Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sinestra

    LFG  Heist Job - 10,000 UCs

    INCOMING TRANSMISSION Retrieve the Cube from Sakko the Hutt's fortress on Nar Shaddaa. Reward: 10,000 UCs Accept || Accept Sinestra wishes to gain the possession of an item that is currently in the wealthy vault of Sakko the Hutt. However, given the recent alignment between Sako the Hutt and...
  2. "Jackal"

    Bounty  Just another job.

    fa-play fa-pause Equipment | In Bio Location | Coruscant Tag | Cailen Corso Far be it from one such as herself to understand the complexities between the chipper space wizards and the brooding ones, though one could say that Jackal was at the very least loosely connected to the Sith Order...
  3. O

    Private  Sleeping on the Job

    Orson was finally making a journey down into the Library. He'd been intending to ever since he'd been given the tour, but had found that any kind of physical training, even if it was by himself, was infinitely more enjoyable than any reading would be. Unfortunately, not having visited the...
  4. Alina Tremiru

    Private  Job Well Done

    Alina let out a sigh, glancing through the courtyard of the building she'd.. Borrowed for the evening. It was comparable to her home back on Dromund Kaas. Large, expensive. Needless. Well, not as needless as she used to believe. Money, status, they were their own kinds of power, and for some...
  5. Thayne Tameron

    Private  The Mek-Sha Job

    Tags: Minerva Fhirdiad Location: Docking Bay, Mek-Sha Soundtrack: Deus Ex The door to the Port Authority office slid open with a whoosh as two armed guards - mercenaries, really - stormed out into the docks and bee-lined to a cargo ship three lots down from the 'Nomad'. Thayne watched from...
  6. Vang Azusa

    LFG  Anyone want a Mechanic on their team or for a job?

    Does anyone want to do a thread with Vang? She's a mechanic and adept close combat fighter with tricks literally under her sleeves. She's care free and itching for an adrenaline high!!!
  7. Lirka Ka

    Private  Just Another Job

    To think that at one point Lirka ruled entire sectors within her iron grasp was a laughable concept now. The former moff flew among common scum now, it was a demeaning life and one that she had spent decades breaking away from prior: but this is not to say it was without its excitement...
  8. Revy

    Private  The Job

    Seven hundred and fifty-two days, that was last time she had even heard a word from Shepard. It bothered her more days than some. When she took on jobs that seemed further and further than what he would have disagreed on, it made her contemplate her choices. Although that was part of her...
  9. Kahlil Noble

    Private  Job's A Job

    Lothal wasn't a planet he'd ever had a chance to get to before. Most of his time in the Outer Rim was quick jobs. Pick up a package, drop it off, go to the next job. Rarely he ever ended up leaving the space port of the various planets. There was never a reason. And yet here on this seemingly...
  10. BBRunner

    Jedi Master Seeking Job

    This is not for this profile (sorry for any confusion) but for a Jedi master character I'm intending to make. I'm planning to make then the sage, wise type who doesn't fight unless required to. More a gentle sort who prefers to teach in the ways of the Force. But I figure he might work better...
  11. R

    Wanted: Tikulini Hide

    Name of Bounty: Tikulini Hides Name of Contractor: Seren Outfitters Bounty Price: 10000 credits per worm Condition: Skinned. Need not be cured. Exclusivity: Any and all hunters. Additional Info: A successful supplier of quality hide may be granted repeat business and a discount on goods.
  12. Meraki Stomm II

    Negotiator Job

    I am available as a negotiator for faction communication and negotiation. Neutral Fluent in over 30 common languages (Galactic Basic, Binary, High Galactic, etc.) In-depth knowledge of political jargon Flexible with payment Usual rate is (maximum) 15,000 credits, rarely higher for more...
  13. Eliza Downheart

    The Duchess' Lair

    Planet: Nar Shadaa Time: Late night, around 9pm Eliza walked entered The Duchess’ Lair for her very first shift, she had never worked at a strip club before but she wanted to make a name for herself. It wasn’t a big club compared to the others on Nar Shaddaa but is was one of the most...
  14. Judas of Vahl

    Looking for work or...RP

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