Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Damien Dooku

    Private  Chapter I: The Korriban Gambit

    CHAPTER I: THE KORRIBAN GAMBIT A year before the events on Jedha. Several days within the settlement of Dreshdae had left Damien in a much more foul mood than usual. It was a dying settlement filled with the likes of individuals that were not that far off from his own diverse resume of...
  2. Marcus Dinn

    Private  The Cave-In

    It happened suddenly. One minute, Marcus was with a small group of acolytes following a Master into a recently unearthed tomb in the Valley of the Dark Lords. They were each equipped with flashlights. Marcus swept his flashlight's beam over strange statues, stone reliefs and painted frescoes...
  3. G

    Private  Korriban Safari

    Korriban Saahar Let it never be said that a Sith couldn't indulge in hobbies. When not scouring for ancient texts and arcane secrets, Gorgon sought to expand his personal menagerie. Unique, exotic creatures fascinated him for collection and for study. To the latter end, avocation and ambition...
  4. Darth Caedes

    Approved Location  Kor'ethyr Academy [Academy of Korriban] [AoK]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a clearly organized and well thought out Academy of Korriban that will encourage writers to explore interesting scenarios with student/ acolyte and teacher characters alike. The ultimate goal is to create a framework for more rich and diverse...
  5. Darth Caedes

    Kor'ethyr Academy [Academy of Korriban] [AoK] [WIP]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a clearly organized and well thought out Academy of Korriban that will encourage writers to explore interesting scenarios with student/ acolyte and teacher characters alike. The ultimate goal is to create a framework for more rich and diverse...
  6. Madrona A’Mia

    Faction  Common Room Philosophy (Sith Academy of Korriban)

    The Academy of Korriban, whose official name would be announced in a few short weeks at the Opening Ceremony, had gradually grown busier over the past few months. Industry across the world was booming and Korriban's cities teemed with new life the way pelko bugs swarmed to Force rich things...
  7. Lyssa Clauda

    Private  A meeting in the shadows of the ancients

    Korriban - 900 ABY Korriban, or Moraband, as some chose to call it, was a desolate place. For miles, all the eye could see was the crimson desert, scattered with towering cliff faces which cast eerie shadows in the light of the sunset. Ancient ruins were scattered among the landscape, broken...
  8. Darth Strosius

    Private  Vulptex on the Run

    Dreshdae, the newly restored and reoccupied capital city of the ancient world Korriban, was certainly a sight to behold. Even with it still under construction and in the process of being brought back to its former, or even greater, glory. Alisteri had gotten a fairly decent look around on the...
  9. Akhuul Sautra

    Private  Meeting of Machines

    Location: Upper Chambers of the Tomb of a Forgotten Sith Lord Tags: Lucia Naberrie Equipment: In Bio The tomb was dark and silent. The whirring of the wind from the sandstorm outside, and the clanking of my metal feet on the sandstone floor, made for the only sounds picked up by my auditory...
  10. Darth Carnifex

    Faction  Reclamation - The Scouring of Korriban (Sith Order)

    A shadow had begun to spread, the specter of the Sith haunting their former worlds. It began at Dromund Kaas, a great show of force that smashed the Ashlan Remnants still clinging to their precious light, scattering them to the stellar winds. New Kaas City was liberated both from without and...
  11. Lina Zambrano

    Public  To Be A Sith...

    To be a sith, is to be exactly what you want to be…. The slender hull of the LICV-1 Transport glinted in the distorted sunlight, where it rested. The gentle whisper of sand scattering across it echoed through its silent interior as Lina wrapped her head in a black scarf, eyes distant and...
  12. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Private  The Korriban Heist

    To think it was here. He had been here just days ago. He had been here just a year before that. Malum grasped the amulet around his neck with the severity of a desperate man and the faith of a pious man. Its warmth was his hope, its heat was his truth. Malum trudged along the sand of...
  13. Alina Tremiru

    Public  Sith Are Banned From Korriban, Right? (Korriban)

    Korriban. She'd been to the academy here, once. So long ago it felt. Not that she looked any different than she had at the time. The blessing and curse of the Sangnir left her unchanging, unaging. Maybe that'd be a blessing here, today, though. The subtle changes in her face she could do were...
  14. Ishani Dinn

    Private  And So These Tombs Fell

    Ruins of the Royal Academy, Korriban Ishani expected to wind up here eventually. The mysterious force which had propelled her around the galaxy, through time and space and even into alternate realities had followed a set pattern. Every place, person, or object she encountered was a part of...
  15. Tali Spedshot

    Public  Korriban: Spedshot from HELL

    During the Era of the Republic…and the infamous order 66 that turned the galaxy upside down, Tali was a general commanding officer in the 133rd faction of the republican army. During this time, serving under the Command of regimens within the sanctioned order of General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tali...
  16. Crix Maden

    The Last Generation {Origin Stories - Last Class on Korriban}

    Okay fellow writers, I am super happy but also wasn't entirely sure how this was going to catch on...I am super happy to see that people are wanting to take part in it! I think the best way to create an immersive story is to weave characters together, and memories that are more tangible than...
  17. Cedric Grayson

    Public  Absolute Power | Korriban, Open |

    Valley of the Dark Lords Excavation Site, Korriban, Ashlan Crusade Militarized-Zone The excavations had been carried out in secret for several months now, any purview into the valley prohibited by word of the Ashlan Kaiser. The official reasoning behind the dig was to search for any Sith...
  18. Tali Spedshot

    Private  Korriban : Cold - Sped - Ahead

    During the Era of the Republic…and the infamous order 66 that turned the galaxy upside down, Tali was a general commanding officer in the 133rd faction of the republican army. During this time, serving under the Command of regimens within the sanctioned order of General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tali...
  19. Ishani Dinn

    End of an Era (short story)

    During the attempted annihilation of Korriban… Ishani was leaving the library, her arms laden with books, when something made her halt. An eerie silence seemed to have descended upon the empty corridors of the Academy, like the calm before a storm. She hadn’t noticed it that morning, as she had...
  20. Ishani Dinn

    Private  The Wanting Comes In Waves

    Ishani stood in the oasis, but didn’t feel like she was truly, fully there. She’d left some part of herself on Folende, it seemed—left it there until she returned to claim the agriworld in full with Arcturus. In light of all that had happened there, it was strange to come back to the Academy...
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