Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Huxy

    Approved Tech  "Omega Centauri" Processor

    Ceraxis "Omega Centauri" Processor OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an advanced, self-thinking processor for use by advanced droids created by the G.W.S. Image Source: [X] Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Heurisitc Processor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Omega...
  2. John Locke

    Approved Starship  Luna Troop Transport

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating a troop transport for production and sale by Locke and Key Mechanics Image Source: Artstation Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics Model: Luna Troop Transport...
  3. Mitth'rae'leios

    Approved NPC  Dusk Claw Mercenaries

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a military contingent within a collective of Trandoshans that have left Trandosha in search of opportunity after their home was incorporated into the Silver Jedi Order's territory. Image Credit: Resized from here. Role: Trandoshan Mercenaries Links...
  4. LT-137

    First Order Army - Tactical Organization / Order Battle

    =| First Order - Imperial Army |= (Included: Planetary Defense Force. Auxiliary may use this Command Structure, but are effectively subservient to IA Commissioned Officers. In addition, Auxilia Forces may operate under their own divergent Hierarchies.) Sector Army - Led by a High Marshal...
  5. R

    Serenno Scenery

    Serenno 14:42 Local time Rogal was not one for sitting in an office while others were doing the work, not since his brothers had failed on Mandalore he had not believed himself ready thus and did not jump at the opportunity to command. But they had disappeared, there had been no contact from...
  6. K

    Gather Your Wits

    Ilum While being on an icy planet wasn't as bad as most people made it out to be. Unless Kiran himself had just become immune to the cold, and while it was very cold. He had owed much to this place in just a very short amount of time. He was rescued, and had integrated himself into the Iron...
  7. Sko'saht

    Slayn & Korpil I-1SAT/M Wasp

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mass produced, reasonably cost, long lasting, interceptor that is highly modular. Slayn & Korpil is hoping this will gain them a lot of traction in the galaxy and expand their business. Image Source...
  8. John Ash

    Military Assets

    Units: - Vehicles: - Ships: - Droids: -Confederate Hunter Killer Droid x50 -Exemplar Battle Droid x50 -Hellfire Droid x50 -Super Clanker x50 -Baron Aerial Battle Droid x50 - Equipment: -
  9. N

    Gaian Ascendacy Journey Sar'nor BaseCore Warship

    The power and ability to move a seemingly limitless number of assets upon one SuperFortress, this was one of the linchpins of the Gaian Dimensional Guardianship Stratagem. Just one could liberate a whole galaxy in a few years time. Such would be a blink of the eye in the style of Gaian Strategy...
  10. Vrak Nashar


    The Resurgent Empire, like any other government maintains the use of a military. This military is mostly of the Massassi Caste, though several Zuguruk and Kissai are spotted throughout it's structure. The military itself takes on a very simplistic form, divided into two separate branches; Army...
  11. Kay-Larr

    Folor Base - Needs A Bit of Dusting

    Folor. One of the two moons orbiting Commenor. Hundreds of years ago it was home to one of the Republic's bases and starfighter training facilities. It was later destroyed by the Empire and the moon and since been abandoned. Until now. Since Kay's return and crowning as Queen, she had been...
  12. Garett Van

    Approved Location  Outpost Veers-Hoth

    Name: Outpost Veers Classification: Army Base Location: Hoth, at the old Rebellion Echo Base Affiliation: First Order Population: 800 Walker Pilots, and 200 Support staff Defenses: x1 V-150 Planet Defender Ion Cannon, x6 XX-10 Turbolaser Towers, x10 Bp.2 Anti-Infantry turrets, x36 AT-ATs...
  13. K

    Looking for a one man army

    Hello wonderful people of Chaos. Norin here is a second Generation Naval Officer. The problem is he spent so much time focusing on being the best pilot and Commander he good be he never got around to things like weapons training and hand to hand. So my thought is to have...
  14. Elsan Soban

    Seeking Commonwealth Combat Personnel to be a Test Subject

    Personal Log 2nd Lt. Elsan Soban "The Commonwealth is growing, but up against the galaxy its military is going to need a little more. I've been evaluating combat reports on the Commonwealth Army's military personnel; while overall mission objectives are generally achieved, individual personnel...
  15. Horus

    The Commonwealth [Faction Advertisement]

    STORYLINE & LORE On the edge of the Unknown Regions a secret military coup has been set in motion within the Cadi System. Overnight the Kingdom of Alexandria is felled by a single swift blow. Military chiefs from across the system gather to form The Commonwealth, a stratocracy in which the...
  16. Eugen Aker

    [Galactic Republic] Geofront

    After the fallout between Jedi at the recently held Conclave, Suravi decided that she couldn’t leave the Jedi alone to organize themselves. This time, she would engage the members of the Enclave directly as the Supreme Commander to remind them of their duty to the Republic and the galaxy at...
  17. Jack Sparrow

    Who wants to help save a planet?

    [member="Nick Sept"] has started a thread expressing to me his interest in saving the planet Cartao. I love this idea. I'd love even more if I could use my position as Chancellor to draw on some of our resources to help him. Army? Navy? Jedi? Unaffiliated people with access to large-scale...
  18. Marcus Solstice

    Marcus Solstice

    Marcus Solstice NAME: Marcus Solstice FACTION: Galactic Republic, GRIM RANK: Captain SPECIES: Human AGE: 38 Standard Years SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2.2 meters WEIGHT: 95 kg EYES: Brown HAIR: Black SKIN: Dark complexion, black FORCE SENSITIVE: Unknown...
  19. Tanith Alde

    The Times and Trials of Sean Ailin

    There are a few reasons why a noble family sent one of their number to join the Army. Most frequently it was so that they could come back a hero, raising the family's status. Sadly, in Sean'scase, it was the exact opposite. He'd never been good at the political game. He'd been captured by...
  20. Eugen Aker

    Kiribian Systems Armed Forces

    Name: Kiribian Systems Armed Forces Intent: To make a canon entry for the military of Kiribi ensure the legitimacy of use. Affiliation: Kiribian Systems Union Availability: Common Quality: C Type: Military Strength: Active Duty: ~1,500,000 Reserve: ~1,000,000 Description: Overview...
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