Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jayce Rotsu

    LFG  Master for a Padawan

    Looking for a dedicated Jedi RPer to take Jayce under their wing. I've always wanted to play out a Master-apprentice relationship from start to finish. But on other sites I've been to in the past, they've always fizzled out. I'd love for someone's Jedi character to change that!
  2. A

    Character  Asha Sar'andor, Master of the Je'daii Order

    SOCIETAL Name: Asha Hex Asha Vynea Asha Sar'andor Alias: Keoz Titles: Voidwalker The Eternal Wanderer Child of the Void The Dandelion Prophet Ranks: Master of the Order Je'daii Master Je'daii Steward Temple Master of Akar Kesh Homeworld: Space Current Home: Tribunal Station...
  3. Solan Halcyon

    Private  Musings of Master and Shadow

    Coruscant Temple Room of a Thousand Fountains Shani allowed her breaths to slow and her heart rate to steady as she began to say her prayers to Ashla. As she always did, she used this part of her meditation routine - thanking Ashla for the life and redemption she's been given and asking for...
  4. Thelma Goth

    Approved NPC  Maxim Koschei, Psy-Pire Jedi Master

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish a character for future RP. Image Credit: Yul Brynner | Drawing (edited by me) Role: Maxim Koschei is a Jedi Master and Psy-Pire, currently training Thelma Goth as his Padawan. Permissions: N/A Links: "A Good Man is Hard to Find" "Progenitor's...
  5. Danton

    Private  The Devil is a Jedi

    It was the fourth day after the Battle of Exegol, since the cleansing of his only home and the ruin of his warlord master, and Danton was waiting to die. He stood inside the barren cell, hands clasped at his back, purpled with bruises and stained in dried blood. His blood. How and why he was...
  6. Jessa Haran

    Character  Master Jessa Haran

    SOCIETAL Name: Jessa Haran Alias: N/A Titles: N/A Homeworld: Coruscant Current Home: Wanderer Faction: RTL Force Sensitivity: Yes Force Rank: Master Force Alignment: Light APPEARANCE Age: Mid-Thirties Gender: Female Height: 5'7" Build: Average Hair Colour: Blonde...
  7. Volya Sasiq

    LFG  Twi'lek force sensative looking for light side master

    Title honestly says it all. At first I was somewhat indecisive for what I wanted this character to be but now I made up my mind. I want her to be part of the Jedi Order and think it would be interesting to see how she would interact with other force users
  8. Koyi Mateil

    LFG  Looking for dark side master

    Title honestly says it all. Wanting a dark side master for this character, break this one into the server even though I made it forever ago.
  9. Nyaeli

    Private  The Master of Puppets

    Location: Border Planet Attani Implant: Link! Tag: Kahlil Noble Capris Halcyon Rhemti Totriddiam "I may not be able to control them, but I can control everybody else," Nyaeli told herself with a sinister grin, as she listened to the screams of agony slowly fading out of existence in the...
  10. Kitter Bitters

    LFG  Padawan needs master

    It looks like the master I had lined up for my char is not going to pan out so I am reaching out to see if anybody else is looking for a padawan? If someone is open please attend here first because this writer posted before me and also needs help...
  11. Amelia von Sorenn

    The Order of Master Shipwrights

    The Order of Master Shipwrights Out of Character Information Image Source: [HERE] Canon Link(s): Orbital Array Primary Source(s): Moon of Selun Moonstone Corporation Information Corporation Name: The Order of Master Shipwrights Headquarters: Moon of Selun Additional Locations: Not...
  12. Silas Westgard

    Private  Meet The Master

    Location: Coruscant Objective: Train with Thelma Tag: Thelma Goth / Valery Noble Within the training hall of the great Jedi temple, two padawans are deep into exercise training. In the morning Silas had dropped by Thelma's place to ask if she wanted to do some drills to try and build up...
  13. Kitter Bitters

    LFG  Jedi Padawan Looking for Master

    I am designing a new character and trying to decide if I should make them a padawan or a knight. I figured it would largely depend on if there were any available Jedi masters. I know sometimes it's hard to find one because they are swamped with so many padawans. The character will be joining...
  14. Elias Edo

    LFG  Jedi Master | Looking for a Padawan!

    Hello! Like it says on the tin, my Jedi Master Elias is in search of a new Padawan to bring under his wing. No preference on the NJO or SJC, so bring it on! Elias prizes patience, study, and meditation, while also valuing swordplay, physical training, and field missions to teach his Padawans...
  15. A

    Character  Amaris Lapaz

    Aramis Music MASTER JEDI Aliases Amis Class(es) Jedi Master Assignment Coruscant Temple Flagship N/A Birthplace Corelia Age Late 30s Personality Traits Friendly Perseverant Encouraging Assiduous Education Traits Poor Education Lifestyle Traits Motivated Wise...
  16. Old Man Eijin

    Approved Tech  Hoshishujin (Star Master)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A unique lightsaber for Eijin Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Eijin Affiliation: (Eijin Market Status: (Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity...
  17. Pradd Miolonn

    LFG  LFG - Seeking a master

    Hello there. So, There's my character (Pradd Miolonn). He's a Jedi that I made, and he needs a master! He's a 15 years old padawan who needs a master. Pradd is currently on Coruscant. If you're up to it, message me there or on Discord (SoenIsBack#5110). Also, if you're not a Jedi or don't...
  18. GreyJedi

    Jedi Master looking for Play

    Looking to get back into playing. All my previous SL's have dried up and nothing is really going on. Looking for new people to play with. I am in School so it takes a couple days to respond and also work 40 hours a week. I do respond but it just takes a couple days, depending on the homework...
  19. Darth Malum of House Marr

    LFG  Looking for a Master or for fellow Sith acolytes

    Malum, an acolyte of the Sith, looking for a master to train him. Otherwise, would be cool to run with some other Sith acolytes/apprentices.
  20. Koyi Mateil

    LFG  Looking for master (Sith Empire)

    Wanting a dark side master for this character to become an apprentice. Doesn't matter where exactly on the dark side they're on, could be "grey" or just straight up evil.
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