge for those who seek it, but what's more there's a boon in the force here. It attracts all manners of sentients and beast alike...
  6. Mr. Bones

    See with the Force, not your hands (Force Sight/Force Vision Training)

    It was time for Bones to get a bit more active with the Order. He wanted to do something he liked, so Teaching was what he went with. Bones, like many others who were Masters of the Force, wanted to teach the next generation of Force Users what they knew, and He wanted to make it something...
  7. Rorschach

    Witches of the Mist (Open)

    Rorschach often very seldom traveled throughout the galaxy, having never been deep into the Outer Rim territories, only going as far as Coruscant. Yet for someone like him, a Chiss far from his home, he had often studied and was very curious of the galaxy that existed outside of the now budding...
  8. Helion'Nuruodo

    Heart Felt Blues&Starch Felt BDU's

    Csilla… Csaplar… Helion entered the large nightclub with feigned interest. At least the place was heated... Unlike his billet he was stationed in, which often lost power… He didn’t go to establishments such as this one very much. Instead preferring to stay in his room where he could rest and...
  9. The Wayfarer

    Fight Night/Blood Sport

    The Wayfarer sat in the corner of the bar, a shot glass in an arm outstretched to the floor, while his other arm was cocked at an angle resting behind his head. His straw hat was dipped low so that his face could not be seen. His feet were propped up on the table and it would appear the figure...
  10. Scherezade deWinter

    The Biscuit Massacre

    Aboard an unnamed space station, sizeable enough to house millions of visitors that have arrived from near and far, the Massacre was about to begin. The Massacre, originally thought to be merely a myth or a legend, resurfaced a handful of days ago. What was it? A fight in which participants...
  11. Kinsey Starchaser

    Ho, Ho, Ho-llinium Life Day Heist

    Luria - Port Midway ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Seems festive, don't it?" Kinsey looked back at her barabel companion. Good ol' Thrukk. He jumped at the chance when he'd heard about the heist. Edge of Sith Empire space. Hollinium factory. The sprawling...
  12. Domino

    Train Like You Mean it (open)

    Gardens Silver Rest Kashyyyk After spending most of the predawn hours working out in the gymnasium, Domino had adjourned to the gardens for a run just as the sun's rays began to color the tops of the mountains orange. The crisp air chilled her breath at the same time it nipped at her sweat...
  13. RC 212

    Guerillas of Teta

    Unidentified Camp Empress Teta [member="Darth Hashira"] [member="Lily Kuhn"] [member="Grond"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] OOC: If I get stuff wrong PM me. It had been several standard months since the last time she'd brought her fleet to tangle with the Sith. Factors beyond her control had led...
  14. Hunter Alden

    Dirty Deeds

    He was running. Faster than he had ever ran. He chanced a look over his shoulder and saw four armed mercenaries over his shoulder. Damn these people were hard to shake off. They were running through the city of Naboo and this was his first time visiting. He was on a smuggling job for Jezeekand...
  15. RC 212

    The Tesforam Takeover- [NR/Open]

    OOC Info: Campaign for Senator! Tesforam - Provisional Representative Sun Ten Central Square Capitol It had been growing for some time now. Discontent on Tesforam, fed by the rampant protests and fuel shortages she'd had deliberate hand in. That was all kept under hush hush though. A...
  16. Gilamar Skirata

    Gogi [Open to Mandos and Tourists] How long had it been since he'd been to the Oyu'baat for just a drink? For the last few years it had been a place to meet, usually in response to a threat. It had been battered during the cataclysm and stayed...
  17. Vora Kaar

    Making a Deal with a Gardener [The Family + Open]

    N A R S H A D D A A Lower City 65:59 Recruitment day. At the very least, that is what you would call it. A few rumors have been going around on Nar Shaddaa, likely planted by them, that there would be an opening for many members for their branch on the Hutt space planet. The planet was crime...
  18. Anton Nadramie

    An Invitation of Business

    To Whom it May Concern, Anton Nadramie has been under the weather, and as such has been unable to properly handle running a business as of late. However due to his miraculous recovery he has decided to branch out. Losing much of the customers and service he was receiving years ago has left him...
  19. RC 212

    Intelligence Wars #1- The Conspiracy

    Somewhere across the verse, near void station a small freighter made it's last stop. Aboard that freighter was a Rogue Courier carrying secret documents, related to the internal affairs of the Commonwealth Systems Government. Notably the recent alien Incursion, as well as force dispositions...
  20. RC 212

    Salvage: Skor

    [member="Ay Ge"] [member="Giddean Kuat"] [member="Bandit Six"] Skor II-Space S.S. Rozilyn- S.S. Walden and Stinger Flying Escort (In Bio) The Salvage business was a boomin'. Right after Skor II at the behest of his sister [member="Hala Jast"] Drake had received a little morsel and acted upon...
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