Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gilamar Skirata

    Headed West...

    Taking a half break from SWRP to play Red Dead 2. See you later space cowboys
  2. Faith Organa

    Short LOA Oct 29 - Nov 2.

    I received bad news yesterday my aunt passed away unexpectedly. I am making plans to go home. This will be a short loa. Monday thru Thursday. This affects Rekha Kaarde and Samantha Solo , Maeve Ar 'klim stories as well as Faith. I'll try to tag everyone later
  3. gdsryrox

    I'm going to Japan

    As some may know I currently study Civil Engineering at university and this year I have had the pleasure of being accepted on a trip to Japan as part of a scholar ship run by the Mitsubishi company. Such a trip will extend from the 28/10 to the 11/11 and though I will be taking my tablet and...
  4. Kuzo

    Upcoming NaNo LOA

    Going to participate in National Novel Writing Month this November. I will be on an IC/Posting LOA for the month. Over the next week I'm going to do my best to wrap up the RPs I am in that can be easily wrapped up, or touch base with writing partners where that will not be so easily accomplished...
  5. Hansen

    Goodbye, atleast for now.

    Well Chaos, it has been a lot of fun for the last two years or however bloody long I've been here now. While things more or less stay the same here with its' familiar faces, our individual lives change and we have obligations that must be fulfilled. I'll more than likely be gone with the coming...
  6. V

    Thursday 25th - Saturday 27th (Australian Time) Funeral LOA

    So this has kind of been a little while coming. I haven't been able to write for a few days now and that's probably going to continue for a little bit while I put my head back together. So the date has been set for the funeral. It's a 9 hour drive away so I'll be spending most of the days around...
  7. Varian Alaric

    Writers Block

    Recently I've come down with a bar case of Writers block and a severe lack of muse to write anything rp related. It's not so much that I don't want to write, but I don't have any motivation to write anything rp related. I just mostly need a break from the board for about a week, so I'll get to...
  8. Cartoonkarl

    Hopefully short LOA

    My computer just broke down mysteriously so my ability to to post is going to be a bit restricted. I apologize for those I started threads with just recently. [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="John Locke"] [member="Ackra Gaz"]
  9. Ellie Mors

    Re: Camping

    Camping cut short, hurricane sent me back.
  10. Kamon Vondiranach

    Indefinite LOA

    I'm tired. On top of that, my wife and I are dealing with some health issues that I'm not going to post here. Mostly I'm tired of people saying they'll do things but then never posting (not the people that tell me they'll be slow, the people that tell me they will post but don't). I don't have...
  11. Ellie Mors


    I'll be back thursday, going out into the wilderness with a bunch of friends until then. I'll probably have cell service, though, so I'll be somewhat available on discord if you shoot me a pm.
  12. Karacan Rigten

    Indefinite LOA

    So, here's me, leaving the site. I was pondering sticking around and asking if anyone wanted to provide Feedback on me or my characters... if anyone remembers ye ole Neldar Poska, that was me. I've got a bit of anxiety, which is why I never made any big greetings or anything. But, I've decided...
  13. Vargr

    Yeah, I'm going on an LOA

    So yeah, I'll be gone from October 7th to October 10th, maybe 11th. I probably won't miss any of y'all.
  14. Vora Kaar

    OCT 10-15 LOA

    Hey all. As the title states, I will be gone for about five days. Going to be out of town and visiting "someone special." I may or may not be on discord depending on if there is any extra time, but I will not be posting to the Chaos Forums at all during these five days. Sorry about the...
  15. Mythos

    Le mad! LOA!

    It's probably going to be a hot minute before i can post again. Not too long but def long enough that i needed to make an LOA post. My laptop legit died and i am moving around and before you ask i am not going to torture you with my craptastic mobile posts. (I mean just look at this lol, no...
  16. The Major

    Pre-perambulatory Banter

    Good day, Chaos. I will be going on what can be called a vacation to the grounds of Northern Europe for the month of October. I most likely will be unable to post between the dates of 10/8 to 10/17, and posting for me would be slower from 10/5 until 10/31. I'll probably still be floating...
  17. Zeradias Mant

    Sorry for your loss

    It's me. After just a little more than two and a half years on Chaos and nearly two years as an RPJ, it's time for me to call it quits. Some time ago I put writing on the backburner altogether so I could prioritize staff duties and working in the Codex, and now it's time for me to take another...
  18. Ronin Wendigo


    Am going on a trip in couple week round oct 15 to 22....and am not sure if I'll be able to be online much so am giving the head up for an LOA for anyone rping with my chars...
  19. Zef Halo


    Off to Sicily 1-7 Oct. Affects irrelevant writers who I do not reply to.
  20. Xi Rel

    LOA from 3rd to... hopefuly a week after

    Wil be leaving for event abroad, on Oktober 3rd. If all gos wel, i shuld be back in 5 days to a week. If i need patching-up after, it culd take longer. I wil post here agen, vhen I get back. Until Oktober 3rd, il still be here tho. Nat
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