Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jenn kryze

  1. Jenn Kryze

    Private  A pleasant melody from a brighter age

    LOCATION: Scarif Objective: Bask in the beauty of the world. Equipment: Beskar'gam I Blaster Pistol I Blaster Carbine I Deflector Shield Tags: [ Valery Noble ] Scarif... was beautiful. Jenn had never seen a world that called to her so - and she had made it her business to visit the known...
  2. Jenn Kryze

    Private  Out in the stars

    LOCATION: Drifting somewhere in Galactic Alliance space. Objective: Contact for rescue, hope for the best. Equipment: Beskar'gam I Blaster Pistol I Blaster Carbine I Deflector Shield Tags: [ Gatz Derrevar ] A lone ship, adrift in the stars. With the bridge's control panel spitting out sparks...
  3. Jenn Kryze

    Private  Old friends reunited

    LOCATION: Dromund Kaas Objective: Track down the blood-beast Equipment: Beskar'gam I Blaster Pistol I Blaster Carbine I Deflector Shield Tags: [ Alina Tremiru ] Blood for blood. Jenn had long abandoned bounty hunting, choosing the fire of the forge instead: and with the war against the...
  4. Jenn Kryze

    Private  Seafoam and Deeds

    LOCATION: Wielu Objective: Recover lost Beskar Tags: [ Valery Noble ] To venture so far beyond the Enclave's borders and into the Galactic Alliance's Inner Rim was certainly bold of Jenn Kryze. Bold, or downright suicidal, depending on one's point of view. Compared to the might of the...
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