Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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judah dashiell

  1. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Illuminating Thoughts

    ARKUHN FARM Myra Elspeth Arceneau Boxes upon boxes of lights lay all down the pea-gravel path leading down towards the solarium. Several ladders were set up in various points along the path, all the way down the solarium doors. Small generators and power extension cords lay about in...
  2. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Don't Change

    FONDOR It wasn't often he was called to seek out someone. Certainly not a teenage boy. Makai had given him the address. There was some written communication throughout the elapsed time since Danger,himself, and the kids had come up with an idea of what to do with Iko Vel .Merely being a...
  3. Judah Dashiell

    Approved Location  Salacia Consolidated Pacanth Reach Resource Mines

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand Salacia Consolidated’s resource mines Image Credit: Leon Tukker Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Salacia | Dev SETTING INFORMATION Mine Name: Salacia Consolidated Pacanth Reach Resource Mines Material: Silicax Ocalate, Rock Ivory, Zersium...
  4. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Ghosts

    SALEUCAMI Fire crackled as he sat outside. Stiff drink in one hand, Judah had just finished typing a message to Danger Arceneau regarding his return to the fold, so to speak. As far has he knew, everyone in the family was out in the Centrality Sector on a space station. He himself had drifted...
  5. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Message in a Bottle

    To : Myra Elspeth Arceneau < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo > From : Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo > Subject : Hello Myra, How have things been in the Centrality Region? From what messages I can filter through in the evenings, it appears work is already underway. Lots of...
  6. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Here I Go Again

    Nuns of G'aav'aar'oon | Location : G'aav'aar'oon Asteroid, former Jedi Fortress Returning to his spartan room on the asteroid fortress, eyes fell to the table, a neatly wrapped package on top. Eyebrow perked, moving over to look it over. Nothing much to tell from the outside and he made...
  7. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Throwing No Punches

    Salacia-ATC Orbital Station | Celanon | Valery Noble After the issue on Celanon with the zombies and orbital bombardments, Judah had stepped in for both Myra Elspeth Arceneau and Makai Dashiell in finishing the layout and final touches on the station. Already towed into place by Salacia, the...
  8. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Harsh Reality

    Celestia Station | Kahne Porte Mrs.Datos eyed the man curiously. For months now there had been curious goings on the the Salacia facility. Jedi seemed to be at the center of it, yet there was also murmurs surrounding the Arceneau-Kuhn family and the implications around the mans death. The...
  9. Danger Arceneau

    Private  Landslide

    Nathema Arceneau Trade - Persephone Base| Theme Several months ago Just because a woman is good at something doesn't necessarily mean it's what she should do in life. If that were the case, most women in the Arceneau family would be women of corporate means or Companions. For men, business is...
  10. Judah Dashiell

    Dev  Weapons of Mass Construction

    Location : Currently Unnamed Planet, Near Kaeshana, Tingel Arm | Noah Corek | A roar of construction equipment echoed through the mountains, breaking apart the overall quiet on the temperate planet. Buildings dotted the landscape, half finished as workers of varying species traversed over...
  11. Judah Dashiell

    Work In Progress  Sarrahban Oceanic Mine

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ] Image Credit: Illya Nazarov, Concept Artist for Starfield Canon: N/A Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as...
  12. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Cloak of Deception

    Grumani United Charity Gala | Jutrand, Jutrand System | Azula Tindara A string quartet was working tirelessly off to one side of the room as beings of all walks of life filtered through the cavernous space. Glasses clinked as those in attendance eagerly took advantage of the libations...
  13. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Objects Are Not What They Seem

    Location : Celestia Station | Salacia Consolidated HQ Celestia Station slowly orbited Tabaqui, the planet looking like a verdant gem below. The station was brought in to give Salacia Consolidated a bit of breathing room. When Judah picked the planet to set up shop on, he didn't want to bring...
  14. Judah Dashiell

    LFG  Back Into the Swing of Things

    My job has given me five weeks off and I've had a strong desire to write this guy once again. Ideally I'm looking for some 1-on-1 development that can(potentially) turn more into long term RP once I return back to work. Judah is a bit older now(middle aged), still running his own company, still...
  15. Judah Dashiell

    Safety And You! : Omega Pyre Edition

    Dorumaa Leave it to [member="Danger Arceneau"] to buy a large military-esq corporation and turn it into something to fit the grand scheme of her business model. Judah was curious to see how she was going to handle such a task - Danger never went in without some type of plan. Failure didn't...
  16. Natasi Fortan

    Squid Pro Roe | Judah Dashiel & Aderyn Carlisle

    Blue Riband Headquarters - Entralla Early Afternoon - Aderyn Carlisle's Office "I thought he was a bit -- I dunno. Titchy." The door had just closed on their previous meeting when Declan made his observation known. Aderyn didn't look up from the flimsiplast sheet she was examining...
  17. Judah Dashiell

    Beneath the Waves

    [member="Noelani Kai"] | Gala - Kai Family Home Judah hadn't been to Gala in years. Scratch that, before Makai had even been born. Perhaps before he had even married Thessa? Issues with the planet had often came into play with his not visiting. It was often Sith controlled. Battle torn...
  18. Judah Dashiell

    The ex-Farmboy vs. The City Girl

    He enjoyed business talk like any good owner. Yet at times it went too far. There were only so many minutes one could drone on about the economic impacts of the reentry of the Mandalorians back as a major player on the board. Only so many times one could hear about the effects of war and strife...
  19. Judah Dashiell

    Lost & Found

    Large, bulbous eyes of the Rodian widened in surprise, if that was even possible. Fingers came to rest on the keys of his datapad and he furiously zoomed in on the image. The private detective clicked a few times, moving the camera angle around. Associates from Ord Canfre has sent along the...
  20. Judah Dashiell


    [member="Chek Zun"] | Etti IV Another day, another meeting with another business sentient. Judah hadn't heard much about Mr.Zun, beyond the fact the man was working on droids for another incarnation of the Confederation of Independent Systems. Typically business leaning, droid loving and...
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